package de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej; import de.bitsharesmunich.graphenej.objects.Memo; import; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Type; /** * Class used to encapsulate the TransferOperation operation related functionalities. * TODO: Add extensions support */ public class TransferOperation extends BaseOperation { public static final String KEY_FEE = "fee"; public static final String KEY_AMOUNT = "amount"; public static final String KEY_EXTENSIONS = "extensions"; public static final String KEY_FROM = "from"; public static final String KEY_TO = "to"; public static final String KEY_MEMO = "memo"; private AssetAmount fee; private AssetAmount amount; private UserAccount from; private UserAccount to; private Memo memo; private String[] extensions; public TransferOperation(UserAccount from, UserAccount to, AssetAmount transferAmount, AssetAmount fee){ super(OperationType.transfer_operation); this.from = from; = to; this.amount = transferAmount; this.fee = fee; this.memo = new Memo(); } public TransferOperation(UserAccount from, UserAccount to, AssetAmount transferAmount){ super(OperationType.transfer_operation); this.from = from; = to; this.amount = transferAmount; this.memo = new Memo(); } @Override public void setFee(AssetAmount newFee){ this.fee = newFee; } public UserAccount getFrom(){ return this.from; } public UserAccount getTo(){ return; } public AssetAmount getAmount(){ return this.amount; } public AssetAmount getFee(){ return this.fee; } @Override public byte[] toBytes() { byte[] feeBytes = fee.toBytes(); byte[] fromBytes = from.toBytes(); byte[] toBytes = to.toBytes(); byte[] amountBytes = amount.toBytes(); byte[] memoBytes = memo.toBytes(); return Bytes.concat(feeBytes, fromBytes, toBytes, amountBytes, memoBytes); } @Override public String toJsonString() { //TODO: Evaluate using simple Gson class to return a simple string representation and drop the TransferSerializer class GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(TransferOperation.class, new TransferSerializer()); return gsonBuilder.create().toJson(this); } @Override public JsonElement toJsonObject() { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); array.add(this.getId()); JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject.add(KEY_FEE, fee.toJsonObject()); jsonObject.addProperty(KEY_FROM, from.toJsonString()); jsonObject.addProperty(KEY_TO, to.toJsonString()); jsonObject.add(KEY_AMOUNT, amount.toJsonObject()); jsonObject.add(KEY_MEMO, memo.toJsonObject()); jsonObject.add(KEY_EXTENSIONS, new JsonArray()); array.add(jsonObject); return array; } public void setMemo(Memo memo) { this.memo = memo; } public static class TransferSerializer implements JsonSerializer { @Override public JsonElement serialize(TransferOperation transfer, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsonSerializationContext) { JsonArray arrayRep = new JsonArray(); arrayRep.add(transfer.getId()); arrayRep.add(transfer.toJsonObject()); return arrayRep; } } /** * This deserializer will work on any transfer operation serialized in the 'array form' used a lot in * the Graphene Blockchain API. * * An example of this serialized form is the following: * * [ * 0, * { * "fee": { * "amount": 264174, * "asset_id": "1.3.0" * }, * "from": "1.2.138632", * "to": "1.2.129848", * "amount": { * "amount": 100, * "asset_id": "1.3.0" * }, * "extensions": [] * } * ] * * It will convert this data into a nice TransferOperation object. */ public static class TransferDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer { @Override public TransferOperation deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { if(json.isJsonArray()){ // This block is used just to check if we are in the first step of the deserialization // when we are dealing with an array. JsonArray serializedTransfer = json.getAsJsonArray(); if(serializedTransfer.get(0).getAsInt() != OperationType.transfer_operation.ordinal()){ // If the operation type does not correspond to a transfer operation, we return null return null; }else{ // Calling itself recursively, this is only done once, so there will be no problems. return context.deserialize(serializedTransfer.get(1), TransferOperation.class); } }else{ // This block is called in the second recursion and takes care of deserializing the // transfer data itself. JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject(); // Deserializing AssetAmount objects AssetAmount amount = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get("amount"), AssetAmount.class); AssetAmount fee = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get("fee"), AssetAmount.class); // Deserializing UserAccount objects UserAccount from = new UserAccount(jsonObject.get("from").getAsString()); UserAccount to = new UserAccount(jsonObject.get("to").getAsString()); TransferOperation transfer = new TransferOperation(from, to, amount, fee); return transfer; } } } }