package com.luminiasoft.labs.sample; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.Log; /** * Sample application class */ public class SampleApplication extends Application implements Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks { private final String TAG = this.getClass().getName(); /** * Handler instance used to schedule tasks back to the main thread */ private Handler mHandler = new Handler(); /** * Constant used to specify how long will the app wait for another activity to go through its starting life * cycle events before running the teardownConnectionTask task. * * This is used as a means to detect whether or not the user has left the app. */ private final int DISCONNECT_DELAY = 1500; /** * Runnable used to schedule a service disconnection once the app is not visible to the user for * more than DISCONNECT_DELAY milliseconds. */ private final Runnable mDisconnectRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Log.d(TAG,"Runing stopService"); stopService(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), NetworkService.class)); } }; @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); Intent intent = new Intent(this, NetworkService.class); startService(intent); /* * Registering this class as a listener to all activity's callback cycle events, in order to * better estimate when the user has left the app and it is safe to disconnect the websocket connection */ registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(this); } @Override public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle bundle) { } @Override public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) { mHandler.removeCallbacks(mDisconnectRunnable); } @Override public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) { } @Override public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) { mHandler.postDelayed(mDisconnectRunnable, DISCONNECT_DELAY); } @Override public void onActivityStopped(Activity activity) { } @Override public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle bundle) { } @Override public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) { } }