2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00

69 lines
2.4 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ipfs/routing/routing.h"
#include "libp2p/record/message.h"
#include "libp2p/net/stream.h"
* Implements the routing interface for network clients
int ipfs_routing_online_find_providers(struct s_ipfs_routing* routing, char* val1, size_t val2, struct Libp2pVector** multiaddresses) {
return 0;
int ipfs_routing_online_find_peer(struct s_ipfs_routing* routing, char* val1, size_t val2, void* val3, size_t* val4) {
return 0;
* Notify the network that this host can provide this key
* @param routing information about this host
* @param val1 the key (hash) of the data
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false
int ipfs_routing_online_provide(struct s_ipfs_routing* routing, char* val1, size_t val2) {
return 0;
int ipfs_routing_online_ping(struct s_ipfs_routing* routing, struct Libp2pMessage* message) {
// send the same stuff back
size_t protobuf_size = libp2p_message_protobuf_encode_size(message);
unsigned char protobuf[protobuf_size];
if (!libp2p_message_protobuf_encode(message, protobuf, protobuf_size, &protobuf_size)) {
return -1;
int retVal = routing->stream->write(routing->stream, protobuf, protobuf_size);
if (retVal == 0)
retVal = -1;
return retVal;
int ipfs_routing_online_bootstrap(struct s_ipfs_routing* routing) {
return 0;
* Create a new ipfs_routing struct for online clients
* @param fs_repo the repo
* @param private_key the local private key
* @reurns the ipfs_routing struct that handles messages
ipfs_routing* ipfs_routing_new_online (struct IpfsNode* local_node, struct RsaPrivateKey *private_key, struct Stream* stream) {
ipfs_routing *onlineRouting = malloc (sizeof(ipfs_routing));
if (onlineRouting) {
onlineRouting->local_node = local_node;
onlineRouting->sk = private_key;
onlineRouting->stream = stream;
onlineRouting->PutValue = ipfs_routing_generic_put_value;
onlineRouting->GetValue = ipfs_routing_generic_get_value;
onlineRouting->FindProviders = ipfs_routing_online_find_providers;
onlineRouting->FindPeer = ipfs_routing_online_find_peer;
onlineRouting->Provide = ipfs_routing_online_provide;
onlineRouting->Ping = ipfs_routing_online_ping;
onlineRouting->Bootstrap = ipfs_routing_online_bootstrap;
return onlineRouting;