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Some Background for getting started developing for Nano S

Relevent Repositories

The development SDK: contains header and library files for compiling Nano S applications. Located at: LedgerHQ/nanos-secure-sdk.

Python Tools for Ledger Blue and Nano S: These contain tools for loading apps onto the Nano S, and basic communication between Nano S and a python interface on the computer. Located at: LedgerHQ/blue-loader-python.

Sample Apps: These provide examples of basic operations on the Nano S device. Located at: LedgerHQ/blue-sample-apps.


Comprehensive developer documentation does not seem to be available yet (but is expected). Some very good general overview information for developers on the way the BOLOS operating system and apps work and interact is located here, however: Ledger Documentation Hub.

A tutorial for building, installing, and running the Hello World sample app is located here: (part of the docs mentioned above) Getting started. It may be slightly out of date.