dtvv 319321c94b -When the PIN is being entered the user should press a button to confirm the pin
-When the PIN is being entered use question dialog to confirm the save PIN
-When the PIN is correcto typed and match correctly enable the ok button
-When PIN is configured it should not be showed at the beginning of the app
-When PIN is configuren it should not be  showed at the beginning of security settings app
-If PIN is configured put some stuff enmascared
-When you set the new PIN that it does not show the PIN activity window, it is not necesary
2018-10-14 03:57:03 -05:00
assets Added bip39 and brainkey seeds 2018-01-06 23:21:46 -04:00
java/cy/agorise/crystalwallet -When the PIN is being entered the user should press a button to confirm the pin 2018-10-14 03:57:03 -05:00
res -When the PIN is being entered the user should press a button to confirm the pin 2018-10-14 01:57:41 -05:00
AndroidManifest.xml Camera permission was not included in the manifest 2018-09-29 22:55:48 -05:00
ic_launcher-web.png Change app logo 2018-05-25 13:51:41 -05:00