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package de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.objects;
import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.PublicKey;
import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.Util;
import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.crypto.SecureRandomStrengthener;
import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.interfaces.ByteSerializable;
import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.interfaces.JsonSerializable;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* Created by nelson on 11/9/16.
public class Memo implements ByteSerializable, JsonSerializable {
public static final String KEY_FROM = "from";
public static final String KEY_TO = "to";
public static final String KEY_NONCE = "nonce";
public static final String KEY_MESSAGE = "message";
private PublicKey from;
private PublicKey to;
private final byte[] nonce = new byte[8];
private byte[] message;
* Empty Constructor
public Memo() {
this.from = null; = null;
this.message = null;
* Implement metod, serialized this Object
* @return the byte array of this object serialized
public byte[] toBytes() {
if ((this.from == null) || ( == null) || (this.message == null)) {
return new byte[]{(byte) 0};
} else {
byte[] nonceformat = new byte[nonce.length];
for (int i = 0; i < nonceformat.length; i++) {
nonceformat[i] = nonce[nonce.length - i - 1];
return Bytes.concat(new byte[]{1}, this.from.toBytes(),, nonceformat, new byte[]{(byte) this.message.length}, this.message);
* Encode a memo message using the input source key and destination key
* @param fromKey The source destination, need to have a private key accesss
* @param toKey The destination, needs only the public key access
* @param msg The message in bytes
* @return a Memo corresponding with the message encoding
public static Memo encodeMessage(PublicKey fromKey, PublicKey toKey, byte[] msg) {
return encodeMessage(fromKey, toKey, msg, 0);
* Encode a message a return a memo with that message encoded
* @param fromKey The source destination, need to have a private key accesss
* @param toKey The destination, needs only the public key access
* @param msg The message in bytes
* @param custom_nonce the custom nonce to be use or 0 to create a new one
* @return a Memo corresponding with the message encoding
public static Memo encodeMessage(PublicKey fromKey, PublicKey toKey, byte[] msg, long custom_nonce) {
Memo memo = new Memo();
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
memo.from = fromKey; = toKey;
if (custom_nonce == 0) {
SecureRandomStrengthener randomStrengthener = SecureRandomStrengthener.getInstance();
//randomStrengthener.addEntropySource(new AndroidRandomSource());
SecureRandom secureRandom = randomStrengthener.generateAndSeedRandomNumberGenerator();
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 7; i >= 1; i--) {
memo.nonce[i] = (byte) (time & 0xff);
time = time / 0x100;
} else {
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
memo.nonce[i] = (byte) (custom_nonce & 0xff);
custom_nonce = custom_nonce / 0x100;
byte[] secret = toKey.getKey().getPubKeyPoint().multiply(fromKey.getKey().getPrivKey()).normalize().getXCoord().getEncoded();
byte[] finalKey = new byte[secret.length + memo.nonce.length];
System.arraycopy(secret, 0, finalKey, 0, secret.length);
System.arraycopy(memo.nonce, 0, finalKey, secret.length, memo.nonce.length);
byte[] sha256Msg = md.digest(msg);
byte[] serialChecksum = new byte[4];
System.arraycopy(sha256Msg, 0, serialChecksum, 0, 4);
byte[] msgFinal = new byte[serialChecksum.length + msg.length];
System.arraycopy(serialChecksum, 0, msgFinal, 0, serialChecksum.length);
System.arraycopy(msg, 0, msgFinal, serialChecksum.length, msg.length);
memo.message = Util.encryptAES(msgFinal, finalKey);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
return memo;
* returns the string coreesponding a encode memo
* @param fromKey The soruce key, need to have public key only
* @param toKey The destination key, need to have private key access
* @param msg The message to be decoded
* @param nonce The nonce used in the decoded message
* @return The message
public static String decodeMessage(PublicKey fromKey, PublicKey toKey, byte[] msg, byte[] nonce) {
byte[] secret = fromKey.getKey().getPubKeyPoint().multiply(toKey.getKey().getPrivKey()).normalize().getXCoord().getEncoded();
byte[] finalKey = new byte[secret.length + nonce.length];
System.arraycopy(secret, 0, finalKey, 0, secret.length);
System.arraycopy(nonce, 0, finalKey, secret.length, nonce.length);
byte[] msgFinal = Util.decryptAES(msg, finalKey);
byte[] decodedMsg = new byte[msgFinal.length - 4];
//TODO verify checksum for integrity
System.arraycopy(msgFinal, 4, decodedMsg, 0, decodedMsg.length);
return new String(decodedMsg);
* returns the string coreesponding a encode memo
* @param fromKey The soruce key, need to have public key only
* @param toKey The destination key, need to have private key access
* @param message The message to be decoded
* @param nonce The nonce used in the decoded message
* @return The message
public static String decodeMessage(PublicKey fromKey, PublicKey toKey, String message, String nonce) {
byte[] msg = new BigInteger(message, 16).toByteArray();
if (msg[0] == 0) {
byte[] temp = new byte[msg.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(msg, 1, temp, 0, temp.length);
msg = temp;
byte[] firstNonce = new BigInteger(nonce, 10).toByteArray();
byte[] nonceByte = new byte[8];
System.arraycopy(firstNonce, firstNonce.length - 8, nonceByte, 0, nonceByte.length);
return decodeMessage(fromKey, toKey, msg, nonceByte);
public String toJsonString() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
public JsonElement toJsonObject() {
if ((this.from == null) || ( == null) || (this.nonce == null) || (this.message == null)) {
return null;
JsonObject memoObject = new JsonObject();
memoObject.addProperty(KEY_FROM, this.from.getAddress());
memoObject.addProperty(KEY_NONCE, new BigInteger(1, this.nonce).toString(10));
memoObject.addProperty(KEY_MESSAGE, new BigInteger(1, this.message).toString(16));
return memoObject;