package cy.agorise.graphenej; import; import java.util.List; import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.LimitOrderCreateOperation; /** * This class will maintain a snapshot of the order book between two assets. * * It also provides a handy method that should return the appropriate LimitOrderCreateOperation * object needed in case the user wants to perform market-priced operations. * * It is important to keep the order book updated, ideally by listening to blockchain events, * and calling the 'update' method. * */ public class OrderBook { private List limitOrders; public OrderBook(List limitOrders){ this.limitOrders = limitOrders; } /** * Replaces the current limit order by the list provided as parameter. * @param limitOrders: New list of orders */ public void update(List limitOrders){ this.limitOrders = limitOrders; } public void update(LimitOrder limitOrder){ //TODO: Implement the method that will update a single limit order from the order book } /** * High level method used to exchange a specific amount of an asset (The base) for another * one (The quote) at market value. * * It should analyze the order book and figure out the optimal amount of the base asset to give * away in order to obtain the desired amount of the quote asset. * * @param seller: User account of the seller, used to build the limit order create operation * @param myBaseAsset: The asset the user is willing to give away * @param myQuoteAmount: The amount of a given asset the user wants * @param expiration: The expiration time of the limit order * * @return An instance of the LimitOrderCreateOperation class, which is ready to be broadcasted. */ public LimitOrderCreateOperation exchange(UserAccount seller, Asset myBaseAsset, AssetAmount myQuoteAmount, int expiration){ AssetAmount toSell = new AssetAmount(calculateRequiredBase(myQuoteAmount), myBaseAsset); AssetAmount toReceive = myQuoteAmount; LimitOrderCreateOperation buyOrder = new LimitOrderCreateOperation(seller, toSell, toReceive, expiration, true); return buyOrder; } public LimitOrderCreateOperation exchange(UserAccount seller, AssetAmount baseAmount, Asset quoteAsset, int expiration){ AssetAmount minToReceive = new AssetAmount(calculateObtainedQuote(baseAmount), quoteAsset); return new LimitOrderCreateOperation(seller, baseAmount, minToReceive, expiration, true); } /** * Method that calculates the amount of an asset that we will obtain (the quote amount) if we trade * a known fixed amount of the asset we already have (the base amount). * * @param baseAmount The fixed amount of the asset we have and want to sell * @return The equivalent amount to receive in exchange of the base amount */ public UnsignedLong calculateObtainedQuote(AssetAmount baseAmount){ UnsignedLong myBase = baseAmount.getAmount(); UnsignedLong obtainedQuote = UnsignedLong.ZERO; for(int i = 0; i < limitOrders.size() && myBase.compareTo(UnsignedLong.ZERO) > 0; i++){ LimitOrder order = limitOrders.get(i); // Checking to make sure the order matches our needs if(order.getSellPrice().quote.getAsset().equals(baseAmount.getAsset())){ UnsignedLong orderBase = order.getSellPrice().base.getAmount(); UnsignedLong orderQuote = order.getSellPrice().quote.getAmount(); UnsignedLong availableBase = order.getForSale(); UnsignedLong myQuote = UnsignedLong.valueOf((long)(myBase.times(orderBase).doubleValue() / (orderQuote.doubleValue()))); if(myQuote.compareTo(availableBase) > 0){ // We consume this order entirely // myBase = myBase - (for_sale) * (order_quote / order_base) myBase = myBase.minus(availableBase.times(orderQuote).dividedBy(orderBase)); // We need more than this order can offer us, but have to take in consideration how much there really is. // (order base / order quote) x (available order base / order base) UnsignedLong thisBatch = UnsignedLong.valueOf((long)(orderBase.times(availableBase).doubleValue() / orderQuote.times(orderBase).doubleValue())); obtainedQuote =; }else{ // This order consumes all our base asset // obtained_quote = obtained_quote + (my base * order_base / order_quote) obtainedQuote =; myBase = UnsignedLong.ZERO; } } } return obtainedQuote; } /** * Method that calculates the amount of an asset that we will consume (the base amount) if we want to obtain * a known fixed amount of another asset (the quote amount). * @param quoteAmount The fixed amount of an asset that we want to obtain * @return The amount of an asset we already have that will be consumed by the trade */ public UnsignedLong calculateRequiredBase(AssetAmount quoteAmount){ UnsignedLong myQuote = quoteAmount.getAmount(); UnsignedLong obtainedBase = UnsignedLong.ZERO; for(int i = 0; i < limitOrders.size() && myQuote.compareTo(UnsignedLong.ZERO) > 0; i++){ LimitOrder order = limitOrders.get(i); // Checking to make sure the order matches our needs if(order.getSellPrice().base.getAsset().equals(quoteAmount.getAsset())){ UnsignedLong orderBase = order.getSellPrice().base.getAmount(); UnsignedLong orderQuote = order.getSellPrice().quote.getAmount(); UnsignedLong forSale = order.getForSale(); if(forSale.compareTo(myQuote) > 0){ // Found an order that fills our requirements obtainedBase = (myQuote.doubleValue() * orderQuote.doubleValue() / orderBase.doubleValue()))); myQuote = UnsignedLong.ZERO; }else{ // Found an order that partially fills our needs obtainedBase = (forSale.doubleValue() * orderQuote.doubleValue() / orderBase.doubleValue()))); myQuote = myQuote.minus(forSale); } } } return obtainedBase; } }