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Notes on Hello Perso sample app.

Hello Perso is a sample app from the LedgerHQ repository blue-sample-apps. It's stated purpose is to be a "a simple application showing the UI and master seed derivation."


Compiles fine inside Docker image, as in the process described in the Getting Started tutorial (which takes you through the Hello World tutorial).

In extracting the hex-encoded compiled app from the docker container to my local machine, I changed the app name as follows:

sudo docker cp [container_id]:/home/blue-sample-apps/blue-app-helloperso/bin/app.hex perso-app.hex

I then loaded the app onto the Nano S using the following, and then discovered a problem:

python -m ledgerblue.loadApp --targetId 0x31100002 --apdu --fileName perso-app.hex --appName HelloPerso --appFlags 0x00 --icon ""

The problem: Hello Perso app requires the APPLICATION_FLAG_GLOBAL_PIN permission flag. I had just copied and pasted my loadApp command line for HelloWorld and changed the app name and image name. But the --appFlags argument needed to be changed to --appFlags 0x40.

Symptoms: With the wrong permissions set, even though the app was successfuly loaded onto the device, it would freeze the Nano every time I started the app, requiring a power-cycle to get back to the dashboard.

The correct load command was:

python -m ledgerblue.loadApp --targetId 0x31100002 --apdu --fileName perso-app.hex --appName HelloPerso --appFlags 0x40 --icon ""

How to remove apps:

Problem Two: Repeating the loadApp() command with the correct flags failed because the app already existed on the device. It apparently won't overwrite. Thus I had to find a delete command, which fortunately is referenced in the Makefile. To manually delete the app, this is the command:

python -m ledgerblue.deleteApp --targetId 0x31100002 --appName HelloPerso

Permission flags defined:

The 0x40 permission flag that was needed is defined by macro constant APPLICATION_FLAG_GLOBAL_PIN in nanos-secure-sdk/include/os.h, along with many other application flags.