- Remove no needed code and simplifyy TransfersLoader, also add a CompositeDisposable to keep track of all RxJava subscriptions and be able to dispose them when the class is finished.

- Call the TransfersLoader in MainActivity from a better place.
This commit is contained in:
Severiano Jaramillo 2018-11-28 18:55:53 -06:00
parent 3cbe738fd7
commit bebffa14ed
2 changed files with 38 additions and 361 deletions

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.activities
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.view.Menu
import android.view.MenuItem
import android.widget.Toast
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.JsonRpcResponse
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.*
class MainActivity : ConnectedActivity() {
private val TAG = this.javaClass.name
private val mOnNavigationItemSelectedListener = BottomNavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener { item ->
when (item.itemId) {
@ -86,22 +88,18 @@ class MainActivity : ConnectedActivity() {
override fun handleConnectionStatusUpdate(connectionStatusUpdate: ConnectionStatusUpdate) {
when (connectionStatusUpdate.updateCode) {
ConnectionStatusUpdate.CONNECTED -> {
// Instantiating this loader is enough to kick-start the transfers loading procedure
TransfersLoader(this, lifecycle)
ConnectionStatusUpdate.DISCONNECTED -> {
// Do nothing for now
ConnectionStatusUpdate.CONNECTED -> { /* Do nothing for now */ }
ConnectionStatusUpdate.DISCONNECTED -> { /* Do nothing for now */ }
ConnectionStatusUpdate.AUTHENTICATED -> {}//updateBalances() }
ConnectionStatusUpdate.API_UPDATE -> {
// In certain cases the information about the accounts is not complete, this may not be the best
// solution but at least it works. Feel free to improve it or move it to a better place
//MissingAccountsLoader(this, lifecycle)
if (connectionStatusUpdate.api == ApiAccess.API_DATABASE) {
// Updating transfer and exchange costs in all possible input assets
if (connectionStatusUpdate.api == ApiAccess.API_NETWORK_BROADCAST) {
Log.d(TAG, "ConnectionStatusUpdate: API_NETWORK_BROADCAST")
// Instantiating this loader is enough to kick-start the transfers loading procedure
TransfersLoader(this, lifecycle)

View file

@ -22,12 +22,11 @@ import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.android.NetworkService
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.android.RxBus
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetRelativeAccountHistory
import cy.agorise.graphenej.errors.ChecksumException
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.BlockHeader
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.JsonRpcResponse
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.OperationHistory
import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.TransferOperation
import io.reactivex.android.schedulers.AndroidSchedulers
import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable
import io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable
import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer
import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers
import org.bitcoinj.core.DumpedPrivateKey
@ -49,36 +48,20 @@ import javax.crypto.AEADBadTagException
* for every transfer, we must first load all historical transfer operations, and then proceed to
* handle those missing columns.
class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Lifecycle) : LifecycleObserver {
class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Lifecycle) : LifecycleObserver,
ServiceConnection {
private val TAG = this.javaClass.name
/** Constant that specifies if we are on debug mode */
private val DEBUG = true
private val DEBUG = false
/* Constant used to fix the number of historical transfers to fetch from the network in one batch */
/* Constant used to split the missing times and equivalent values in batches of constant time */
private val MISSING_TIMES_BATCH_SIZE = 100
/* Constants used to specify which type of conversion will be used. A direct conversion is performed
* only between BTS -> bitUSD. For all other assets, we'll need to perform a two step conversion
* in the form XXX -> BTS -> bitUSD. That is the basic difference between direct and indirect conversions.
private val DIRECT_CONVERSION: Short = 0
private val INDIRECT_CONVERSION: Short = 1
// The current conversion type
private var mConversionType: Short = -1
/* Variable used in the 2-step currency conversion, in order to temporally hold the value of the
* XXX -> BTS conversion. */
private var coreCurrencyEqValue: AssetAmount? = null
private var mDisposable: Disposable? = null
private var mDisposables = CompositeDisposable()
/* Current user account */
private var mCurrentAccount: UserAccount? = null
@ -98,33 +81,7 @@ class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Li
/* Counter used to keep track of the transfer history batch count */
private var historicalTransferCount = 0
/* List of block numbers with missing date information in the database */
private var missingTimes: LinkedList<Long>? = null
/* List of transactions for which we don't have the equivalent value data */
private var missingEquivalentValues: LinkedList<HistoricalOperationEntry>? = null
/* Reference to the current operation entry that we're currently working with */
private var mTransferEntry: HistoricalOperationEntry? = null
/* Map used to exclude operation ids that were already checked for equivalent value, but could
* not be obtained for some reason. This is important in order to add some finality to the
* procedure
private val eqValueBlacklist = HashMap<String, Boolean>()
// /*
// * Account loader, used to fetch extra information about any new account that we might come
// * across after updating the transfers information
// */
// private var missingAccountsLoader: MissingAccountsLoader? = null
// /*
// * Assets loader, used to fetch missing asset data after the transfers table has been updated
// */
// private var missingAssetsLoader: MissingAssetsLoader? = null
// Used to keep track of the current state
// Used to keep track of the current state TODO this may not be needed
private var mState = State.IDLE
@ -134,26 +91,9 @@ class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Li
private var lastId: Long = 0
private var lastEquivalentValueBlockNum: Long = 0
private var lastMissingTimeBlockNum: Long = 0
// Map used to keep track of request and response id pairs
private val responseMap = HashMap<Long, Int>()
private val mNetworkServiceConnection = object : ServiceConnection {
override fun onServiceConnected(className: ComponentName, service: IBinder) {
// We've bound to LocalService, cast the IBinder and get LocalService instance
val binder = service as NetworkService.LocalBinder
mNetworkService = binder.service
// Start the transfers update
override fun onServiceDisconnected(componentName: ComponentName) {}
* Enum class used to keep track of the current state of the loader
@ -174,7 +114,7 @@ class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Li
val userId = pref.getString(Constants.KEY_CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID, "")
if (userId != "") {
mCurrentAccount = UserAccount(userId)
val disposable = authorityRepository!!.getWIF(userId!!, AuthorityType.MEMO.ordinal)
mDisposables.add(authorityRepository!!.getWIF(userId!!, AuthorityType.MEMO.ordinal)
.subscribe { encryptedWIF ->
@ -184,8 +124,8 @@ class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Li
Log.e(TAG, "AEADBadTagException. Class: " + e.javaClass + ", Msg: " + e.message)
mDisposable = RxBus.getBusInstance()
.subscribe(Consumer { message ->
@ -196,12 +136,9 @@ class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Li
val responseType = responseMap[message.id]
when (responseType) {
RESPONSE_GET_RELATIVE_ACCOUNT_HISTORY -> handleOperationList(message.result as List<OperationHistory>)
// RESPONSE_GET_MARKET_HISTORY -> handlePastMarketData(message.result as List<BucketObject>)
} else if (message.result is BlockHeader) {
// handleMissingTimeResponse(message.result as BlockHeader)
} else if (message is ConnectionStatusUpdate) {
if (message.updateCode == ConnectionStatusUpdate.DISCONNECTED) {
@ -209,24 +146,32 @@ class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Li
// all its stored request ids will now be reset
// According to Nelson this is better than doing it in onServiceConnected, but here it does not get called
// else if (message.updateCode == ConnectionStatusUpdate.CONNECTED) {
// // Start the transfers update
// startTransfersUpdateProcedure()
// }
} else {
// If there is no current user, we should not do anything
mState = State.CANCELLED
override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName?) {
override fun onServiceConnected(name: ComponentName?, service: IBinder?) {
// We've bound to LocalService, cast the IBinder and get LocalService instance
val binder = service as NetworkService.LocalBinder
mNetworkService = binder.service
// Start the transfers update
internal fun onStart() {
if (mState != State.CANCELLED) {
val intent = Intent(mContext, NetworkService::class.java)
if (mContext!!.bindService(intent, mNetworkServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE)) {
if (mContext!!.bindService(intent, this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE)) {
mShouldUnbindNetwork = true
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Binding to the network service failed.")
@ -242,7 +187,7 @@ class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Li
// If we are in debug mode, we first erase all entries in the 'transfer' table
val disposable = transferRepository!!.getCount()
.subscribe { transferCount ->
@ -253,7 +198,7 @@ class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Li
// Retrieving account transactions
@ -270,26 +215,7 @@ class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Li
val insertedCount = transferRepository!!.insertAll(processOperationList(operationHistoryList))
// Log.d(TAG, String.format("Inserted count: %d, list size: %d", insertedCount, operationHistoryList.size))
if (/* insertedCount == 0 && */ operationHistoryList.isEmpty()) {
// We finally reached the end of the transactions, so now we must check for missing
// transfer times
// missingTimes = database.getMissingTransferTimes(lastMissingTimeBlockNum, MISSING_TIMES_BATCH_SIZE)
// if (missingTimes!!.size > 0) {
// // Proceed to load missing times
// processNextMissingTime()
// } else {
// // If we got no missing times, proceed to check for missing equivalent values
// mState = State.LOADING_EQ_VALUES
// // If we're done loading missing transfer times, we check for missing equivalent values.
// missingEquivalentValues = database.getMissingEquivalentValues(
// lastEquivalentValueBlockNum,
// )
// // Processing one of the missing values entries
// processNextEquivalentValue()
// }
// TODO Terminate process and obtain MissingTimes and MissingEquivalentValues
} else {
// If we inserted more than one operation, we cannot yet be sure we've reached the
@ -390,259 +316,12 @@ class TransfersLoader(private var mContext: Context?, private val mLifeCycle: Li
return transfers
// /**
// * Handles the response to the 'get_block_header' API call
// * @param blockHeader The requested block header
// */
// private fun handleMissingTimeResponse(blockHeader: BlockHeader) {
// if (missingTimes == null || missingTimes!!.size == 0 || mState == State.CANCELLED) {
// // If the missingTimes attribute is null, this means that the request was probably issued
// // by another instance of this class.
// Log.d(TAG, "Cancelling loader instance")
// mState = State.CANCELLED
// return
// }
// val updated = database.setBlockTime(blockHeader, missingTimes!!.peek())
// if (!updated) {
// Log.w(TAG, "Failed to update time from transaction at block: " + missingTimes!!.peek())
// } else {
// Log.d(TAG, "Missing time updated")
// }
// // Removing missing time from stack
// lastMissingTimeBlockNum = missingTimes!!.poll()
// if (!processNextMissingTime()) {
// Log.d(
// TAG,
// String.format("Checking missing time for transfers later than block %d", lastMissingTimeBlockNum)
// )
// missingTimes = database.getMissingTransferTimes(lastMissingTimeBlockNum, MISSING_TIMES_BATCH_SIZE)
// if (missingTimes!!.size == 0) {
// // If we have no more missing times to handle, we can finally proceed to the last step, which
// // is to take care of the missing equivalent values
// Log.d(TAG, "Would be trying to check equivalent values")
// // If we're done loading missing transfer times, we check for missing equivalent values.
// missingEquivalentValues = database.getMissingEquivalentValues(
// lastEquivalentValueBlockNum,
// )
// // Processing one of the missing values entries
// processNextEquivalentValue()
// } else {
// processNextMissingTime()
// }
// }
// }
// private fun processNextEquivalentValue() {
// if (missingEquivalentValues!!.size > 0) {
// Log.d(TAG, String.format("Found %d missing equivalent values", missingEquivalentValues!!.size))
// val missingAssets = database.getMissingAssets()
// if (missingAssets.size == 0 &&
// mTransferEntry != null &&
// mTransferEntry!!.historicalTransfer!!.operation is TransferOperation
// ) {
// mTransferEntry = missingEquivalentValues!!.peek()
// lastEquivalentValueBlockNum = mTransferEntry!!.historicalTransfer!!.blockNum
// val transferOperation = mTransferEntry!!.historicalTransfer!!.operation as TransferOperation
// val transferredAsset = transferOperation.assetAmount.asset
// if (transferredAsset == Constants.bitUSD) {
// // Easier case, in which the transferred asset was already the designated
// // smartcoin (bitUSD)
// mTransferEntry!!.equivalentValue = AssetAmount(
// transferOperation.assetAmount.amount,
// transferredAsset
// )
// database.updateEquivalentValue(mTransferEntry)
// // Removing the now solved equivalent value
// missingEquivalentValues!!.poll()
// // Processing the next missing equivalent value
// processNextEquivalentValue()
// } else if (transferredAsset == Constants.BTS) {
// // If the transferred asset was the core BTS currency, then we must just
// // perform a single network request to find out how much a single BTS was
// // worth at the time of this operation
// val quote = Constants.bitUSD
// val bucket: Long = 86400
// val end = mTransferEntry!!.timestamp * 1000
// val start = end - 86400 * 1000
// lastId = mNetworkService!!.sendMessage(
// GetMarketHistory(transferredAsset, quote, bucket, start, end),
// GetMarketHistory.REQUIRED_API
// )
// responseMap[lastId] = RESPONSE_GET_MARKET_HISTORY
// // Direct conversion
// mConversionType = DIRECT_CONVERSION
// } else {
// // If the transferred asset was not bitUSD not BTS, then we cannot be sure
// // that a market for this asset (which can either be a smartcoin or a User Issued Asset)
// // even exists. For this reason, we opt to convert this value to BTS first, and
// // then find out its equivalent value in bitUSD at the time of the transfer.
// Log.d(TAG, "Missing equivalent value was of other denomination")
// val quote = Constants.BTS
// val bucket: Long = 86400
// val end = mTransferEntry!!.timestamp * 1000
// val start = end - 86400 * 1000
// lastId = mNetworkService!!.sendMessage(
// GetMarketHistory(transferredAsset, quote, bucket, start, end),
// GetMarketHistory.REQUIRED_API
// )
// responseMap[lastId] = RESPONSE_GET_MARKET_HISTORY
// // Indirect conversion
// mConversionType = INDIRECT_CONVERSION
// }
// }
// } else {
// Log.d(TAG, "Reached the end of the equivalent values stack")
// missingEquivalentValues = database.getMissingEquivalentValues(
// lastEquivalentValueBlockNum,
// )
// Log.d(TAG, String.format("Got %d entries initially", missingEquivalentValues!!.size))
// // Clearing the equivalent values stack from blacklisted item
// for (i in missingEquivalentValues!!.indices) {
// val entry = missingEquivalentValues!!.peek()
// if (eqValueBlacklist[entry.historicalTransfer!!.objectId] != null) {
// // Removing this equivalent value from the stack, since we've already tried to solve it
// missingEquivalentValues!!.poll()
// Log.d(TAG, "Removed entry from stack thanks to the black list")
// }
// }
// if (missingEquivalentValues!!.size > 0) {
// Log.d(TAG, "Got a new stack")
// processNextEquivalentValue()
// } else {
// Log.d(TAG, "Really reached the final")
//// missingAssetsLoader = MissingAssetsLoader(mContext, mLifeCycle)
//// missingAccountsLoader = MissingAccountsLoader(mContext!!, mLifeCycle)
// mState = State.FINISHED
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Handle the requested past market data, in order to calculate the equivalent value
// * @param buckets List of market buckets
// */
// private fun handlePastMarketData(buckets: List<BucketObject>) {
// if (buckets.isNotEmpty()) {
// // Taking the last bucket from the list
// val bucket = buckets[buckets.size - 1]
// // Obtaining the transferred amount
// val transferAmount =
// (mTransferEntry!!.historicalTransfer!!.operation as TransferOperation).assetAmount
// // Obtaining the full asset data of both base and quote
// var base = database.fillAssetDetails(bucket.key.base)
// var quote = database.fillAssetDetails(bucket.key.quote)
// if (mConversionType == DIRECT_CONVERSION) {
// // Doing conversion and updating the database
// val converter = Converter(base, quote, bucket)
// val convertedBaseValue = converter.convert(transferAmount, Converter.CLOSE_VALUE)
// val equivalentValue = AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(convertedBaseValue), Constants.bitUSD)
// mTransferEntry!!.equivalentValue = equivalentValue
// database.updateEquivalentValue(mTransferEntry)
// // Removing the now solved equivalent value
// missingEquivalentValues!!.poll()
// // Process the next equivalent value, in case we have one
// processNextEquivalentValue()
// } else if (mConversionType == INDIRECT_CONVERSION) {
// if (coreCurrencyEqValue == null) {
// // We are in the first step of an indirect conversion
// val originalTransfer =
// (mTransferEntry!!.historicalTransfer!!.operation as TransferOperation).assetAmount
// // Doing conversion and updating the database
// val converter = Converter(base, quote, bucket)
// val convertedBaseValue = converter.convert(originalTransfer, Converter.CLOSE_VALUE)
// coreCurrencyEqValue = AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(convertedBaseValue), base)
// base = database.fillAssetDetails(Constants.BTS)
// quote = database.fillAssetDetails(Constants.bitUSD)
// // Performing the 2nd step of the equivalent value calculation. We already hold the
// // relationship XXX -> BTS, now we need the BTS -> bitUSD for this time bucket.
// val bucketWindow: Long = 86400
// val end = mTransferEntry!!.timestamp * 1000
// val start = end - 86400 * 1000
// lastId = mNetworkService!!.sendMessage(
// GetMarketHistory(base, quote, bucketWindow, start, end),
// GetMarketHistory.REQUIRED_API
// )
// responseMap[lastId] = RESPONSE_GET_MARKET_HISTORY
// } else {
// // We are in the second step of an indirect transaction
// // Doing the conversion
// val converter = Converter(base, quote, bucket)
// val convertedFinalValue = converter.convert(coreCurrencyEqValue, Converter.CLOSE_VALUE)
// // Obtaining the equivalent value in bitUSD
// val equivalentValue = AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(convertedFinalValue), Constants.bitUSD)
// mTransferEntry!!.equivalentValue = equivalentValue
// database.updateEquivalentValue(mTransferEntry)
// // Removing the now solved equivalent value
// missingEquivalentValues!!.poll()
// // Re-setting some fields
// mConversionType = -1
// coreCurrencyEqValue = null
// // Process the next equivalent value, in case we have one
// processNextEquivalentValue()
// }
// }
// } else {
// // Removing the for-now skipped equivalent value
// val skipped = missingEquivalentValues!!.poll()
// // Adding the skipped operation to a blacklist
// eqValueBlacklist[skipped.historicalTransfer!!.objectId] = true
// Log.w(TAG, "Got no buckets in the selected period")
// processNextEquivalentValue()
// }
// }
// /**
// * Method used to issue a new 'get_block_header' API call to the full node, in case we
// * still have some missing times left in the missingTimes list.
// *
// * @return True if we did issue the API, false if the list was empty and nothing was done
// */
// private fun processNextMissingTime(): Boolean {
// if (missingTimes!!.size > 0) {
// val blockNum = missingTimes!!.peek()
// lastId = mNetworkService!!.sendMessage(GetBlockHeader(blockNum!!), GetBlockHeader.REQUIRED_API)
// return true
// } else {
// return false
// }
// }
internal fun onDestroy() {
Log.d(TAG, "Destroying TransfersLoader")
if (mDisposable != null && !mDisposable!!.isDisposed) mDisposable!!.dispose()
if (!mDisposables.isDisposed) mDisposables.dispose()
if (mShouldUnbindNetwork) {
mShouldUnbindNetwork = false
mContext = null