- Make use of the described new method in Graphenej's NetworkService to actually broadcast a Bitsy transaction to the blockchain. If the transaction is successful then all SendTransactionActivity fields are cleaned, the Send button hiden and a Toast showing that the transaction was successful. If the transaction fails then a Toast shows the error received from the Blockchain explaining the reason for the failure.
- Created a method to update the QR code when the user updates the Amount text field information, using RxJava debounce to avoid calls while the user is still typing.
- Created a method to remove the QR when there is no Asset selected.
- Created AssetViewModel to obtain the the elements from the assetd db table using the AssetRepository and serving the obtained assets to the ReceiveTransactionFragment.
- Fire an event to update the QR code when the user selects an asset from the AutoCompleteTextView.
- Create method in SendTransactionFragment that once the DynamicGlobalProperties is received, calls the Grahpenej's NetworkService method to get the required fees for the operation that the user wants to do.
- Show the balance of the current selected asset below the asset Spinner.
- Enable the send transaction button only after verifying that both the to account and the amount are both valid.
- Connected the SendTransactionFragment to Graphenej's NetworkService so that it can directly send requests to the nodes.
- Added the RxBus to SendTransactionsFragment so that it can listen to responses from the NetworkService and take the useful ones.
- Added account validation to SendTransactionFragment, if the account typed exists then the Send button is enabled, if not the button is disabled an a error is shown below the typed account.
- Added method to obtain WIF key from the authorities db table.
- Make use of WIF in TransfersLoader to decrypt memo messages before saving them into the db.
- Simplified the Transfers entity so that we store only the information that will actually be used.
- Create a TransfersLoader, which once launched checks and updated Transfer operations.
- Created UserAccountViewModel to serve as a bridge between the views and the database, and use it to fetch the current active UserAccount to display it in the BalancesFragment.
- Properly distroy NetworkService connection when ConnectedActivty is distroyed to avoid crashes.
- Created UserAccountRepository and AuthorityRepository to handle their corresponding database operations in an asynchronous way, because Room enforces database operations to be done in a thread other than the UI thread.
- In ImportBrainkeyActivity when a proper brainkey is given save the imported account into the database, put a flag that tells the app there is a current account imported and send the user to MainActivity.
- Create ConnectedActivity which is the base activity that handles the communication to graphenej's NetworkService and will be extended by other apps that require communication to the BitShares nodes.