- JCenter is one of the places from where we were getting libraries for the app, however JCenter is shutting down: https://jeroenmols.com/blog/2021/02/04/migratingjcenter/. We have to obtain our libraries from elsewhere, fortunatley all the libraries that we need are now available in MavenCentral.
- The version of the Shared Preferences bundled with the Android OS has been deprecated, similar to what has happened with other platform libraries. This is so that the libraries can be updated, regardless of the device's OS version.
- The com.jraska.livedata:testing-ktx dependency was introduced to be able to test LiveData, however that dependency has not been migrated away from JCenter (to mavenCentral). Also, we are able to provide a similar functionality with an extension function, and that is what I did.
- The colorOnPrimary color is used, as it name implies, to color the contents that appears over parts of the app that have the primary color. Such as the Date Range picker toolbar.
- The issue was that the MaterialDatePicker uses the UTC time zone internally. We had to account for that to avoid showing an off by one wrong selection on the Filter Options date range and the Date Range picker (MaterialDatePicker).
- Introduced the new material date range picker, to be used in the FilterOptionsDialog to select a date range. This was necessary because the old MaterialDatePicker that was used inside DatePickerFragment is no longer available in the latest version of the Material Components library.
- Added the new Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials), to easily manage Firebase libraries: https://firebase.google.com/docs/android/learn-more#bom.
- Updated the Gradle, Google Services and Crashlytics gradle plugins.
- Updated the Navigation architecture component library to the latest stable version, with no big changes required.
- Updated the Lifecycle architecture component library to the latest stable version, along with a bunch of changes related to the deprecation of some methods and the addition of others.
* Enable ViewBinding
- Migrate MainActivity to ViewBinding.
- Migrate HomeFragment to ViewBinding.
* Migrate a batch of Fragments to ViewBinding.
- Migrate BalancesFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate CreateAccountFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate EReceiptFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate FilterOptionsDialog to ViewBinding.
- Migrate HomeFragment to ViewBinding.
* Migrate another batch of Fragments to ViewBinding.
- Migrate ImportBrainkeyFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate LicenseFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate MerchantsFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate NetWorthFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate PatternSecurityLockDialog to ViewBinding.
* Migrate final batch of Fragments to ViewBinding.
- Migrate PINSecurityLockScreen to ViewBinding.
- Migrate ReceiveTransactionFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate SendTransactionFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate SettingsFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate TransactionsFragment to ViewBinding.
* Migrate to the kotlin-parcelize plugin.
- Get rid of the deprecated kotlin-android-extensions plugin.
- Avoided a crash in ConnectedActivity when trying to obtain the Locale's associated currency, when a Locale does not have a currency. This can happen when the locale is configured for a region like Latin America and not for a specific country.
- Standardized the process to obtain the coingecko supported currency, which will first try to use the current locale's currency and fallback to the default in case the first is not supported.
- Fixed a crash in NetworkServiceManager, which is listening to the activities' lifecycle of the whole app. The issue is that it was expecting a call to onActivityCreated where the Bundle was never null and that is a problem because the Bundle can most of the times be null during normal behavior. The Bundle isn't null only when the app is recovering from a forced process dead, which happens when there is another app open which requires resources and the systems kills apps that are not being used at that moment.
- Changed the color of the lightning bolt icon for LTM accounts, so that it is black in day mode and white in night mode.
- Increased the size of the lightning bolt icon to match the letters size and added a bit more separation between them.
- Added a section in the Settings, at the bottom of the Backups card that shows a warning when the account has not been backed up (by copying the brainkey) for at least two months.
- Translated the warning text to all supported languages.
- Created an error/warning icon.
- Changed the logic that populates the fields in SendTransactionFragment when a QR code is read, when the amount is zero then just leave the amount field empty so that the user does not have to erase the 0 before typing in the desired amount.
- Automatically show the keyboard and focus the AutoCompleteTextView when the user selects 'Other...' in the Asset spinner, in the Receive screen.
- Created an extension function for EditText, which requests focus and shows the keyboard at the same time, so that the user can immediately start typing the desired text.
- Avoided a crash in ConnectedActivity when trying to obtain the Locale's associated currency, when a Locale does not have a currency.
- Standardized the process to obtain the coingecko supported currency, which will first try to use the current locale's currency and fallback to USD in case the first is not supported.
- Migrated the whole app to the new graphenej version, which removes the usage of the Android Service, enabling to aim for a better and simpler architecture.
- Did a good number of modifications to keep the same or better functionality in all parts of the app that use the NetworkService.
- In case the device is without connectivity, we cannot check in real time what the list of supported currencies is from the coingecko API. For this special corner cases we store a cache of this currency list.
- Added a new Earn more BTS card section to the Settings screen, above the Bugs or Ideas? one.
- Translated the new section string resources to all supported languages.
- Purging invalid entries of the 'equivalent_values' table
- Displaying whathever currency the user happen to have selected *at the moment*. The previous implementation had a flaw that would have made the currency that was used to calculate the equivalent values in first stick, even if the user changed to another locale settings later.