
161 lines
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package cy.agorise.crystalwallet.apigenerator.insightapi;
import android.content.Context;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import cy.agorise.crystalwallet.models.GeneralCoinAccount;
import io.socket.client.IO;
import io.socket.client.Socket;
import io.socket.emitter.Emitter;
* Handles all the calls for the Socket.IO of the insight api
* Only gets new transaction in real time for each address of an Account
public class AccountActivityWatcher {
* The mAccount to be monitor
private final GeneralCoinAccount mAccount;
* The list of address to monitor
private List<String> mWatchAddress = new ArrayList<>();
* the Socket.IO
private Socket mSocket;
* This app mContext, used to save on the DB
private final Context mContext;
* Handles the address/transaction notification.
* Then calls the GetTransactionData to get the info of the new transaction
private final Emitter.Listener onAddressTransaction = new Emitter.Listener() {
public void call(Object... os) {
try {
System.out.println("Receive accountActivtyWatcher " + os[0].toString() );
String txid = ((JSONObject) os[0]).getString(InsightApiConstants.sTxTag);
new GetTransactionData(txid, mAccount, mContext).start();
} catch (JSONException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(AccountActivityWatcher.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
* Handles the connect of the Socket.IO
private final Emitter.Listener onConnect = new Emitter.Listener() {
public void call(Object... os) {
System.out.println("Connected to accountActivityWatcher");
JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
for(String addr : mWatchAddress) {
mSocket.emit(InsightApiConstants.sSubscribeEmmit, InsightApiConstants.sChangeAddressRoom, array);
* Handles the disconnect of the Socket.Io
* Reconcects the mSocket
private final Emitter.Listener onDisconnect = new Emitter.Listener() {
public void call(Object... os) {
System.out.println("Disconnected to accountActivityWatcher");
* Error handler, doesn't need reconnect, the do that by default
private final Emitter.Listener onError = new Emitter.Listener() {
public void call(Object... os) {
System.out.println("Error to accountActivityWatcher ");
for(Object ob : os) {
System.out.println("accountActivityWatcher " + ob.toString());
* Basic constructor
* @param mAccount The mAccount to be monitor
* @param mContext This app mContext
public AccountActivityWatcher(GeneralCoinAccount mAccount, Context mContext) {
//String serverUrl = InsightApiConstants.protocol + "://" + InsightApiConstants.getAddress(mAccount.getCoin()) + ":" + InsightApiConstants.getPort(mAccount.getCoin()) + "/"+InsightApiConstants.getRawPath(mAccount.getCoin())+"/";
String serverUrl = InsightApiConstants.sProtocolSocketIO + "://" + InsightApiConstants.getAddress(mAccount.getCryptoCoin()) + ":" + InsightApiConstants.getPort(mAccount.getCryptoCoin()) + "/";
this.mAccount = mAccount;
this.mContext = mContext;
System.out.println("accountActivityWatcher " + serverUrl);
try {
IO.Options opts = new IO.Options();
System.out.println("accountActivityWatcher default path " + opts.path);
this.mSocket = IO.socket(serverUrl);
this.mSocket.on(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT, onConnect);
this.mSocket.on(Socket.EVENT_DISCONNECT, onDisconnect);
this.mSocket.on(Socket.EVENT_ERROR, onError);
this.mSocket.on(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT_ERROR, onError);
this.mSocket.on(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, onError);
this.mSocket.on(InsightApiConstants.sChangeAddressRoom, onAddressTransaction);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
//TODO change exception handler
* Add an address to be monitored, it can be used after the connect
* @param address The String address to monitor
public void addAddress(String address) {
if (this.mSocket.connected()) {
mSocket.emit(InsightApiConstants.sSubscribeEmmit, InsightApiConstants.sChangeAddressRoom, new String[]{address});
* Connects the Socket
public void connect() {
//TODO change to use log
System.out.println("accountActivityWatcher connecting");
}catch(Exception e){
//TODO change exception handler
System.out.println("accountActivityWatcher exception " + e.getMessage());
* Disconnects the Socket
public void disconnect() {this.mSocket.disconnect();}