A Java library for graphene blockchains such as Hive and Bitshares. This is the core of the PalmPay Point of Sale systems. GrapheneJ can also be used for your mobile apps, embedded systems, etc.
- The NetworkService no longer extends the Service class - The NetworkService is now a singleton class, which is instantiated by a static method in a thread-safe manner - Replaced Android Log.d() functions by System.out.println() - Renamed the 'onStop' method to simply 'stop' since it will no longer work as a callback - Renamed the 'bootstrapService' to start, since this is how this class inner workings are started - Lots of configurable parameters were removed, we now focus on the default values, like empty strings for usernames and passwords - Node latency verification is done by default, instead of being an optional feature enabled by parameters - Removed the 'LocalBinder' inner class - The sample app was modified accordingly |
graphenej | ||
sample | ||
.gitattributes | ||
.gitignore | ||
build.gradle | ||
gradle.properties | ||
gradlew | ||
README.md | ||
settings.gradle |
A Java library for mobile app Developers; Graphene/Bitshares blockchain.
In your root build.gradle, add this if you don't already have it.
allprojects {
repositories {
In yout app module, add the following dependency:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.bilthon:graphenej:0.4.2'
Very simple funds transfer
This is a simple transfer operation of 1 BTS from account bilthon-15 to bilthon-5
// Creating a transfer operation
TransferOperation transferOperation = new TransferOperationBuilder()
.setTransferAmount(new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(100000), new Asset("1.3.0")))
.setSource(new UserAccount("1.2.143563")) // bilthon-15
.setDestination(new UserAccount("1.2.139313")) // bilthon-5
.setFee(new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(264174), new Asset("1.3.0")))
// Adding operations to the operation list
ArrayList<BaseOperation> operationList = new ArrayList<>();
// Creating a transaction instance
Transaction transaction = new Transaction(sourcePrivateKey, null, operationList);
From here on, it is just a matter of creating a websocket connection and using a custom handler called
in order to broadcast it to the witness node.
// Setting up a secure websocket connection.
SSLContext context = null;
context = NaiveSSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
WebSocketFactory factory = new WebSocketFactory();
WebSocket mWebSocket = factory.createSocket(FULL_NODE_URL);
mWebSocket.addListener(new TransactionBroadcastSequence(transaction, new Asset("1.3.0"), listener));
The provided listener
is an instance of the class WitnessResponseListener