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package cy.agorise.crystalwallet.util.yubikey
import android.util.Base64
//import com.yubico.yubioath.exc.AppletMissingException
//import com.yubico.yubioath.exc.AppletSelectException
//import com.yubico.yubioath.exc.StorageFullException
//import com.yubico.yubioath.transport.ApduError
//import com.yubico.yubioath.transport.Backend
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
class YkOathApi @Throws(IOException::class/*, AppletSelectException::class*/)
constructor(private var tag: IsoDep) : Closeable {
val deviceSalt: ByteArray
val deviceInfo: DeviceInfo
private var challenge = byteArrayOf()
init {
//try {
val resp = send(0xa4.toByte(), p1 = 0x04) { put(AID) }
val version = Version.parse(resp.parseTlv(VERSION_TAG))
deviceSalt = resp.parseTlv(NAME_TAG)
val id = getDeviceId(deviceSalt)
if (resp.hasRemaining()) {
challenge = resp.parseTlv(CHALLENGE_TAG)
deviceInfo = DeviceInfo(id, false, version, challenge.isNotEmpty())
/*} catch (e: ApduError) {
throw AppletMissingException()
/* fun isLocked(): Boolean = challenge.isNotEmpty()
fun reselect() {
send(0xa4.toByte(), p1 = 0x04) { put(AID) }.apply {
challenge = if (hasRemaining()) {
} else byteArrayOf()
fun unlock(signer: ChallengeSigner): Boolean {
val response = signer.sign(challenge)
val myChallenge = ByteArray(8)
val random = SecureRandom()
val myResponse = signer.sign(myChallenge)
return try {
val resp = send(VALIDATE_INS) {
tlv(RESPONSE_TAG, response)
tlv(CHALLENGE_TAG, myChallenge)
Arrays.equals(myResponse, resp.parseTlv(RESPONSE_TAG))
} catch (e: ApduError) {
fun setLockCode(secret: ByteArray) {
val challenge = ByteArray(8)
val random = SecureRandom()
val response = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1").apply {
init(SecretKeySpec(secret, algorithm))
send(SET_CODE_INS) {
tlv(KEY_TAG, byteArrayOf(OathType.TOTP.byteVal or Algorithm.SHA1.byteVal) + secret)
tlv(CHALLENGE_TAG, challenge)
tlv(RESPONSE_TAG, response)
deviceInfo.hasPassword = true
fun unsetLockCode() {
send(SET_CODE_INS) { tlv(KEY_TAG) }
deviceInfo.hasPassword = false
fun listCredentials(): List<String> {
val resp = send(LIST_INS)
return mutableListOf<String>().apply {
while (resp.hasRemaining()) {
val nameBytes = resp.parseTlv(NAME_LIST_TAG)
add(String(nameBytes, 1, nameBytes.size - 1)) //First byte is algorithm
fun putCode(name: String, key: ByteArray, type: OathType, algorithm: Algorithm, digits: Byte, imf: Int, touch: Boolean) {
//send(tag, 0xa4.toByte(), p1 = 0x04) { put(AID) }
//if (touch && deviceInfo.version.major < 4) {
// throw IllegalArgumentException("Require touch requires YubiKey 4")
//try {
send(PUT_INS) {
tlv(NAME_TAG, name.toByteArray())
tlv(KEY_TAG, byteArrayOf(type.byteVal or algorithm.byteVal, digits) + algorithm.prepareKey(key))
if (type == OathType.HOTP && imf > 0) put(IMF_TAG).put(4).putInt(imf)
//} catch (e: ApduError) {
// throw if (e.status == APDU_FILE_FULL) StorageFullException("No more room for OATH credentials!") else e
/*fun deleteCode(name: String) {
send(DELETE_INS) { tlv(NAME_TAG, name.toByteArray()) }
fun calculate(name: String, challenge: ByteArray, truncate: Boolean = true): ByteArray {
val resp = send(CALCULATE_INS, p2 = if (truncate) 1 else 0) {
tlv(NAME_TAG, name.toByteArray())
tlv(CHALLENGE_TAG, challenge)
return resp.parseTlv(resp.slice().get())
/*fun calculateAll(challenge: ByteArray): List<ResponseData> {
val resp = send(CALCULATE_ALL_INS, p2 = 1) {
tlv(CHALLENGE_TAG, challenge)
return mutableListOf<ResponseData>().apply {
while (resp.hasRemaining()) {
val name = String(resp.parseTlv(NAME_TAG))
val respType = resp.slice().get() // Peek
val hashBytes = resp.parseTlv(respType)
val oathType = if (respType == NO_RESPONSE_TAG) OathType.HOTP else OathType.TOTP
val touch = respType == TOUCH_TAG
add(ResponseData(name, oathType, touch, hashBytes))
private fun send(ins: Byte, p1: Byte = 0, p2: Byte = 0, data: ByteBuffer.() -> Unit = {}): ByteBuffer {
val apdu = ByteBuffer.allocate(256).put(0).put(ins).put(p1).put(p2).put(0).apply(data).let {
it.put(4, (it.position() - 5).toByte()).array().copyOfRange(0, it.position())
return ByteBuffer.allocate(4096).apply {
var resp = splitApduResponse(tag.transceive(apdu))
while (resp.status != APDU_OK) {
if ((resp.status shr 8).toByte() == APDU_DATA_REMAINING_SW1) {
resp = splitApduResponse(tag.transceive(byteArrayOf(0, SEND_REMAINING_INS, 0, 0)))
} else {
throw IOException(""+resp.status)
override fun close() {
backend = object : Backend {
override val persistent: Boolean = false
override fun sendApdu(apdu: ByteArray): ByteArray = throw IOException("SENDING APDU ON CLOSED BACKEND!")
override fun close() = throw IOException("Backend already closed!")
data class Version(val major: Int, val minor: Int, val micro: Int) {
companion object {
fun parse(data: ByteArray): Version = Version(data[0].toInt(), data[1].toInt(), data[2].toInt())
override fun toString(): String = "%d.%d.%d".format(major, minor, micro)
fun compare(major: Int, minor: Int, micro: Int): Int {
return if (major > this.major || (major == this.major && (minor > this.minor || minor == this.minor && micro > this.micro))) {
} else if (major == this.major && minor == this.minor && micro == this.micro) {
} else {
fun compare(version: Version): Int = compare(version.major, version.minor, version.micro)
class DeviceInfo(val id: String, val persistent: Boolean, val version: Version, initialHasPassword: Boolean) {
var hasPassword = initialHasPassword
internal set
class ResponseData(val key: String, val oathType: OathType, val touch: Boolean, val data: ByteArray)
private infix fun Byte.or(b: Byte): Byte = (toInt() or b.toInt()).toByte()
companion object {
const private val APDU_OK = 0x9000
const private val APDU_FILE_FULL = 0x6a84
const private val APDU_DATA_REMAINING_SW1 = 0x61.toByte()
const private val NAME_TAG: Byte = 0x71
const private val NAME_LIST_TAG: Byte = 0x72
const private val KEY_TAG: Byte = 0x73
const private val CHALLENGE_TAG: Byte = 0x74
const private val RESPONSE_TAG: Byte = 0x75
const private val T_RESPONSE_TAG: Byte = 0x76
const private val NO_RESPONSE_TAG: Byte = 0x77
const private val PROPERTY_TAG: Byte = 0x78
const private val VERSION_TAG: Byte = 0x79
const private val IMF_TAG: Byte = 0x7a
const private val TOUCH_TAG: Byte = 0x7c
const private val ALWAYS_INCREASING_PROP: Byte = 0x01
const private val REQUIRE_TOUCH_PROP: Byte = 0x02
const private val PUT_INS: Byte = 0x01
const private val DELETE_INS: Byte = 0x02
const private val SET_CODE_INS: Byte = 0x03
const private val RESET_INS: Byte = 0x04
const private val LIST_INS = 0xa1.toByte()
const private val CALCULATE_INS = 0xa2.toByte()
const private val VALIDATE_INS = 0xa3.toByte()
const private val CALCULATE_ALL_INS = 0xa4.toByte()
const private val SEND_REMAINING_INS = 0xa5.toByte()
private val AID = byteArrayOf(0xa0.toByte(), 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x27, 0x21, 0x01, 0x01)
private fun getDeviceId(id: ByteArray): String {
val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA256").apply {
return Base64.encodeToString(digest.sliceArray(0 until 16), Base64.NO_PADDING or Base64.NO_WRAP)
private fun ByteBuffer.parseTlv(tag: Byte): ByteArray {
val readTag = get()
if (readTag != tag) {
throw IOException("Required tag: %02x, got %02x".format(tag, readTag))
return ByteArray(0xff and get().toInt()).apply { get(this) }
private fun ByteBuffer.tlv(tag: Byte, data: ByteArray = byteArrayOf()): ByteBuffer {
return put(tag).put(data.size.toByte()).put(data)
private data class Response(val data: ByteArray, val status: Int)
private fun splitApduResponse(resp: ByteArray): Response {
return Response(
resp.copyOfRange(0, resp.size - 2),
((0xff and resp[resp.size - 2].toInt()) shl 8) or (0xff and resp[resp.size - 1].toInt()))