import React from "react"; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import GOOGLE_MAPS_API from '../utils/constants'; import { compose, withStateHandlers } from 'recompose'; import { withScriptjs, withGoogleMap, GoogleMap, Marker, InfoWindow } from 'react-google-maps'; /** * This object sets default values to the optional props. */ const defaultProps = { mapCenter: { lat: -22.9068, lng: -43.1729 }, mapZoom: 12, googleMapURL: `${GOOGLE_MAPS_API}&v=3.exp&libraries=geometry,drawing,places`, loadingElement:
, containerElement:
, mapElement:
, }; defaultProps['markers'] = [ defaultProps.mapCenter ]; const CustomGoogleMaps = compose( withStateHandlers(() => ({ isOpenObj: {}, }), { onToggleOpen: ({ isOpenObj }) => (index) => { const openObj = isOpenObj; openObj[index] = !openObj[index]; return openObj; } }), withScriptjs, withGoogleMap )(props => { (marker, index) => ( marker.withInfo ? ( props.onToggleOpen(index)} > {props.isOpenObj[index] && props.onToggleOpen(index)}>

) : ( ) ))}
); // Type checking the props of the component CustomGoogleMaps.propTypes = { mapCenter: PropTypes.object, mapZoom: PropTypes.number, }; // Assign default values to the optional props CustomGoogleMaps.defaultProps = defaultProps; /** * This object is used for type checking the props of the component. */ const propTypes = { lat: PropTypes.number.isRequired, lng: PropTypes.number.isRequired, icon: PropTypes.string, infoTitle: PropTypes.string, infoDescription: PropTypes.string, width: PropTypes.string, height: PropTypes.string }; /** * This object sets default values to the optional props. */ const defaultPropsPreview = { width: '300px', height: '150px' }; /** * A preview map for one element - usually an ambassador or merchant. */ function PreviewMap(props) { const marker = { icon: props.icon ? props.icon : '', lat:, lng: props.lng }; if(props.infoTitle && props.infoDescription) { marker.withInfo = true; marker.infoTitle = props.infoTitle; marker.infoDescription = props.infoDescription; } return ( } /> ); } // Type checking the props of the component PreviewMap.propTypes = propTypes; // Assign default values to the optional props PreviewMap.defaultProps = defaultPropsPreview; export default PreviewMap;