
200 lines
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package de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej;
import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.errors.MalformedAddressException;
import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.interfaces.GrapheneSerializable;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.*;
* Created by nelson on 11/30/16.
public class Authority implements GrapheneSerializable {
public static final String KEY_ACCOUNT_AUTHS = "account_auths";
public static final String KEY_KEY_AUTHS = "key_auths";
public static final String KEY_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD = "weight_threshold";
public static final String KEY_EXTENSIONS = "extensions";
private long weight_threshold;
private HashMap<UserAccount, Integer> account_auths;
private HashMap<PublicKey, Integer> key_auths;
private Extensions extensions;
public Authority(){
this.weight_threshold = 1;
this.account_auths = new HashMap<UserAccount, Integer>();
this.key_auths = new HashMap<PublicKey, Integer>();
extensions = new Extensions();
* Constructor for the authority class that takes every possible detail.
* @param weight_threshold: The total weight threshold
* @param keyAuths: Map of key to weights relationships. Can be null.
* @param accountAuths: Map of account to weights relationships. Can be null.
* @throws MalformedAddressException
public Authority(long weight_threshold, HashMap<PublicKey, Integer> keyAuths, HashMap<UserAccount, Integer> accountAuths) {
this.weight_threshold = weight_threshold;
if(keyAuths != null)
this.key_auths = keyAuths;
this.key_auths = new HashMap<>();
if(accountAuths != null)
this.account_auths = accountAuths;
this.account_auths = new HashMap<>();
public void setKeyAuthorities(HashMap<Address, Integer> keyAuths){
if(keyAuths != null){
for(Address address : keyAuths.keySet()){
key_auths.put(address.getPublicKey(), keyAuths.get(address));
public void setAccountAuthorities(HashMap<UserAccount, Integer> accountAuthorities){
this.account_auths = accountAuthorities;
public List<PublicKey> getKeyAuthList(){
ArrayList<PublicKey> keys = new ArrayList<>();
for(PublicKey pk : key_auths.keySet()){
return keys;
public HashMap<PublicKey, Integer> getKeyAuths(){
return this.key_auths;
public HashMap<UserAccount, Integer> getAccountAuths(){
return this.account_auths;
public String toJsonString() {
return null;
public JsonElement toJsonObject() {
JsonObject authority = new JsonObject();
authority.addProperty(KEY_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD, weight_threshold);
JsonArray keyAuthArray = new JsonArray();
JsonArray accountAuthArray = new JsonArray();
for(PublicKey publicKey : key_auths.keySet()){
JsonArray subArray = new JsonArray();
Address address = new Address(publicKey.getKey());
for(UserAccount key : account_auths.keySet()){
JsonArray subArray = new JsonArray();
authority.add(KEY_KEY_AUTHS, keyAuthArray);
authority.add(KEY_ACCOUNT_AUTHS, accountAuthArray);
authority.add(KEY_EXTENSIONS, extensions.toJsonObject());
return authority;
public byte[] toBytes() {
List<Byte> byteArray = new ArrayList<Byte>();
// Adding number of authorities
byteArray.add(Byte.valueOf((byte) (account_auths.size() + key_auths.size())));
// If the authority is not empty of references, we serialize its contents
// otherwise its only contribution will be a zero byte
if(account_auths.size() + key_auths.size() > 0){
// Weight threshold
byteArray.addAll(Bytes.asList(Util.revertInteger(new Integer((int) weight_threshold))));
// Number of account authorities
byteArray.add((byte) account_auths.size());
//TODO: Check the account authorities serialization
// Serializing individual accounts and their corresponding weights
for(UserAccount account : account_auths.keySet()){
// Number of key authorities
byteArray.add((byte) key_auths.size());
// Serializing individual keys and their corresponding weights
for(PublicKey publicKey : key_auths.keySet()){
// Adding number of extensions
byteArray.add((byte) extensions.size());
return Bytes.toArray(byteArray);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
Authority authority = (Authority) obj;
HashMap<PublicKey, Integer> keyAuths = authority.getKeyAuths();
HashMap<UserAccount, Integer> accountAuths = authority.getAccountAuths();
System.out.println("key auths match: "+this.key_auths.equals(keyAuths));
System.out.println("account auths match: "+this.account_auths.equals(accountAuths));
System.out.println("weight threshold matches: "+(this.weight_threshold == authority.weight_threshold));
return this.key_auths.equals(keyAuths) &&
this.account_auths.equals(accountAuths) &&
this.weight_threshold == authority.weight_threshold;
* Custom deserializer used while parsing the 'get_account_by_name' API call response.
* This will deserialize an account authority in the form:
* {
* "weight_threshold": 1,
* "account_auths": [],
* "key_auths": [["BTS6yoiaoC4p23n31AV4GnMy5QDh5yUQEUmU4PmNxRQPGg7jjPkBq",1]],
* "address_auths": []
* }
public static class AuthorityDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Authority> {
public Authority deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject baseObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
long weightThreshold = baseObject.get(KEY_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD).getAsLong();
JsonArray keyAuthArray = baseObject.getAsJsonArray(KEY_KEY_AUTHS);
JsonArray accountAuthArray = baseObject.getAsJsonArray(KEY_ACCOUNT_AUTHS);
HashMap<PublicKey, Integer> keyAuthMap = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<UserAccount, Integer> accountAuthMap = new HashMap<>();
for(int i = 0; i < keyAuthArray.size(); i++){
JsonArray subArray = keyAuthArray.get(i).getAsJsonArray();
String addr = subArray.get(0).getAsString();
int weight = subArray.get(1).getAsInt();
try {
keyAuthMap.put(new Address(addr).getPublicKey(), weight);
} catch (MalformedAddressException e) {
System.out.println("MalformedAddressException. Msg: "+e.getMessage());
for(int i = 0; i < accountAuthArray.size(); i++){
//TODO: Implement this
return new Authority(weightThreshold, keyAuthMap, accountAuthMap);