Fork 0

Added the ability to retrieve the file using directories

Files can be refered to directly using their hash, or the hash of their
directory and the file name.
jmjatlanta 2016-12-29 19:05:44 -05:00
parent 396dfc6abc
commit c2fe60949e
11 changed files with 233 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ endif
OBJS = importer.o exporter.o
OBJS = importer.o exporter.o resolver.o
%.o: %.c $(DEPS)
$(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)

importer/resolver.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "libp2p/crypto/encoding/base58.h"
#include "ipfs/merkledag/node.h"
#include "ipfs/merkledag/merkledag.h"
#include "ipfs/repo/fsrepo/fs_repo.h"
* return the next chunk of a path
* @param path the path
* @param next_part a pointer to a string NOTE: don't forget to free
* @returns true(1) on success, false(0) on error, or no more parts
int ipfs_resolver_next_path(const char* path, char** next_part) {
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(path); i++) {
if (path[i] != '/') { // we have the next section
char* pos = strchr(&path[i+1], '/');
if (pos == NULL) {
*next_part = (char*)malloc(strlen(path) + 1);
strcpy(*next_part, path);
} else {
*next_part = (char*)malloc(pos - &path[i] + 1);
strncpy(*next_part, &path[i], pos-&path[i]);
(*next_part)[pos-&path[i]] = 0;
return 1;
return 0;
* Remove preceding slash and "/ipfs/" or "/ipns/"
* @param path
const char* ipfs_resolver_remove_path_prefix(const char* path) {
int pos = 0;
int first_non_slash = -1;
while(&path[pos] != NULL) {
if (path[pos] == '/') {
} else {
if (first_non_slash == -1)
first_non_slash = pos;
if (pos == first_non_slash && (strncmp(&path[pos], "ipfs", 4) == 0 || strncmp(&path[pos], "ipns", 4) == 0) ) {
// ipfs or ipns should be up front. Otherwise, it could be part of the path
pos += 4;
} else {
return &path[pos];
return NULL;
* Interogate the path and the current node, looking
* for the desired node.
* @param path the current path
* @param from the current node (or NULL if it is the first call)
* @returns what we are looking for, or NULL if it wasn't found
struct Node* ipfs_resolver_get(const char* path, struct Node* from, const struct FSRepo* fs_repo) {
// remove unnecessary stuff
if (from == NULL)
path = ipfs_resolver_remove_path_prefix(path);
// grab the portion of the path to work with
char* path_section;
if (ipfs_resolver_next_path(path, &path_section) == 0)
return NULL;
struct Node* current_node = NULL;
if (from == NULL) {
// this is the first time around. Grab the root node
if (path_section[0] == 'Q' && path_section[1] == 'm') {
// we have a hash. Convert to a real hash, and find the node
size_t hash_length = libp2p_crypto_encoding_base58_decode_size(strlen(path_section));
unsigned char hash[hash_length];
unsigned char* ptr = &hash[0];
if (libp2p_crypto_encoding_base58_decode((unsigned char*)path_section, strlen(path_section), &ptr, &hash_length) == 0) {
return NULL;
if (ipfs_merkledag_get_by_multihash(hash, hash_length, &current_node, fs_repo) == 0) {
return NULL;
// we have the root node, now see if we want this or something further down
int pos = strlen(path_section);
if (pos == strlen(path)) {
return current_node;
} else {
// look on...
return ipfs_resolver_get(&path[pos+1], current_node, fs_repo); // the +1 is the slash
} else {
// we don't have a current node, and we don't have a hash. Something is wrong
return NULL;
} else {
// we were passed a node. If it is a directory, see if what we're looking for is in it
if (ipfs_node_is_directory(from)) {
struct NodeLink* curr_link = from->head_link;
while (curr_link != NULL) {
// if it matches the name, we found what we're looking for.
// If so, load up the node by its hash
if (strcmp(curr_link->name, path_section) == 0) {
if (ipfs_merkledag_get(curr_link->hash, curr_link->hash_size, &current_node, fs_repo) == 0) {
return NULL;
if (strlen(path_section) == strlen(path)) {
// we are at the end of our search
return current_node;
} else {
char* next_path_section;
ipfs_resolver_next_path(&path[strlen(path_section)], &next_path_section);
// if we're at the end of the path, return the node
// continue looking for the next part of the path
return ipfs_resolver_get(next_path_section, current_node, fs_repo);
curr_link = curr_link->next;
} else {
// we're asking for a file from an object that is not a directory. Bail.
return NULL;
// it should never get here
if (from != NULL)
return NULL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#pragma once
#include "ipfs/merkledag/node.h"
* Interogate the path and the current node, looking
* for the desired node.
* @param path the current path
* @param from the current node (or NULL if it is the first call)
* @returns what we are looking for, or NULL if it wasn't found
struct Node* ipfs_resolver_get(const char* path, struct Node* from, const struct FSRepo* fs_repo);

View File

@ -25,4 +25,13 @@ int ipfs_merkledag_add(struct Node* node, struct FSRepo* fs_repo, size_t* bytes_
int ipfs_merkledag_get(const unsigned char* hash, size_t hash_size, struct Node** node, const struct FSRepo* fs_repo);
* Retrieves a node from the datastore based on the multihash
* @param multihash the base58 encoded multihash (should start with Qm) as a null terminated string
* @param node the node to be created
* @param fs_repo the repository
* @returns true(1) on success
int ipfs_merkledag_get_by_multihash(const unsigned char* multihash, size_t multihash_length, struct Node** node, const struct FSRepo* fs_repo);

View File

@ -142,6 +142,13 @@ int ipfs_node_new(struct Node** node);
int ipfs_node_create_directory(struct Node** node);
* Determine if this node is actually a directory
* @param node the node to examine
* @returns true(1) if this node is a directory. Otherwise, false(0)
int ipfs_node_is_directory(struct Node* node);
* sets the Cid into the struct element titled cached
* @param node the node to work with

View File

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ OBJS = main.o \
../datastore/ds_helper.o \
../dnslink/dnslink.o \
../flatfs/flatfs.o \
../importer/importer.o \
../importer/exporter.o \
../importer/importer.o ../importer/exporter.o ../importer/resolver.o \
../path/path.o \
../merkledag/merkledag.o ../merkledag/node.o \
../multibase/multibase.o \

View File

@ -78,3 +78,13 @@ int ipfs_merkledag_get(const unsigned char* hash, size_t hash_size, struct Node*
return 1;
int ipfs_merkledag_get_by_multihash(const unsigned char* multihash, size_t multihash_length, struct Node** node, const struct FSRepo* fs_repo) {
// convert to hash
size_t hash_size = 0;
unsigned char* hash = NULL;
if (mh_multihash_digest(multihash, multihash_length, &hash, &hash_size) < 0) {
return 0;
return ipfs_merkledag_get(hash, hash_size, node, fs_repo);

View File

@ -385,6 +385,19 @@ int ipfs_node_create_directory(struct Node** node) {
return 1;
int ipfs_node_is_directory(struct Node* node) {
if (node->data_size < 2) {
return 0;
struct UnixFS* unix_fs;
if (ipfs_unixfs_protobuf_decode(node->data, node->data_size, &unix_fs) == 0) {
return 0;
int retVal = (unix_fs->data_type == UNIXFS_DIRECTORY);
return retVal;
* Set the cached struct element
* @param node the node to be modified

View File

@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ OBJS = testit.o test_helper.o \
../core/builder.o \
../datastore/ds_helper.o \
../flatfs/flatfs.o \
../importer/importer.o \
../importer/exporter.o \
../importer/importer.o ../importer/exporter.o ../importer/resolver.o \
../merkledag/merkledag.o ../merkledag/node.o \
../multibase/multibase.o \
../os/utils.o \

test/node/test_resolver.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#include "ipfs/importer/resolver.h"
int test_resolver_get() {
// clean out repository
int argc = 3;
char* argv[argc];
argv[0] = "ipfs";
argv[1] = "add";
argv[2] = "/Users/JohnJones/ipfstest";
ipfs_import_files(argc, (char**)argv);
struct FSRepo* fs_repo;
ipfs_repo_fsrepo_new("/Users/JohnJones/.ipfs", NULL, &fs_repo);
// find something that is already in the repository
struct Node* result = ipfs_resolver_get("/ipfs/QmbMecmXESf96ZNry7hRuzaRkEBhjqXpoYfPCwgFzVGDzB", NULL, fs_repo);
if (result == NULL) {
return 0;
// find something by path
result = ipfs_resolver_get("/ipfs/QmWKtXwRg4oL2KaXhvJ3KyGjFE2PVKREwu7qb65V7ficui/hello_world.txt", NULL, fs_repo);
if (result == NULL) {
return 0;
return 1;

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "merkledag/test_merkledag.h"
#include "node/test_node.h"
#include "node/test_importer.h"
#include "node/test_resolver.h"
#include "repo/test_repo_bootstrap_peers.h"
#include "repo/test_repo_config.h"
#include "repo/test_repo_fsrepo.h"
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ const char* names[] = {
@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ int (*funcs[])(void) = {