import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { FormattedMessage, FormattedHTMLMessage } from 'react-intl'; import Modal from 'react-modal'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; // Custom components import AppHeader from '../AppHeader'; import EnhancedTable from '../EnhancedTable'; import Footer from '../Footer'; import LayerMap from '../LayerMap'; import PreviewMap from '../PreviewMap'; // Helpers import Client from '../../utils/feathers'; import Countries from 'country-list'; // Images import LoadingGif from '../../assets/img/loading_icon.gif'; import MerchantPin from '../../assets/img/map/merchant_pin.png'; import "./MerchantsPage.css"; // List of countries const countries = Countries(); const centerStyle = { marginTop: 20, marginBottom: 20 }; const loadingStyle = { textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 20, marginBottom: 20, display: 'block', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto' }; const mapsStyles = { content : { top : '50%', left : '50%', right : 'auto', bottom : 'auto', marginRight : '-50%', transform : 'translate(-50%, -50%)', minWidth : '300px' } }; const columnData = [ { id: 'name', numeric: false, disablePadding: true, label: 'Name' }, { id: 'address', numeric: false, disablePadding: true, label: 'Address' }, { id: 'city', numeric: false, disablePadding: false, label: 'City' }, { id: 'country', numeric: false, disablePadding: false, label: 'Country' }, { id: 'map', numeric: false, disablePadding: false, label: 'Maps', disableSearch: true} ]; /** * Merchant page component. */ class MerchantsPage extends Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); /** @type {ComponentState} */ this.state = { merchants: { total: 0, limit: 0, skip: 0, data: [] }, merchantsSearch: [], ambassadorsMarkers: [], loading: true, rowsPerPage: [100,200,300], numberOfRows: 100, page: 1, total: undefined, dialogOpen: false, dialogMultipleOpen: false, modalIsOpen: false, mapsModalIsOpen: false, mapsTitle: '', mapsDescription: '', mapsLat: 0, mapsLon: 0 }; } /** * @description Lifecycle event handler called just after the App loads into the DOM. */ UNSAFE_componentWillMount() { this.getAmbassadors(); this.getMerchants(); } fillResults(result) { const data = result; return (item) =>; } /** * @description Get ambassadors from the web service * @param {number} [limit=10] - Max items to be returned. * @param {number} [skip=0] - Start index search */ getAmbassadors = async (limit = 50, skip = 0) => { const app = this; // Initially we don't know how much the total value is, so to make sure we enter the loop // at least once we're just setting it to be 1 let total = 1; const ambassadors = Client.service('api/v2/ambassadors'); let result; while(skip < total){ let partialResponse = await ambassadors.find({ query: { $sort: { account: 1 }, $limit: limit, $skip: skip } }); total =; result === undefined ? result = partialResponse :; skip = skip + limit; } const markers = []; => { ambassador.cities.forEach(function(city) { const marker = { lat:, lng: city.lon, withInfo: true, infoTitle: ambassador.nickname, infoDescription: `${} - ${}`, }; markers.push(marker); }); }); // Once both return, update the state app.setState({ ambassadorsMarkers: markers }); }; /** * @description Get merchants from the web service * @param {number} [limit=10] - Max items to be returned. * @param {number} [skip=0] - Start index search */ getMerchants = async (limit = 50, skip = 0) => { const app = this; // Initially we don't know how much the total value is, so to make sure we enter the loop // at least once we're just setting it to be 1 let total = 1; const merchants = Client.service('api/v1/merchants'); this.setState({loading: true}); let result; while(skip < total){ let partialResponse = await merchants.find({ query: { $sort: { account: 1 }, $limit: limit, $skip: skip } }); total =; result === undefined ? result = partialResponse :; skip = skip + limit; }{ if( !== undefined) = (^|\s)\S/g, l => l.toUpperCase()); if( !== undefined) = countries.getName(; }); => { = ; return merchant; }); // Once both return, update the state app.setState({ loading: false, merchants: result, merchantsSearch: }); }; /** * @description Close Maps modal. */ closeMapsModal() { this.setState({ mapsLat: 0, mapsLon: 0, mapsModalIsOpen: false }); } openMaps(name, address, lat, lon){ this.setState({ mapsTitle: name, mapsDescription: address, mapsLat: lat, mapsLon: lon, mapsModalIsOpen: true }); } handleSearchChange(data){ this.setState({ merchantsSearch: data }); } render() { const { data: merchantsData } = this.state.merchants; const { ambassadorsMarkers, merchantsSearch } = this.state; const merchantMarkers = => { const marker = { lat:, lng: merchant.lon, withInfo: true, infoTitle:, infoDescription: `${merchant.address}, ${} - ${}`, }; return marker; }); return (

{ /* Conditional Rendering */} {(this.state.loading) ? ( Loading ): (

this.closeMapsModal()} style={mapsStyles} ariaHideApp={false} contentLabel={this.state.mapsTitle} > {(merchantsData.length > 0) ? (

this.handleSearchChange(data)} />
) : (
No Data found
); } } export { MerchantsPage };