package cy.agorise.graphenej; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import cy.agorise.graphenej.errors.MalformedAddressException; import cy.agorise.graphenej.interfaces.GrapheneSerializable; /** * Created by nelson on 12/5/16. */ public class AccountOptions implements GrapheneSerializable { public static final String KEY_MEMO_KEY = "memo_key"; public static final String KEY_NUM_COMMITTEE = "num_committee"; public static final String KEY_NUM_WITNESS = "num_witness"; public static final String KEY_VOTES = "votes"; public static final String KEY_VOTING_ACCOUNT = "voting_account"; public static final String KEY_EXTENSIONS = Extensions.KEY_EXTENSIONS; private PublicKey memo_key; private UserAccount voting_account; private int num_witness; private int num_comittee; private Vote[] votes; private Extensions extensions; /** * Constructor used to instantiate only the following attributes: * */ public AccountOptions(){ voting_account = new UserAccount(UserAccount.PROXY_TO_SELF); this.votes = new Vote[0]; this.extensions = new Extensions(); } /** * Constructor used to instantiate only the following attributes: * */ public AccountOptions(PublicKey memoKey){ this(); this.memo_key = memoKey; } /** * Constructor that can be used to instantiate a version of the AccountOptions object * with a null reference in the 'voting_account' attribute. This can be used to prevent * a circular dependency situation when de-serializing the UserAccount instance. * * @param memoKey Memo public key used by this account * @param includeAccount Whether or not to instantiate an UserAccount */ public AccountOptions(PublicKey memoKey, boolean includeAccount){ if(includeAccount){ voting_account = new UserAccount(UserAccount.PROXY_TO_SELF); } this.memo_key = memoKey; this.votes = new Vote[0]; this.extensions = new Extensions(); } //TODO: Implement constructor that takes a Vote array. public PublicKey getMemoKey() { return memo_key; } public void setMemoKey(PublicKey memo_key) { this.memo_key = memo_key; } public UserAccount getVotingAccount() { return voting_account; } public void setVotingAccount(UserAccount voting_account) { this.voting_account = voting_account; } public int getNumWitness() { return num_witness; } public void setNumWitness(int num_witness) { this.num_witness = num_witness; } public int getNumComittee() { return num_comittee; } public void setNum_comittee(int num_comittee) { this.num_comittee = num_comittee; } public Vote[] getVotes() { return votes; } public void setVotes(Vote[] votes) { this.votes = votes; } @Override public byte[] toBytes() { List byteArray = new ArrayList(); if(memo_key != null){ // Adding byte to indicate that there is memo data byteArray.add((byte) 1); // Adding memo key byteArray.addAll(Bytes.asList(memo_key.toBytes())); // Adding voting account byteArray.addAll(Bytes.asList(voting_account.toBytes())); // Adding num_witness byteArray.addAll(Bytes.asList(Util.revertShort(Short.valueOf((short) num_witness)))); // Adding num_committee byteArray.addAll(Bytes.asList(Util.revertShort(Short.valueOf((short) num_comittee)))); // Vote's array length byteArray.add((byte) votes.length); for(Vote vote : votes){ //TODO: Check this serialization byteArray.addAll(Bytes.asList(vote.toBytes())); } // Account options's extensions byteArray.addAll(Bytes.asList(extensions.toBytes())); }else{ byteArray.add((byte) 0); } return Bytes.toArray(byteArray); } @Override public String toJsonString() { return null; } @Override public JsonElement toJsonObject() { JsonObject options = new JsonObject(); options.addProperty(KEY_MEMO_KEY, new Address(memo_key.getKey()).toString()); options.addProperty(KEY_NUM_COMMITTEE, num_comittee); options.addProperty(KEY_NUM_WITNESS, num_witness); options.addProperty(KEY_VOTING_ACCOUNT, voting_account.getObjectId()); JsonArray votesArray = new JsonArray(); for(Vote vote : votes){ //TODO: Add votes representation } options.add(KEY_VOTES, votesArray); options.add(KEY_EXTENSIONS, extensions.toJsonObject()); return options; } /** * Custom deserializer used while parsing the 'get_account_by_name' API call response. * TODO: Implement all other details besides the key */ public static class AccountOptionsDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer { boolean mIncludeUserAccount; public AccountOptionsDeserializer(){ this.mIncludeUserAccount = true; } public AccountOptionsDeserializer(boolean includeUserAccount){ this.mIncludeUserAccount = includeUserAccount; } @Override public AccountOptions deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { JsonObject baseObject = json.getAsJsonObject(); AccountOptions options; try { Address address = new Address(baseObject.get(KEY_MEMO_KEY).getAsString()); options = new AccountOptions(address.getPublicKey(), mIncludeUserAccount); } catch (MalformedAddressException e) { System.out.println("MalformedAddressException. Msg: "+e.getMessage()); options = new AccountOptions(); } return options; } } }