
762 lines
35 KiB

import android.util.SparseArray;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.Asset;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.AssetAmount;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.BaseOperation;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.LimitOrder;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.Memo;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.RPC;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.Transaction;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.UserAccount;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.ApiAccess;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.ApiCallback;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.ConnectionStatusUpdate;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.ApiCallable;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetAccountBalances;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetAccounts;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetAssets;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetFullAccounts;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetKeyReferences;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetLimitOrders;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetMarketHistory;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetObjects;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetRelativeAccountHistory;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetRequiredFees;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.ListAssets;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.AccountProperties;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.ApiCall;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.BitAssetData;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.Block;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.BlockHeader;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.BucketObject;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.DynamicGlobalProperties;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.FullAccountDetails;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.HistoryOperationDetail;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.JsonRpcNotification;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.JsonRpcResponse;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.OperationHistory;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.CustomOperation;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.LimitOrderCreateOperation;
import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.TransferOperation;
import io.reactivex.Observable;
import io.reactivex.Observer;
import io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable;
import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable;
import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer;
import io.reactivex.subjects.PublishSubject;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.Response;
import okhttp3.WebSocket;
import okhttp3.WebSocketListener;
* Class in charge of maintaining a connection to the full node.
public class NetworkService {
public static final int NORMAL_CLOSURE_STATUS = 1000;
private static final int GOING_AWAY_STATUS = 1001;
// Time to wait before retrying a connection attempt
private static final int DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY = 500;
// Default connection delay when using the node latency verification strategy. This initial
// delay is required in order ot make sure we have a fair selection of node latencies from
// which we can choose from.
private final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY = 500;
private WebSocket mWebSocket;
// Username and password used to connect to a specific node
private String mUsername;
private String mPassword;
private boolean isLoggedIn = false;
private String mLastCall;
private long mCurrentId = 0;
// Requested APIs passed to this service
private int mRequestedApis = ApiAccess.API_DATABASE | ApiAccess.API_HISTORY | ApiAccess.API_NETWORK_BROADCAST;
// Variable used to keep track of the currently obtained API accesses
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> mApiIds = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
// Variable used as a source of node information
private NodeProvider nodeProvider = new LatencyNodeProvider();
// Class used to obtain frequent node latency updates
private NodeLatencyVerifier nodeLatencyVerifier;
// PublishSubject used to announce full node latencies updates
private PublishSubject<FullNode> fullNodePublishSubject;
// Counter used to trigger the connection only after we've received enough node latency updates
private long latencyUpdateCounter;
// Property used to keep track of the currently active node
private FullNode mSelectedNode;
private CompositeDisposable mCompositeDisposable;
private HashMap<Long, ApiCallback> mCallbackMap = new HashMap<Long, ApiCallback>();
private Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(Transaction.class, new Transaction.TransactionDeserializer())
.registerTypeAdapter(TransferOperation.class, new TransferOperation.TransferDeserializer())
.registerTypeAdapter(LimitOrderCreateOperation.class, new LimitOrderCreateOperation.LimitOrderCreateDeserializer())
.registerTypeAdapter(CustomOperation.class, new CustomOperation.CustomOperationDeserializer())
.registerTypeAdapter(AssetAmount.class, new AssetAmount.AssetAmountDeserializer())
.registerTypeAdapter(UserAccount.class, new UserAccount.UserAccountSimpleDeserializer())
.registerTypeAdapter(DynamicGlobalProperties.class, new DynamicGlobalProperties.DynamicGlobalPropertiesDeserializer())
.registerTypeAdapter(Memo.class, new Memo.MemoDeserializer())
.registerTypeAdapter(BaseOperation.class, new BaseOperation.OperationDeserializer())
.registerTypeAdapter(OperationHistory.class, new OperationHistory.OperationHistoryDeserializer())
.registerTypeAdapter(JsonRpcNotification.class, new JsonRpcNotification.JsonRpcNotificationDeserializer())
// Map used to keep track of outgoing request ids and its request types. This is just
// one of two required mappings. The second one is implemented by the DeserializationMap
// class.
private HashMap<Long, Class> mRequestClassMap = new HashMap<>();
// This class is used to keep track of the mapping between request classes and response
// payload classes. It also provides a handy method that returns a Gson deserializer instance
// suited for every response type.
private DeserializationMap mDeserializationMap = new DeserializationMap();
* Singleton reference
private static NetworkService instance;
* Private constructor
private NetworkService(){}
* Thread-safe singleton getter.
* @return A NetworkService instance.
public static NetworkService getInstance(){
if(instance == null) {
synchronized (NetworkService.class) {
if(instance == null) {
instance = new NetworkService();
return instance;
* Actually establishes a connection from this Service to one of the full nodes.
public void connect(){
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient
.connectTimeout(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
synchronized (mWebSocketListener){
mSelectedNode = nodeProvider.getBestNode();
if(mSelectedNode != null){
System.out.println("Trying to connect to: "+ mSelectedNode.getUrl());
Request request = new Request.Builder().url(mSelectedNode.getUrl()).build();
mWebSocket = client.newWebSocket(request, mWebSocketListener);
System.out.println("Could not find best node, reescheduling");
// If no node could be found yet, schedule a new attempt in DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY ms
Disposable d = Observable.timer(DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).subscribe(mConnectAttempt);
public long sendMessage(String message){
if(mWebSocket != null){
System.out.println("-> " + message);
return mCurrentId;
throw new RuntimeException("Websocket connection has not yet been established");
return -1;
* Method that will send a message to the full node, and takes as an argument one of the
* API call wrapper classes. This is the preferred method of sending blockchain API calls.
* @param apiCallable The object that will get serialized into a request
* @param requiredApi The required APIs for this specific request. Should be one of the
* constants specified in the ApiAccess class.
* @return The id of the message that was just sent, or -1 if no message was sent.
public synchronized long sendMessage(ApiCallable apiCallable, int requiredApi){
if(requiredApi != -1 && mApiIds.containsKey(requiredApi) || requiredApi == ApiAccess.API_NONE){
int apiId = 0;
if(requiredApi != ApiAccess.API_NONE)
apiId = mApiIds.get(requiredApi);
ApiCall call = apiCallable.toApiCall(apiId, ++mCurrentId);
mRequestClassMap.put(mCurrentId, apiCallable.getClass());
if(mWebSocket != null && mWebSocket.send(call.toJsonString())){
System.out.println("-> "+call.toJsonString());
return mCurrentId;
return -1;
public synchronized long sendMessage(ApiCallable apiCallable, int requiredApi, ApiCallback callback){
long id = this.sendMessage(apiCallable, requiredApi);
if(callback != null){
if(id != -1){
mCallbackMap.put(id, callback);
callback.onFailure(new Exception("Message could not be sent"), null);
return id;
* Method used to inform any external party a clue about the current connectivity status
* @return True if the service is currently connected and logged in, false otherwise.
public boolean isConnected(){
return mWebSocket != null && isLoggedIn;
* Stops the service by closing the connection and stopping the latency verifier.
public void stop() {
if(mWebSocket != null)
mWebSocket.close(NORMAL_CLOSURE_STATUS, null);
if(nodeLatencyVerifier != null)
* Starts the connection
public void start(String[] urls, double alpha) {
mCompositeDisposable = new CompositeDisposable();
// Retrieving credentials and requested API data from the shared preferences
mUsername = "";
mPassword = "";
if(urls == null || urls.length == 0){
throw new MissingResourceException("Expecting at least a node URL to be provided", String.class.getName(), "urls");
// Feeding all node information to the NodeProvider instance
for(String nodeUrl : urls){
nodeProvider.addNode(new FullNode(nodeUrl));
ArrayList<FullNode> fullNodes = new ArrayList<>();
for(String url : urls){
fullNodes.add(new FullNode(url, alpha));
nodeLatencyVerifier = new NodeLatencyVerifier(fullNodes);
fullNodePublishSubject = nodeLatencyVerifier.start();
Disposable d = Observable.timer(DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).subscribe(mConnectAttempt);
* Used to close the current connection and cause the service to attempt a reconnection.
public void reconnectNode() {
mWebSocket.close(GOING_AWAY_STATUS, null);
* Consumer that will perform a connection attempt with the best node after DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY
* milliseconds. This is used only if the node latency verification is activated.
* The reason to delay the initial connection is that we want to ideally connect to the best node,
* meaning the one that offers the lowest latency value. But we have to give some time for the
* first node latency measurement round to finish in order to have at least a partial result set
* that could be used.
private Consumer mConnectAttempt = new Consumer() {
public void accept(Object o) throws Exception {
FullNode fullNode = nodeProvider.getBestNode();
if(fullNode != null){
System.out.println(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Connected with %d latency results", latencyUpdateCounter));
Disposable d = Observable.timer(DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).subscribe(this);
* Observer used to be notified about node latency measurement updates.
private Observer<FullNode> nodeLatencyObserver = new Observer<FullNode>() {
public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) { }
public void onNext(FullNode fullNode) {
// Updating the node with the new latency measurement
public void onError(Throwable e) {
System.out.println("nodeLatencyObserver.onError.Msg: "+e.getMessage());
public void onComplete() { }
* Method used to execute every callback failure method and remove them from the SparseArray.
* @param throwable
* @param response
private void resetCallbacks(Throwable throwable, Response response){
for(ApiCallback callback : mCallbackMap.values()) {
if(callback != null) {
callback.onFailure(throwable, response);
private WebSocketListener mWebSocketListener = new WebSocketListener() {
public synchronized void onOpen(WebSocket webSocket, Response response) {
super.onOpen(webSocket, response);
// Marking the selected node as connected
// Updating the selected node's 'connected' status on the NodeLatencyVerifier instance
if(nodeLatencyVerifier != null)
// Notifying all listeners about the new connection status
RxBus.getBusInstance().send(new ConnectionStatusUpdate(ConnectionStatusUpdate.CONNECTED, ApiAccess.API_NONE));
// If we're not yet logged in, we should do it now
ArrayList<Serializable> loginParams = new ArrayList<>();
ApiCall loginCall = new ApiCall(1, RPC.CALL_LOGIN, loginParams, RPC.VERSION, ++mCurrentId);
public synchronized void onMessage(WebSocket webSocket, String text) {
super.onMessage(webSocket, text);
System.out.println("<- "+text);
JsonRpcNotification notification = gson.fromJson(text, JsonRpcNotification.class);
if(notification.method != null){
// If we are dealing with a notification
// If we are dealing with a response
JsonRpcResponse<?> response = gson.fromJson(text, JsonRpcResponse.class);
if(response.result != null){
// Handling initial handshake with the full node (authentication and API access checks)
if(response.result instanceof Double || response.result instanceof Boolean){
switch (mLastCall) {
isLoggedIn = true;
// Broadcasting result
RxBus.getBusInstance().send(new ConnectionStatusUpdate(ConnectionStatusUpdate.AUTHENTICATED, ApiAccess.API_NONE));
// Deserializing integer response
Type IntegerJsonResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<Integer>>() {}.getType();
JsonRpcResponse<Integer> apiIdResponse = gson.fromJson(text, IntegerJsonResponse);
// Storing the "database" api id
mApiIds.put(ApiAccess.API_DATABASE, apiIdResponse.result);
// Broadcasting result
RxBus.getBusInstance().send(new ConnectionStatusUpdate(ConnectionStatusUpdate.API_UPDATE, ApiAccess.API_DATABASE));
// Deserializing integer response
Type IntegerJsonResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<Integer>>() {}.getType();
JsonRpcResponse<Integer> apiIdResponse = gson.fromJson(text, IntegerJsonResponse);
// Broadcasting result
RxBus.getBusInstance().send(new ConnectionStatusUpdate(ConnectionStatusUpdate.API_UPDATE, ApiAccess.API_HISTORY));
// Storing the "history" api id
mApiIds.put(ApiAccess.API_HISTORY, apiIdResponse.result);
// Deserializing integer response
Type IntegerJsonResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<Integer>>() {}.getType();
JsonRpcResponse<Integer> apiIdResponse = gson.fromJson(text, IntegerJsonResponse);
// Broadcasting result
RxBus.getBusInstance().send(new ConnectionStatusUpdate(ConnectionStatusUpdate.API_UPDATE, ApiAccess.API_NETWORK_BROADCAST));
// Storing the "network_broadcast" api access
mApiIds.put(ApiAccess.API_NETWORK_BROADCAST, apiIdResponse.result);
// All calls have been handled at this point
mLastCall = "";
if(response.error != null && response.error.message != null){
// We could not make sense of this incoming message, just log a warning
System.out.println("Error.Msg: "+response.error.message);
// Properly de-serialize all other fields and broadcasts to the event bus
handleJsonRpcResponse(response, text);
* Private method that will de-serialize all fields of every kind of JSON-RPC response
* and broadcast it to the event bus.
* @param response De-serialized response
* @param text Raw text, as received
private void handleJsonRpcResponse(JsonRpcResponse response, String text){
JsonRpcResponse parsedResponse = null;
Class requestClass = mRequestClassMap.get(;
if(requestClass != null){
// Removing the class entry in the map
// Obtaining the response payload class
Class responsePayloadClass = mDeserializationMap.getReceivedClass(requestClass);
Gson gson = mDeserializationMap.getGson(requestClass);
if(responsePayloadClass == Block.class){
// If the response payload is a Block instance, we proceed to de-serialize it
Type GetBlockResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<Block>>() {}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetBlockResponse);
}else if(responsePayloadClass == BlockHeader.class){
// If the response payload is a BlockHeader instance, we proceed to de-serialize it
Type GetBlockHeaderResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<BlockHeader>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetBlockHeaderResponse);
} else if(responsePayloadClass == AccountProperties.class){
Type GetAccountByNameResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<AccountProperties>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetAccountByNameResponse);
} else if(responsePayloadClass == HistoryOperationDetail.class){
Type GetAccountHistoryByOperationsResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<HistoryOperationDetail>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetAccountHistoryByOperationsResponse);
}else if(responsePayloadClass == DynamicGlobalProperties.class){
Type GetDynamicGlobalPropertiesResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<DynamicGlobalProperties>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetDynamicGlobalPropertiesResponse);
}else if(responsePayloadClass == Transaction.class){
Type GetTransactionClass = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<Transaction>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetTransactionClass);
}else if(responsePayloadClass == List.class){
// If the response payload is a List, further inquiry is required in order to
// determine a list of what is expected here
if(requestClass == GetAccounts.class){
// If the request call was the wrapper to the get_accounts API call, we know
// the response should be in the form of a JsonRpcResponse<List<AccountProperties>>
// so we proceed with that
Type GetAccountsResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<AccountProperties>>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetAccountsResponse);
}else if(requestClass == GetRequiredFees.class){
Type GetRequiredFeesResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<AssetAmount>>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetRequiredFeesResponse);
}else if(requestClass == GetRelativeAccountHistory.class){
Type RelativeAccountHistoryResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<OperationHistory>>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, RelativeAccountHistoryResponse);
}else if(requestClass == GetMarketHistory.class){
Type GetMarketHistoryResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<BucketObject>>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetMarketHistoryResponse);
}else if(requestClass == GetObjects.class){
parsedResponse = handleGetObject(text);
}else if(requestClass == ListAssets.class){
Type LisAssetsResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<Asset>>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, LisAssetsResponse);
}else if(requestClass == GetLimitOrders.class){
Type GetLimitOrdersResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<LimitOrder>>>() {}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetLimitOrdersResponse);
} else if (requestClass == GetFullAccounts.class) {
Type GetFullAccountsResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<FullAccountDetails>>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetFullAccountsResponse);
} else if(requestClass == GetKeyReferences.class){
Type GetKeyReferencesResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<List<UserAccount>>>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetKeyReferencesResponse);
} else if(requestClass == GetAccountBalances.class){
Type GetAccountBalancesResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<AssetAmount>>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetAccountBalancesResponse);
} else if(requestClass == GetAssets.class){
Type GetAssetsResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<Asset>>>(){}.getType();
parsedResponse = gson.fromJson(text, GetAssetsResponse);
}else {
System.out.println("Unknown request class");
System.out.println("Unhandled situation");
// In case the parsedResponse instance is null, we fall back to the raw response
if(parsedResponse == null){
parsedResponse = response;
// Executing callback, if present with the parsed response
ApiCallback callback = mCallbackMap.get(;
if(response.error == null)
callback.onResponse(parsedResponse, text);
callback.onFailure(new Exception("Exception while trying to parse node response. Message: " + response.error.message), null);
// Broadcasting the parsed response to all interested listeners
* Private method that will just broadcast a de-serialized notification to all interested parties
* @param notification De-serialized notification
private void handleJsonRpcNotification(JsonRpcNotification notification){
// Broadcasting the parsed notification to all interested listeners
* Method used to try to deserialize a 'get_objects' API call. Since this request can be used
* for several types of objects, the de-serialization procedure can be a bit more complex.
* @param response Response to a 'get_objects' API call
private JsonRpcResponse handleGetObject(String response){
//TODO: Add support for other types of 'get_objects' request types
Gson gson = mDeserializationMap.getGson(GetObjects.class);
Type GetBitAssetResponse = new TypeToken<JsonRpcResponse<List<BitAssetData>>>(){}.getType();
return gson.fromJson(response, GetBitAssetResponse);
* Method used to check all possible API accesses.
* The service will try to obtain sequentially API access ids for the following APIs:
* - Database
* - History
* - Network broadcast
private void checkNextRequestedApiAccess(){
if( (mRequestedApis & ApiAccess.API_DATABASE) == ApiAccess.API_DATABASE &&
mApiIds.get(ApiAccess.API_DATABASE) == null){
// If we need the "database" api access and we don't yet have it
ApiCall apiCall = new ApiCall(1, RPC.CALL_DATABASE, null, RPC.VERSION, ++mCurrentId);
} else if( (mRequestedApis & ApiAccess.API_HISTORY) == ApiAccess.API_HISTORY &&
mApiIds.get(ApiAccess.API_HISTORY) == null){
// If we need the "history" api access and we don't yet have it
ApiCall apiCall = new ApiCall(1, RPC.CALL_HISTORY, null, RPC.VERSION, ++mCurrentId);
}else if( (mRequestedApis & ApiAccess.API_NETWORK_BROADCAST) == ApiAccess.API_NETWORK_BROADCAST &&
mApiIds.get(ApiAccess.API_NETWORK_BROADCAST) == null){
// If we need the "network_broadcast" api access and we don't yet have it
ApiCall apiCall = new ApiCall(1, RPC.CALL_NETWORK_BROADCAST, null, RPC.VERSION, ++mCurrentId);
public void onClosed(WebSocket webSocket, int code, String reason) {
super.onClosed(webSocket, code, reason);
resetCallbacks(new Exception("Websocket closed. Reason: " + reason), null);
handleWebSocketDisconnection(true, false);
handleWebSocketDisconnection(false, false);
public void onFailure(WebSocket webSocket, Throwable t, Response response) {
super.onFailure(webSocket, t, response);
resetCallbacks(t, response);
System.out.println("onFailure. Exception: "+t.getClass().getName()+", Msg: "+t.getMessage());
// Logging error stack trace
for(StackTraceElement element : t.getStackTrace()){
System.out.println(String.format("%s#%s:%s", element.getClassName(), element.getMethodName(), element.getLineNumber()));
// If there is a response, we print it
if(response != null){
System.out.println("Response: "+response.message());
handleWebSocketDisconnection(true, true);
* Method that encapsulates the behavior of handling a disconnection to the current node, and
* potentially tries to reconnect to another one.
* @param tryReconnection States if a reconnection to other node should be tried.
* @param penalizeNode Whether or not to penalize the current node with a very high latency reading.
private synchronized void handleWebSocketDisconnection(boolean tryReconnection, boolean penalizeNode) {
System.out.println("handleWebSocketDisconnection. try reconnection: " + tryReconnection + ", penalizeNode: " + penalizeNode);
RxBus.getBusInstance().send(new ConnectionStatusUpdate(ConnectionStatusUpdate.DISCONNECTED, ApiAccess.API_NONE));
isLoggedIn = false;
// Clearing previous request id to class mappings
if(mSelectedNode != null){
// Marking the selected node as not connected
// Updating the selected node's 'connected' status on the NodeLatencyVerifier instance
if(nodeLatencyVerifier != null)
if (penalizeNode){
// Adding a very high latency value to this node in order to prevent
// us from getting it again
if(tryReconnection) {
// Registering current status
mCurrentId = 0;
RxBus.getBusInstance().send(new ConnectionStatusUpdate(ConnectionStatusUpdate.DISCONNECTED, ApiAccess.API_NONE));
if (nodeProvider.getBestNode() == null) {
System.out.println( "Giving up on connections");
} else {
Disposable d = Observable.timer(DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).subscribe(new Consumer<Long>() {
public void accept(Long aLong) throws Exception {
// We have currently no selected node
mSelectedNode = null;
* Method used to check whether or not the network service is connected to a node that
* offers a specific API.
* @param whichApi The API we want to use.
* @return True if the node has got that API enabled, false otherwise
public boolean hasApiId(int whichApi){
return mApiIds.get(whichApi) != null;
* Updates the full node details
* @param fullNode Updated {@link FullNode} instance
public void updateNode(FullNode fullNode){
* Returns a list of {@link FullNode} instances
* @return List of full nodes
public List<FullNode> getNodes(){
return nodeProvider.getSortedNodes();
* Returns the currently selected node
public FullNode getSelectedNode() { return mSelectedNode; }
* Returns an observable that will notify its observers about node latency updates.
* @return Observer of {@link FullNode} instances.
public PublishSubject<FullNode> getNodeLatencyObservable(){
return fullNodePublishSubject;
public NodeLatencyVerifier getNodeLatencyVerifier(){ return nodeLatencyVerifier; }