package cy.agorise.graphenej; import; import; import; import; import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.GetLimitOrders; import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.TransactionBroadcastSequence; import cy.agorise.graphenej.interfaces.WitnessResponseListener; import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.BaseResponse; import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.WitnessResponse; import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.CustomOperation; import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.LimitOrderCancelOperation; import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.LimitOrderCreateOperation; import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.TransferOperation; import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.TransferOperationBuilder; import cy.agorise.graphenej.test.NaiveSSLContext; /** * Created by nelson on 3/6/17. */ public class TransactionTest { private final String BILTHON_7_BRAIN_KEY = TestAccounts.Bilthon7.BRAINKEY; private final String BILTHON_5_BRAIN_KEY = TestAccounts.Bilthon5.BRAINKEY; private final String BILTHON_16_BRAIN_KEY = TestAccounts.Bilthon16.BRAINKEY; private final String NODE_URL = "wss://"; // Transfer operation transaction private final Asset CORE_ASSET = new Asset("1.3.0"); private final UserAccount bilthon_7 = new UserAccount("1.2.140994"); private final UserAccount bilthon_5 = new UserAccount("1.2.139313"); private final UserAccount bilthon_16 = new UserAccount("1.2.143569"); // Limit order create transaction private final Asset BIT_USD = new Asset("1.3.121"); private UserAccount seller = bilthon_7; private AssetAmount amountToSell = new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(100000), CORE_ASSET); private AssetAmount minToReceive = new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(520), BIT_USD); private long expiration; // Custom operation transaction private final AssetAmount fee = new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(100000), CORE_ASSET); private final UserAccount payer = bilthon_7; private final Integer operationId = 61166; private final List requiredAuths = Collections.singletonList(payer); private final String data = "some data"; private final long FEE_AMOUNT = 21851; // Lock object private static final class Lock { } private final Object lockObject = new Lock(); // Response private BaseResponse baseResponse; /** * Generic witness response listener that will just release the lock created in * main thread. */ WitnessResponseListener listener = new WitnessResponseListener() { @Override public void onSuccess(WitnessResponse response) { System.out.println("onSuccess"); baseResponse = response; synchronized (this){ this.notifyAll(); } } @Override public void onError(BaseResponse.Error error) { System.out.println("onError. Msg: "; synchronized (this){ notifyAll(); } } }; @Before public void setup(){ } /** * Receives the elements required for building a transaction, puts them together and broadcasts it. * @param privateKey: The private key used to sign the transaction. * @param operationList: The list of operations to include * @param responseListener: The response listener. * @param lockObject: Optional object to use as a lock */ private void broadcastTransaction(ECKey privateKey, List operationList, WitnessResponseListener responseListener, Object lockObject) { try{ Transaction transaction = new Transaction(privateKey, null, operationList); SSLContext context = null; context = NaiveSSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); WebSocketFactory factory = new WebSocketFactory(); // Set the custom SSL context. factory.setSSLContext(context); WebSocket mWebSocket = factory.createSocket(NODE_URL); mWebSocket.addListener(new TransactionBroadcastSequence(transaction, CORE_ASSET, responseListener)); mWebSocket.connect(); // If a lock object is specified, we use it if(lockObject != null){ synchronized (lockObject){ lockObject.wait(); } }else{ // Otherwise we just use this listener as the lock synchronized (responseListener){ responseListener.wait(); } } Assert.assertNotNull(baseResponse); Assert.assertNull(baseResponse.error); }catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e){ System.out.println("NoSuchAlgoritmException. Msg: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("InterruptedException. Msg: "+e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IOException. Msg: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (WebSocketException e) { System.out.println("WebSocketException. Msg: " + e.getMessage()); } } @Test public void testTransferTransaction(){ ECKey sourcePrivateKey = new BrainKey(BILTHON_7_BRAIN_KEY, 0).getPrivateKey(); PublicKey to1 = new PublicKey(ECKey.fromPublicOnly(new BrainKey(BILTHON_5_BRAIN_KEY, 0).getPublicKey())); PublicKey to2 = new PublicKey(ECKey.fromPublicOnly(new BrainKey(BILTHON_16_BRAIN_KEY, 0).getPublicKey())); // Creating memo SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); BigInteger nonce = BigInteger.valueOf(random.nextLong()); byte[] encryptedMessage = Memo.encryptMessage(sourcePrivateKey, to1, nonce, "another message"); Memo memo = new Memo(new Address(ECKey.fromPublicOnly(sourcePrivateKey.getPubKey())), new Address(to1.getKey()), nonce, encryptedMessage); // Creating operation 1 TransferOperation transferOperation1 = new TransferOperationBuilder() .setTransferAmount(new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(1), CORE_ASSET)) .setSource(bilthon_7) .setDestination(bilthon_5) // bilthon-5 .setFee(new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(FEE_AMOUNT), CORE_ASSET)) .setMemo(memo) .build(); // Creating operation 2 TransferOperation transferOperation2 = new TransferOperationBuilder() .setTransferAmount(new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(1), CORE_ASSET)) .setSource(bilthon_7) // bilthon-15 .setDestination(bilthon_16) // bilthon-16 .setFee(new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(FEE_AMOUNT), CORE_ASSET)) .setMemo(memo) .build(); // Adding operations to the operation list ArrayList operationList = new ArrayList<>(); operationList.add(transferOperation1); operationList.add(transferOperation2); // Broadcasting transaction broadcastTransaction(sourcePrivateKey, operationList, listener, null); } @Test public void testLimitOrderCreateTransaction(){ ECKey privateKey = new BrainKey(BILTHON_7_BRAIN_KEY, 0).getPrivateKey(); expiration = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + 60 * 60; // Creating limit order creation operation LimitOrderCreateOperation operation = new LimitOrderCreateOperation(seller, amountToSell, minToReceive, (int) expiration, false); operation.setFee(new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(2), CORE_ASSET)); ArrayList operationList = new ArrayList<>(); operationList.add(operation); // Broadcasting transaction broadcastTransaction(privateKey, operationList, listener, null); } /** * Since tests should be independent of each other, in order to be able to test the cancellation of an * existing order we must first proceed to create one. And after creating one, we must also retrieve * its id in a separate call. * * All of this just makes this test a bit more complex, since we have 3 clearly defined tasks that require * network communication * * 1- Create order * 2- Retrieve order id * 3- Send order cancellation tx * * Only the last one is what we actually want to test * * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws IOException * @throws WebSocketException */ @Test public void testLimitOrderCancelTransaction() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException, WebSocketException { // We first must create a limit order for this test ECKey privateKey = new BrainKey(BILTHON_7_BRAIN_KEY, 0).getPrivateKey(); expiration = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + 60 * 5; // Creating limit order creation operation LimitOrderCreateOperation operation = new LimitOrderCreateOperation(seller, amountToSell, minToReceive, (int) expiration, false); operation.setFee(new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf(2), CORE_ASSET)); ArrayList operationList = new ArrayList<>(); operationList.add(operation); // Broadcasting transaction (Task 1) broadcastTransaction(privateKey, operationList, new WitnessResponseListener() { @Override public void onSuccess(WitnessResponse response) { System.out.println("onSuccess.0"); try{ // Setting up the assets Asset base = amountToSell.getAsset(); Asset quote = minToReceive.getAsset(); SSLContext context = NaiveSSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); WebSocketFactory factory = new WebSocketFactory(); // Set the custom SSL context. factory.setSSLContext(context); WebSocket mWebSocket = factory.createSocket(NODE_URL); // Requesting limit order to cancel (Task 2) mWebSocket.addListener(new GetLimitOrders(base.getObjectId(), quote.getObjectId(), 100, new WitnessResponseListener() { @Override public void onSuccess(WitnessResponse response) { System.out.println("onSuccess.1"); List orders = (List) response.result; for(LimitOrder order : orders){ if(order.getSeller().getObjectId().equals(bilthon_7.getObjectId())){ // Instantiating a private key for bilthon-15 ECKey privateKey = new BrainKey(BILTHON_7_BRAIN_KEY, 0).getPrivateKey(); // Creating limit order cancellation operation LimitOrderCancelOperation operation = new LimitOrderCancelOperation(order, bilthon_7); ArrayList operationList = new ArrayList<>(); operationList.add(operation); // Broadcasting order cancellation tx (Task 3) broadcastTransaction(privateKey, operationList, new WitnessResponseListener() { @Override public void onSuccess(WitnessResponse response) { System.out.println("onSuccess.2"); baseResponse = response; synchronized (this){ notifyAll(); } synchronized (lockObject){ lockObject.notifyAll(); } } @Override public void onError(BaseResponse.Error error) { System.out.println("onError.2"); synchronized (this){ notifyAll(); } synchronized (lockObject){ lockObject.notifyAll(); } } }, null); } } } @Override public void onError(BaseResponse.Error error) { System.out.println("onError.1"); System.out.println(; Assert.assertNull(error); synchronized (lockObject){ lockObject.notifyAll(); } } })); mWebSocket.connect(); }catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e){ System.out.println("NoSuchAlgorithmException. Msg: "+e.getMessage()); } catch (WebSocketException e) { System.out.println("WebSocketException. Msg: "+e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IOException. Msg: "+e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void onError(BaseResponse.Error error) { System.out.println("OnError. Msg: "+error.message); synchronized (this){ notifyAll(); } } }, lockObject); } @Test public void testCustomOperationTransaction(){ ECKey sourcePrivateKey = new BrainKey(BILTHON_7_BRAIN_KEY, 0).getPrivateKey(); // Creating custom operation CustomOperation customOperation = new CustomOperation(fee, payer, operationId, requiredAuths, data); // Adding operation to the operation list ArrayList operationList = new ArrayList<>(); operationList.add(customOperation); // Broadcasting transaction broadcastTransaction(sourcePrivateKey, operationList, listener, null); } @Test public void testTransactionHash(){ ArrayList operations = new ArrayList<>(); TransferOperation transferOperation = new TransferOperationBuilder() .setTransferAmount(new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf("363"), new Asset("1.3.0"))) .setFee(new AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.valueOf("10420"), new Asset("1.3.0"))) .setSource(new UserAccount("1.2.1029856")) .setDestination(new UserAccount("1.2.390320")) .build(); BlockData blockData = new BlockData(50885, 2948192884L, 1543548351); operations.add(transferOperation); Transaction transaction = new Transaction(blockData, operations); byte[] testHash = transaction.getHash(); // Making sure the generated hash matches the one we expect from the block explorer Assert.assertArrayEquals(Util.hexToBytes("4fec588ccdd04daaf80666a3646a48b5189df041"), testHash); } }