package cy.agorise.graphenej; import; import*; import cy.agorise.graphenej.errors.ChecksumException; import cy.agorise.graphenej.errors.MalformedAddressException; import cy.agorise.graphenej.interfaces.ByteSerializable; import cy.agorise.graphenej.interfaces.JsonSerializable; import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Class used to represent a memo data structure * {@url} */ public class Memo implements ByteSerializable, JsonSerializable { public static final String KEY_FROM = "from"; public static final String KEY_TO = "to"; public static final String KEY_NONCE = "nonce"; public static final String KEY_MESSAGE = "message"; private Address from; private Address to; private BigInteger nonce; private byte[] message; private String plaintextMessage; public String getPlaintextMessage() { if(plaintextMessage == null) return ""; else return plaintextMessage; } public void setPlaintextMessage(String plaintextMessage) { this.plaintextMessage = plaintextMessage; } /** * Empty Constructor */ public Memo() { this.from = null; = null; this.message = null; } /** * Constructor used for private memos. * @param from: Address of sender * @param to: Address of recipient. * @param nonce: Nonce used in the encryption. * @param message: Message in ciphertext. */ public Memo(Address from, Address to, BigInteger nonce, byte[] message){ this.from = from; = to; this.nonce = nonce; this.message = message; } /** * Constructor intended to be used with public memos * @param message: Message in plaintext. */ public Memo(String message){ this.message = message.getBytes(); } public Address getSource(){ return this.from; } public Address getDestination(){ return; } public BigInteger getNonce(){ return this.nonce; } public byte[] getByteMessage(){ return this.message; } public String getStringMessage(){ if(this.message != null) return new String(this.message); else return ""; } /** * Method used to decrypt memo data. * @param privateKey: Private key of the sender. * @param publicKey: Public key of the recipient. * @param nonce: The nonce. * @param message: Plaintext message. * @return: The encrypted version of the message. */ public static byte[] encryptMessage(ECKey privateKey, PublicKey publicKey, BigInteger nonce, String message){ byte[] encrypted = null; try { MessageDigest sha256 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); MessageDigest sha512 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512"); // Getting nonce bytes String stringNonce = nonce.toString(); byte[] nonceBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(Util.hexlify(stringNonce), 0, stringNonce.length()); // Getting shared secret byte[] secret = publicKey.getKey().getPubKeyPoint().multiply(privateKey.getPrivKey()).normalize().getXCoord().getEncoded(); // SHA-512 of shared secret byte[] ss = sha512.digest(secret); byte[] seed = Bytes.concat(nonceBytes, Util.hexlify(Util.bytesToHex(ss))); // Calculating checksum byte[] sha256Msg = sha256.digest(message.getBytes()); byte[] checksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(sha256Msg, 0, 4); // Concatenating checksum + message bytes byte[] msgFinal = Bytes.concat(checksum, message.getBytes()); // Applying encryption encrypted = Util.encryptAES(msgFinal, seed); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { System.out.println("NoSuchAlgotithmException. Msg:"+ ex.getMessage()); } return encrypted; } /** * Method used to encrypt memo data. * @param privateKey: Private key of the sender. * @param destinationAddress: Address of the recipient. * @param nonce: The nonce. * @param message: Plaintext message. * @return: The encrypted version of the message. */ public static byte[] encryptMessage(ECKey privateKey, Address destinationAddress, BigInteger nonce, String message){ return encryptMessage(privateKey, destinationAddress.getPublicKey(), nonce, message); } /** * Method used to decrypt memo data. * @param privateKey: The private key of the recipient. * @param publicKey: The public key of the sender. * @param nonce: The nonce. * @param message: The encrypted message. * @return: The plaintext version of the enrcrypted message. * @throws ChecksumException */ public static String decryptMessage(ECKey privateKey, PublicKey publicKey, BigInteger nonce, byte[] message) throws ChecksumException { String plaintext = ""; try { MessageDigest sha256 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); MessageDigest sha512 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512"); // Getting nonce bytes String stringNonce = nonce.toString(); byte[] nonceBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(Util.hexlify(stringNonce), 0, stringNonce.length()); // Getting shared secret byte[] secret = publicKey.getKey().getPubKeyPoint().multiply(privateKey.getPrivKey()).normalize().getXCoord().getEncoded(); // SHA-512 of shared secret byte[] ss = sha512.digest(secret); byte[] seed = Bytes.concat(nonceBytes, Util.hexlify(Util.bytesToHex(ss))); // Applying decryption byte[] temp = Util.decryptAES(message, seed); byte[] checksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(temp, 0, 4); byte[] decrypted = Arrays.copyOfRange(temp, 4, temp.length); plaintext = new String(decrypted); byte[] checksumConfirmation = Arrays.copyOfRange(sha256.digest(decrypted), 0, 4); boolean checksumVerification = Arrays.equals(checksum, checksumConfirmation); if(!checksumVerification){ throw new ChecksumException("Invalid checksum found while performing decryption"); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { System.out.println("NoSuchAlgorithmException. Msg:"+ e.getMessage()); } return plaintext; } /** * Method used to decrypt memo data. * @param privateKey: The private key of the recipient. * @param sourceAddress: The public address key of the sender. * @param nonce: The nonce. * @param message: The encrypted message. * @return: The plaintext version of the enrcrypted message. * @throws ChecksumException */ public static String decryptMessage(ECKey privateKey, Address sourceAddress, BigInteger nonce, byte[] message) throws ChecksumException { return decryptMessage(privateKey, sourceAddress.getPublicKey(), nonce, message); } /** * Implement metod, serialized this Object * @return the byte array of this object serialized */ @Override public byte[] toBytes() { if ((this.from == null) && ( == null) && (this.message == null)) { return new byte[]{(byte) 0}; } else if(this.from == null && == null & this.message != null){ return Bytes.concat(new byte[]{1}, new byte[]{(byte)0}, new byte[]{(byte)0}, new byte[]{(byte)0}, new byte[]{(byte) this.message.length}, this.message); } else { byte[] paddedNonceBytes = new byte[8]; byte[] originalNonceBytes = nonce.toByteArray(); System.arraycopy(originalNonceBytes, 0, paddedNonceBytes, 8 - originalNonceBytes.length, originalNonceBytes.length); byte[] nonceBytes = Util.revertBytes(paddedNonceBytes); // byte[] nonceBytes = Util.revertBytes(nonce.toByteArray()); ECPoint senderPoint = ECKey.compressPoint(from.getPublicKey().getKey().getPubKeyPoint()); PublicKey senderPublicKey = new PublicKey(ECKey.fromPublicOnly(senderPoint)); ECPoint recipientPoint = ECKey.compressPoint(to.getPublicKey().getKey().getPubKeyPoint()); PublicKey recipientPublicKey = new PublicKey(ECKey.fromPublicOnly(recipientPoint)); return Bytes.concat(new byte[]{1}, senderPublicKey.toBytes(), recipientPublicKey.toBytes(), nonceBytes, new byte[]{(byte) this.message.length}, this.message); } } /** * Converts a memo instance to a String. * * The nonce is always encoded as a decimal number in a string field. * @return */ @Override public String toJsonString() { Gson gson = new Gson(); return gson.toJson(toJson(true)); } /** * Converts a memo instance into a JsonElement. * * This method differs from the {@link #toJson(boolean)} in that here the nonce is encoded as an * hexadecimal number, while in that one we offer the user to choose either the decimal or hexadecimal * representations. * * @return JsonObject instance representing this memo */ @Override public JsonElement toJsonObject() { JsonObject memoObject = new JsonObject(); if ((this.from == null) && ( == null)) { // TODO: Check if this public memo serialization is accepted memoObject.addProperty(KEY_FROM, ""); memoObject.addProperty(KEY_TO, ""); memoObject.addProperty(KEY_NONCE, ""); if(this.message != null) memoObject.addProperty(KEY_MESSAGE, Util.bytesToHex(this.message)); return null; }else{ memoObject.addProperty(KEY_FROM, this.from.toString()); memoObject.addProperty(KEY_TO,; memoObject.addProperty(KEY_NONCE, this.nonce.toString()); if(this.message != null) memoObject.addProperty(KEY_MESSAGE, Util.bytesToHex(this.message)); } return memoObject; } /** * Method that converts the memo into a JsonObject. * * @param decimal If true, the nonce is saved as string containing a decimal number representation. * @return JsonObject instance representing this memo */ public JsonElement toJson(boolean decimal){ JsonElement jsonElement = toJsonObject(); if(decimal && jsonElement != null){ JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) jsonElement; // The nonce is interpreted in base 16, but it is going to be written in base 10 BigInteger nonce = new BigInteger(jsonObject.get(KEY_NONCE).getAsString(), 16); jsonObject.addProperty(KEY_NONCE, nonce.toString()); } return jsonElement; } /** * Class used to deserialize a memo */ public static class MemoDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer { @Override public Memo deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject(); String fromAddress = jsonObject.get(KEY_FROM).getAsString(); String toAddress = jsonObject.get(KEY_TO).getAsString(); // Apparently the nonce is always coming from the full node as a string containing a // decimal number. This is at odds with the result of the #toJsonObject method // which encodes this data in hexadecimal. BigInteger nonce = new BigInteger(jsonObject.get(KEY_NONCE).getAsString(), 10); String msg = jsonObject.get(KEY_MESSAGE).getAsString(); Memo memo = null; try{ Address from = new Address(fromAddress); Address to = new Address(toAddress); byte[] message = Util.hexToBytes(msg); memo = new Memo(from, to, nonce, message); }catch(MalformedAddressException e){ System.out.println("MalformedAddressException. Msg: "+e.getMessage()); } return memo; } } /** * Class used to serialize a memo */ public static class MemoSerializer implements JsonSerializer { @Override public JsonElement serialize(Memo memo, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { return memo.toJson(true); } } }