
368 lines
19 KiB

package de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej;
import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.interfaces.ByteSerializable;
import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.interfaces.JsonSerializable;
import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.operations.TransferOperation;
import org.bitcoinj.core.DumpedPrivateKey;
import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Utils;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* Class used to represent a generic Graphene transaction.
public class Transaction implements ByteSerializable, JsonSerializable {
/* Default expiration time */
public static final int DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_TIME = 30;
/* Constant field names used for serialization/deserialization purposes */
public static final String KEY_EXPIRATION = "expiration";
public static final String KEY_SIGNATURES = "signatures";
public static final String KEY_OPERATIONS = "operations";
public static final String KEY_EXTENSIONS = "extensions";
public static final String KEY_REF_BLOCK_NUM = "ref_block_num";
public static final String KEY_REF_BLOCK_PREFIX = "ref_block_prefix";
private ECKey privateKey;
private BlockData blockData;
private List<BaseOperation> operations;
private Extensions extensions;
* Transaction constructor.
* @param privateKey : Instance of a ECKey containing the private key that will be used to sign this transaction.
* @param blockData : Block data containing important information used to sign a transaction.
* @param operationList : List of operations to include in the transaction.
public Transaction(ECKey privateKey, BlockData blockData, List<BaseOperation> operationList){
this.privateKey = privateKey;
this.blockData = blockData;
this.operations = operationList;
this.extensions = new Extensions();
* Transaction constructor.
* @param wif: The user's private key in the base58 format.
* @param block_data: Block data containing important information used to sign a transaction.
* @param operation_list: List of operations to include in the transaction.
public Transaction(String wif, BlockData block_data, List<BaseOperation> operation_list){
this(DumpedPrivateKey.fromBase58(null, wif).getKey(), block_data, operation_list);
* Constructor used to build a Transaction object without a private key. This kind of object
* is used to represent a transaction data that we don't intend to serialize and sign.
* @param blockData: Block data instance, containing information about the location of this transaction in the blockchain.
* @param operationList: The list of operations included in this transaction.
public Transaction(BlockData blockData, List<BaseOperation> operationList){
this.blockData = blockData;
this.operations = operationList;
* Updates the block data
* @param blockData: New block data
public void setBlockData(BlockData blockData){
this.blockData = blockData;
* Updates the fees for all operations in this transaction.
* @param fees: New fees to apply
public void setFees(List<AssetAmount> fees){
for(int i = 0; i < operations.size(); i++)
public ECKey getPrivateKey(){
return this.privateKey;
public List<BaseOperation> getOperations(){ return this.operations; }
* This method is used to query whether the instance has a private key.
* @return
public boolean hasPrivateKey(){
return this.privateKey != null;
* Obtains a signature of this transaction. Please note that due to the current reliance on
* bitcoinj to generate the signatures, and due to the fact that it uses deterministic
* ecdsa signatures, we are slightly modifying the expiration time of the transaction while
* we look for a signature that will be accepted by the graphene network.
* This should then be called before any other serialization method.
* @return: A valid signature of the current transaction.
public byte[] getGrapheneSignature(){
boolean isGrapheneCanonical = false;
byte[] sigData = null;
while(!isGrapheneCanonical) {
byte[] serializedTransaction = this.toBytes();
Sha256Hash hash = Sha256Hash.wrap(Sha256Hash.hash(serializedTransaction));
int recId = -1;
ECKey.ECDSASignature sig = privateKey.sign(hash);
// Now we have to work backwards to figure out the recId needed to recover the signature.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ECKey k = ECKey.recoverFromSignature(i, sig, hash, privateKey.isCompressed());
if (k != null && k.getPubKeyPoint().equals(privateKey.getPubKeyPoint())) {
recId = i;
sigData = new byte[65]; // 1 header + 32 bytes for R + 32 bytes for S
int headerByte = recId + 27 + (privateKey.isCompressed() ? 4 : 0);
sigData[0] = (byte) headerByte;
System.arraycopy(Utils.bigIntegerToBytes(sig.r, 32), 0, sigData, 1, 32);
System.arraycopy(Utils.bigIntegerToBytes(sig.s, 32), 0, sigData, 33, 32);
// Further "canonicality" tests
if(((sigData[0] & 0x80) != 0) || (sigData[0] == 0) ||
((sigData[1] & 0x80) != 0) || ((sigData[32] & 0x80) != 0) ||
(sigData[32] == 0) || ((sigData[33] & 0x80) != 0)){
this.blockData.setExpiration(this.blockData.getExpiration() + 1);
isGrapheneCanonical = true;
return sigData;
* Method that creates a serialized byte array with compact information about this transaction
* that is needed for the creation of a signature.
* @return: byte array with serialized information about this transaction.
public byte[] toBytes(){
// Creating a List of Bytes and adding the first bytes from the chain apiId
List<Byte> byteArray = new ArrayList<Byte>();
// Adding the block data
// Adding the number of operations
byteArray.add((byte) this.operations.size());
// Adding all the operations
for(BaseOperation operation : operations){
// Adding extensions byte
return Bytes.toArray(byteArray);
public String toJsonString() {
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Transaction.class, new TransactionSerializer());
return gsonBuilder.create().toJson(this);
public JsonObject toJsonObject() {
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
// Getting the signature before anything else,
// since this might change the transaction expiration data slightly
byte[] signature = getGrapheneSignature();
// Formatting expiration time
Date expirationTime = new Date(blockData.getExpiration() * 1000);
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(Util.TIME_DATE_FORMAT);
// Adding expiration
obj.addProperty(KEY_EXPIRATION, dateFormat.format(expirationTime));
// Adding signatures
JsonArray signatureArray = new JsonArray();
obj.add(KEY_SIGNATURES, signatureArray);
JsonArray operationsArray = new JsonArray();
for(BaseOperation operation : operations){
// Adding operations
obj.add(KEY_OPERATIONS, operationsArray);
// Adding extensions
obj.add(KEY_EXTENSIONS, new JsonArray());
// Adding block data
obj.addProperty(KEY_REF_BLOCK_NUM, blockData.getRefBlockNum());
obj.addProperty(KEY_REF_BLOCK_PREFIX, blockData.getRefBlockPrefix());
return obj;
* Class used to encapsulate the procedure to be followed when converting a transaction from a
* java object to its JSON string format representation.
public static class TransactionSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Transaction> {
public JsonElement serialize(Transaction transaction, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsonSerializationContext) {
return transaction.toJsonObject();
* Static inner class used to encapsulate the procedure to be followed when converting a transaction from its
* JSON string format representation into a java object instance.
public static class TransactionDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Transaction> {
public Transaction deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
// Parsing block data information
int refBlockNum = jsonObject.get(KEY_REF_BLOCK_NUM).getAsInt();
long refBlockPrefix = jsonObject.get(KEY_REF_BLOCK_PREFIX).getAsLong();
String expiration = jsonObject.get(KEY_EXPIRATION).getAsString();
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(Util.TIME_DATE_FORMAT);
Date expirationDate = dateFormat.parse(expiration, new ParsePosition(0));
BlockData blockData = new BlockData(refBlockNum, refBlockPrefix, expirationDate.getTime());
// Parsing operation list
BaseOperation operation = null;
ArrayList<BaseOperation> operationList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
for (JsonElement jsonOperation : jsonObject.get(KEY_OPERATIONS).getAsJsonArray()) {
int operationId = jsonOperation.getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsInt();
if (operationId == OperationType.TRANSFER_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
System.out.println("Transfer operation detected!");
operation = context.deserialize(jsonOperation, TransferOperation.class);
} else if (operationId == OperationType.LIMIT_ORDER_CREATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.LIMIT_ORDER_CANCEL_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.CALL_ORDER_UPDATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.FILL_ORDER_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ACCOUNT_CREATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ACCOUNT_UPDATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ACCOUNT_WHITELIST_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ACCOUNT_UPGRADE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_CREATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_UPDATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_UPDATE_BITASSET_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_UPDATE_FEED_PRODUCERS_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_ISSUE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_RESERVE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_FUND_FEE_POOL_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_SETTLE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_GLOBAL_SETTLE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_PUBLISH_FEED_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.WITNESS_CREATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.WITNESS_UPDATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.PROPOSAL_CREATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.PROPOSAL_UPDATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.PROPOSAL_DELETE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.WITHDRAW_PERMISSION_CREATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.WITHDRAW_PERMISSION_UPDATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.WITHDRAW_PERMISSION_CLAIM_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.WITHDRAW_PERMISSION_DELETE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.COMMITTEE_MEMBER_CREATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.COMMITTEE_MEMBER_UPDATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.COMMITTEE_MEMBER_UPDATE_GLOBAL_PARAMETERS_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.VESTING_BALANCE_CREATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.VESTING_BALANCE_WITHDRAW_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.WORKER_CREATE_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.CUSTOM_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSERT_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.BALANCE_CLAIM_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.OVERRIDE_TRANSFER_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.TRANSFER_TO_BLIND_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.BLIND_TRANSFER_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.TRANSFER_FROM_BLIND_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_SETTLE_CANCEL_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
} else if (operationId == OperationType.ASSET_CLAIM_FEES_OPERATION.ordinal()) {
//TODO: Add operation deserialization support
if (operation != null) operationList.add(operation);
operation = null;
return new Transaction(blockData, operationList);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Exception. Msg: "+e.getMessage());
for(StackTraceElement el : e.getStackTrace()){
return new Transaction(blockData, operationList);