package cy.agorise.graphenej.api; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import cy.agorise.graphenej.Asset; import cy.agorise.graphenej.RPC; import cy.agorise.graphenej.interfaces.WitnessResponseListener; import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.ApiCall; import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.BaseResponse; import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.BucketObject; import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.WitnessResponse; /** * Class that implements get_market_history request handler. * * Get mar * * @see get_market_history API doc * */ public class GetMarketHistory extends BaseGrapheneHandler { // Sequence of message ids private final static int LOGIN_ID = 1; private final static int GET_HISTORY_ID = 2; private final static int GET_HISTORY_DATA = 3; // API call parameters private Asset base; private Asset quote; private long bucket; private Date start; private Date end; private WitnessResponseListener mListener; private WebSocket mWebsocket; private int currentId = 1; private int apiId = -1; private int counter = 0; private boolean mOneTime; /** * Default Constructor * * @param base asset which history is desired * @param quote asset which the base price asset will be compared to * @param bucket the time interval (in seconds) for each point should be (analog to * candles on a candle stick graph). * Note: The bucket value is discrete and node dependent. The default value * is 3600s. To get the available buckets of a node use * get_all_asset_holders API call. * @param start datetime of of the most recent operation to retrieve (Note: The name is * counter intuitive, but it follow the original API parameter name) * @param end datetime of the the earliest operation to retrieve * @param oneTime boolean value indicating if WebSocket must be closed (true) or not * (false) after the response * @param listener A class implementing the WitnessResponseListener interface. This should * be implemented by the party interested in being notified about the * success/failure of the operation. */ public GetMarketHistory(Asset base, Asset quote, long bucket, Date start, Date end, boolean oneTime, WitnessResponseListener listener){ super(listener); this.base = base; this.quote = quote; this.bucket = bucket; this.start = start; this.end = end; this.mOneTime = oneTime; this.mListener = listener; } /** * Using this constructor the WebSocket connection closes after the response. * * @param base asset which history is desired * @param quote asset which the base price asset will be compared to * @param bucket the time interval (in seconds) for each point should be (analog to * candles on a candle stick graph). * Note: The bucket value is discrete and node dependent. The default value * is 3600s. To get the available buckets of a node use * get_all_asset_holders API call. * @param start datetime of of the most recent operation to retrieve (Note: The name is * counter intuitive, but it follow the original API parameter name) * @param end datetime of the the earliest operation to retrieve * @param listener A class implementing the WitnessResponseListener interface. This should * be implemented by the party interested in being notified about the * success/failure of the operation. */ public GetMarketHistory(Asset base, Asset quote, long bucket, Date start, Date end, WitnessResponseListener listener){ this(base, quote, bucket, start, end, true, listener); } public Asset getBase() { return base; } public void setBase(Asset base) { this.base = base; } public Asset getQuote() { return quote; } public void setQuote(Asset quote) { this.quote = quote; } public long getBucket() { return bucket; } public void setBucket(long bucket) { this.bucket = bucket; } public Date getStart() { return start; } public void setStart(Date start) { this.start = start; } public Date getEnd() { return end; } public void setEnd(Date end) { this.end = end; } public int getCount(){ return this.counter; } public void disconnect(){ if(mWebsocket != null && mWebsocket.isOpen()){ mWebsocket.disconnect(); } } /** * Retries the 'get_market_history' API call. * Hopefully with different 'start' and 'stop' parameters. */ public void retry(){ sendHistoricalMarketDataRequest(); } @Override public void onConnected(WebSocket websocket, Map> headers) throws Exception { mWebsocket = websocket; ArrayList loginParams = new ArrayList<>(); loginParams.add(null); loginParams.add(null); ApiCall loginCall = new ApiCall(1, RPC.CALL_LOGIN, loginParams, RPC.VERSION, currentId); websocket.sendText(loginCall.toJsonString()); } @Override public void onTextFrame(WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception { String response = frame.getPayloadText(); System.out.println("<<< "+response); Gson gson = new Gson(); BaseResponse baseResponse = gson.fromJson(response, BaseResponse.class); if(baseResponse.error != null){ mListener.onError(baseResponse.error); if(mOneTime){ websocket.disconnect(); } }else{ currentId++; ArrayList emptyParams = new ArrayList<>(); if( == LOGIN_ID){ ApiCall getRelativeAccountHistoryId = new ApiCall(1, RPC.CALL_HISTORY, emptyParams, RPC.VERSION, currentId); websocket.sendText(getRelativeAccountHistoryId.toJsonString()); } else if( == GET_HISTORY_ID){ Type ApiIdResponse = new TypeToken>() {}.getType(); WitnessResponse witnessResponse = gson.fromJson(response, ApiIdResponse); apiId = witnessResponse.result.intValue(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss"); ArrayList params = new ArrayList<>(); params.add(this.base.getObjectId()); params.add(this.quote.getObjectId()); params.add(this.bucket); params.add(dateFormat.format(this.start)); params.add(dateFormat.format(this.end)); ApiCall getRelativeAccountHistoryCall = new ApiCall(apiId, RPC.CALL_GET_MARKET_HISTORY, params, RPC.VERSION, currentId); websocket.sendText(getRelativeAccountHistoryCall.toJsonString()); }else if( >= GET_HISTORY_DATA){ GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); Type MarketHistoryResponse = new TypeToken>>(){}.getType(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(BucketObject.class, new BucketObject.BucketDeserializer()); WitnessResponse> marketHistoryResponse = builder.create().fromJson(response, MarketHistoryResponse); mListener.onSuccess(marketHistoryResponse); } } } /** * Actually sends the 'get_market_history' API call request. This method might be called multiple * times during the life-cycle of this instance because we might not have gotten anything * in the first requested interval. */ private void sendHistoricalMarketDataRequest(){ SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss"); ArrayList params = new ArrayList<>(); params.add(this.base.getObjectId()); params.add(this.quote.getObjectId()); params.add(this.bucket); params.add(dateFormat.format(this.start)); params.add(dateFormat.format(this.end)); ApiCall getRelativeAccountHistoryCall = new ApiCall(apiId, RPC.CALL_GET_MARKET_HISTORY, params, RPC.VERSION, currentId); mWebsocket.sendText(getRelativeAccountHistoryCall.toJsonString()); counter++; } @Override public void onFrameSent(WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception { if(frame.isTextFrame()) System.out.println(">>> "+frame.getPayloadText()); } }