package cy.agorise.crystalwallet.models; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cy.agorise.crystalwallet.enums.CryptoNet; /** * Represents a generic CryptoNet Account * * Created by Henry Varona on 6/9/2017. */ @Entity(tableName = "crypto_net_account", indices = {@Index("id"),@Index("seed_id"),@Index(value = {"seed_id","crypto_net","account_index"},unique=true)}, foreignKeys = @ForeignKey(entity = AccountSeed.class, parentColumns = "id", childColumns = "seed_id")) public class CryptoNetAccount { /** * The id on the database */ @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) @ColumnInfo(name = "id") private long mId; /** * The id of the seed used by this account */ @ColumnInfo(name = "seed_id") private long mSeedId; /** * The account index on this wallet */ @ColumnInfo(name = "account_index") private int mAccountIndex; /** * The crypto net of the account */ @ColumnInfo(name = "crypto_net") private CryptoNet mCryptoNet; /* * The name of the account */ @ColumnInfo(name = "name") private String mName; public CryptoNetAccount() { } @Ignore public CryptoNetAccount(long mId, long mSeedId, int mAccountIndex, CryptoNet mCryptoNet) { this.mId = mId; this.mSeedId = mSeedId; this.mAccountIndex = mAccountIndex; this.mCryptoNet = mCryptoNet; } public long getId() { return mId; } public void setId(long id){ this.mId = id; } public long getSeedId() { return mSeedId; } public void setSeedId(long mSeedId) { this.mSeedId = mSeedId; } public int getAccountIndex() { return mAccountIndex; } public void setAccountIndex(int mAccountIndex) { this.mAccountIndex = mAccountIndex; } public CryptoNet getCryptoNet() { return mCryptoNet; } public void setCryptoNet(CryptoNet cryptoNet) { this.mCryptoNet = cryptoNet; } public String getName() { return mName; } public void setName(String mName) { this.mName = mName; } public String toString(){ return this.getName(); } public static final DiffUtil.ItemCallback DIFF_CALLBACK = new DiffUtil.ItemCallback() { @Override public boolean areItemsTheSame( @NonNull CryptoNetAccount oldAccount, @NonNull CryptoNetAccount newAccount) { return oldAccount.getId() == newAccount.getId(); } @Override public boolean areContentsTheSame( @NonNull CryptoNetAccount oldAccount, @NonNull CryptoNetAccount newAccount) { return oldAccount.equals(newAccount); } }; @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; CryptoNetAccount that = (CryptoNetAccount) o; if (mId != that.mId) return false; if (mSeedId != that.mSeedId) return false; if (mAccountIndex != that.mAccountIndex) return false; if (mCryptoNet != that.mCryptoNet) return false; return mName != null ? mName.equals(that.mName) : that.mName == null; } }