Severiano Jaramillo
Create nodes database table.
- Added the library dependency to use Kotlin Coroutines with Room.
- Created the Node Room Entity, which will create the nodes database table.
- Created NodeDao, which will be responsible to access the Room entity (nodes database table).
- Created a Room database migration, to create the nodes database table in existing instalations updating to the new version.
2019-08-23 12:48:58 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Update kotlin version to 1.3.50.
2019-08-23 11:52:38 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add Kotlin's Parcelize to FilterOptions.
- Enabled Kotlin's Parcelize annotation and used it to easily make FilterOptions Parcelable.
- Converted the ServiceGenerator class to Kotlin. This is a helper class that generates instances of Retrofit Services.
2019-08-22 11:41:05 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Update Kotlin version.
2019-08-22 11:08:04 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Update a bunch of libraries.
- The project had been stale for a couple of months, so a lot of libraries were outdated. I updated most of the outdated libraries and verified everything kept working correctly.
- Simplified the ServiceGenerator, removing some stuff that is not used.
2019-08-22 11:02:09 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Avoid crash in Transactions' FilterOptionsDialog.
- This crash was being caused when the user tried to filter the transactions in the Transactions screen, but the user has no balances (existent or downloaded). The app was not prepared to handle that case.
2019-08-21 17:48:51 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Fix crash in BalancesFragment.
- The crash was happening in a very weird scenario, but it was good because it forced us to search an alternative to update the BalancesFragment when the user navigates back to the HomeFragment. The solution was to use the childFragmentManager instead of the fragmentManager to create the PagerAdapter used in the ViewPager that displays the BalancesFragment. Basically, because we are using nested fragments we need to use the childFragmentManager instead of just the fragmentManager, to use the correct LyfeCycle events.
2019-08-21 15:09:59 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Avoid crash in TransferDetailsAdapter.
- This is the adapter that populates the list of transactions in the TransactionsFragment, the crash was happening when the user tapped two or more items in the list at the same time. When that happens only the first item tapped opens its corresponding eReceipt correctly but the remaining ones throw an excpeption which was not being handled correctly and causing a crash.
2019-08-21 14:40:38 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Avoid crash in SettingsFragment
- Avoided crash in SettingsFragment when trying to decrypt the WIF, but logged the exception to Crashlytics in case we find out this problem persists.
2019-08-21 14:05:11 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Avoid crash in SendTransactionFragment
- Avoided crash in SendTransactionFragment when trying to decrypt the WIF, but logged the exception to Crashlytics in case we find out this problem persists.
2019-08-21 13:56:16 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Fix Crashlytics proguard rules.
- Fixed crashlytics Retrofit models proguard rules.
- Updated the Gradle plugin version.
- Improved readability of Asset and TransferDetail DAOs (Database Data Access Objects).
2019-08-21 13:34:49 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Improved transactions filtering algorithm in TransactionsFragment, to include the memo when searching with a text query.
2019-05-06 13:28:28 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Added a node to the list of nodes the app can connect to.
2019-04-26 16:53:06 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Bumped versionName to 0.12.1-beta and versionCode to 7
2019-04-26 16:23:57 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Enabled proguard to reduce APK size and added the pertinent proguard rules to avoid removing too much code.
2019-04-26 16:23:04 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Refactored TransactionsFragment, by moving all the transactions filtering logic to the corresponding ViewModel and taking advantage of Kotlin coroutines to excecute the filtering process in the background.
2019-04-26 16:05:58 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Simplified FilterOptionsDialog changing the way it is constructed and take advantage of Kotlin synthetic features to automatically obtain a reference to the views in the layout.
2019-04-26 15:32:51 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Improved FilterOptionsDialog by changing the way it communicates with the DatePickerFragment, using an interface instead of a Handler.
2019-04-26 15:16:12 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Created FilterOptions class to serve as an easy way to communicate filter options user preferences between the TransactionsFragment and the FilterOptionsDialog, and use it to filter the transactions list.
2019-04-26 14:41:34 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Added the Kotlin coroutines library.
2019-04-26 12:23:26 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Updated a couple of libraries.
2019-04-26 12:16:33 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Fixed deep link structure, to comply with PP BitShares invoices.
2019-04-26 12:02:50 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Comment out citadel node, because it is not synced and is sending stale information.
2019-04-26 11:49:55 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Created a different layout to show the map pin's markers for tellers and merchants. Added more fields to the tellers db table, to include the newly added in the V2 of the webservice: Keybase, Whatsapp, Viber and Email and created a db migration to reflect that. Added the code to show the teller's newly added fields to the pin's markers if such fields exist and hide that field otherwise.
2019-04-25 21:14:42 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Verify that the node is synced before trying to broadcast a transaction in TransactionsActivity, to avoid users confusion. Ideally, the app should not be connected to an out of sync node, but this is in case that still happens.
2019-04-25 17:43:07 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Update Gradle version to 3.4
2019-04-25 17:38:15 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Make sure to ask for the Security Lock when the user tries to upgrade to LTM.
2019-04-25 14:53:02 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Changed the structure of the deep link used to intercept palmpay bitshares invoices to '{to}/{amount}/{asset}/{memo}'. This will intercept the links whether or not they explicitly state http:// or https:// at the beginning.
2019-04-12 15:23:23 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Added a Deep Link to the app so that it can tell the Android system that it can consume a link of the form '{to}/{amount}/{asset}/{memo}' so when a user clicks on a link like that the Android system lets the user choose Bitsy to manage it. This deep link takes to user directly to the SendTransactionFragment, fills all the required fields and validates the information so that if it is valid then the user all that needs to do is click the send button and authorize the operation.
2019-04-11 20:43:58 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Updated BiTSy to use v2 of the webservice to fetch merchants information.
2019-04-10 18:44:17 -05:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Fix and standardize the material cards all around the app.
2019-03-20 21:10:32 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Fixed the camera button's white border issue for Android Lollipop devices, also fixed the pie chart color for the same Android version and darkened the drop shadow of all three floating buttons in the Home Fragment.
2019-03-20 20:58:56 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Commented out 4 BitShares nodes that are offline as of the day of this commit.
2019-03-20 15:36:39 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Bumped versionName to 0.12.0-beta and versionCode to 6
2019-03-20 15:24:45 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Added a No Transactions message to theTransactionsActivity when there are no transactions yet for the current account.
2019-03-20 14:29:11 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Added a loading indicator (ProgressBar) to the CreateAccountFragment that shows when the app is trying to create an account. This lets users know that the app is working avoiding users going back to the previous screen and preventing a crashlytics reported crash that happens when the create account response is received but the user is no longer in the CreateAccountFragment.
2019-03-20 13:55:16 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Added the year to the date field in Transaction items, and made the to and from text fields more visible.
2019-03-20 11:59:36 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Completed the migration of the whole app to the new Material Components color theming.
2019-03-20 11:04:05 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Changed balances items text style to a bigger one, so that text is easier on the eyes.
2019-03-19 21:07:43 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Changed the qr box color to match the text fields boxes in both day and night modes in SendTransactionFragment.
2019-03-19 20:45:45 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Used a TextInputLayout with a disabled TextInputEditText behind the Asset spinner in ReceiveTransactionFragment, so that it looks similar to the other fields (Amount and Asset AutoComplete).
2019-03-19 20:28:23 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Used a TextInputLayout with a disabled TextInputEditText behind the Asset spinner in SendTransactionFragment, so that it looks similar to the other fields (To, Amount and Memo).
2019-03-19 18:39:55 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Updated the Material Components library to 1.1.0-alpha04 and fixed some issues presented because of the migration.
2019-03-19 18:05:08 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Avoid NPE in some special cases when trying to create the QR code image in ReceiveTransactionFragment, instead of crashing the app it sends the exception to crashlytics and continues its flow.
2019-03-18 22:34:51 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Added RxJava global error handler to avoid anoying the user by avoiding crashes when an error occurs on a RxJava operation, but still log the exception to Crashlytics so that we can fix the issues.
2019-03-18 21:24:15 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Fixed equivalent value errors in the transactions by making sure the equivalent value is only fetched for transfers that already have the timestamp value updated.
2019-03-18 20:42:10 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Avoid IllegalArgumentException crashlytics reported crash in CreateAccountFragment while generating a new brainkey.
2019-03-18 09:17:11 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Updated a navigation and room AAC libraries.
2019-03-18 08:35:55 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Updated Gradle version to 3.3.2
2019-03-18 08:28:53 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Avoid three crashlytics reported crashes due to unhandled errors in RxJava operations in the ImportBrainkeyFragment.
2019-03-17 09:38:36 -06:00