#include #include #include #include #include #include "multiaddr/protocols.h" #include "multiaddr/varhexutils.h" /* int protocol_REMOVE_id(struct ProtocolListItem* protocol_P, int remid)//Function to remove & shift back all data, sort of like c++ vectors. { if(remid < CNT_PROTOCOLNUM && remid >= 0&&CNT_PROTOCOLNUM!=0) //Checking to see if remid actually exists. { for(int i=remid; ihexcode, (protocol_P+i+1)->hexcode); //shift memory to the user we want to remove. (protocol_P+i)->deccode = (protocol_P+i+1)->deccode; //Same as above (protocol_P+i)->size = (protocol_P+i+1)->size; //Same as above strcpy((protocol_P+i)->name, (protocol_P+i+1)->name); //Same as above }//Overwriting user done. Time to get rid of that extra memory. protocol_P = (struct Protocol*) realloc(protocol_P, (CNT_PROTOCOLNUM-1) * sizeof(struct Protocol)); //Memory erased, CNT_PROTOCOLNUM--; //Since the record no longer exists, we should decrease the ammount of users. return 1; //Purely for error checking, in case someone ever wants it/ } //1 = Success else { if(CNT_PROTOCOLNUM == 0) { perror("ERROR: 0 PROTOCOLS... Did you load protocols?"); } else { perror("ERROR: No such protocol!"); } return 0; } } */ void unload_protocols(struct ProtocolListItem* head) { struct ProtocolListItem* current = head; while (current != NULL) { struct ProtocolListItem* next = current->next; free(current->current); free(current); current = next; } } /** * load the available protocols into the global protocol_P * @returns True(1) on success, otherwise 0 */ int load_protocols(struct ProtocolListItem** head) { unload_protocols(*head); int num_protocols = 14; int dec_code[] = {4, 41, 6, 17, 33, 132, 301, 302, 42, 480, 443, 477, 444, 275}; int size[] = {32, 128, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0 }; char* name[] = { "ip4", "ip6", "tcp", "udp", "dccp", "sctp", "udt", "utp", "ipfs", "http", "https", "ws", "onion", "libp2p-webrtc-star" }; struct ProtocolListItem* last = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < num_protocols; i++) { struct ProtocolListItem* current_item = (struct ProtocolListItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct ProtocolListItem)); current_item->current = (struct Protocol*)malloc(sizeof(struct Protocol)); current_item->next = NULL; current_item->current->deccode = dec_code[i]; strcpy(current_item->current->name, name[i]); current_item->current->size = size[i]; if (*head == NULL) { *head = current_item; } else { last->next = current_item; } last = current_item; } return 1; } /* void load_protocols_from_file(struct Protocol** in) { struct Protocol* protocol_P = *in; FILE *FPROC_POINT; //File pointer. FPROC_POINT = fopen("proto-dat", "r");//Opening proto-dat Or protocols.csv, I just formatted it to my liking. if(FPROC_POINT != NULL) //While pointer is not null. { char W_BUFF[20] = "\0";//Char array to parse file. for(int i=0; fscanf(FPROC_POINT, "%s", W_BUFF) != EOF; i++) // Scanning file and incrementing for processing. { switch(i) { case 0: //First word - HEXCODE { //ADD MEMORY FOR NEW PROTOCOL if(CNT_PROTOCOLNUM==0) //If there are no registered protocols yet, allocate memory to pointer. { protocol_P = (struct Protocol*) malloc (sizeof(struct Protocol)); } else //Reallocate memory to fit one more Protocol { protocol_P = (struct Protocol*) realloc(protocol_P, (CNT_PROTOCOLNUM+1) * sizeof(struct protocol)); } //strcpy((protocol_P+CNT_PROTOCOLNUM)->hexcode, W_BUFF); //Copy word to structure at hexcode A hexcode is a string so we keep it as such break; } case 1://Second word - DECCODE { (protocol_P+CNT_PROTOCOLNUM)->deccode= atoi(W_BUFF); //Copy word to structure at deccode after converting it to int. break; } case 2://Third word - SIZE { (protocol_P+CNT_PROTOCOLNUM)->size= atoi(W_BUFF); //Copy word to structure at size after converting it to int. break; } case 3://Fourth word - NAME { strcpy((protocol_P+CNT_PROTOCOLNUM)->name, W_BUFF); //Copy word to structure at name // String i=-1; CNT_PROTOCOLNUM++; break; } default: { printf("HOUSTON WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM!!!!\nPROTOCOLS.H-REACHED DEFAULT CASE IN READING FILE!\nREPORT TO SYSTEMS ADMIN!\n"); break; } } } fclose(FPROC_POINT); protocol_REMOVE_id(protocol_P, 0); } else { perror("Fatal Error:"); } } */ struct Protocol* proto_with_name(const struct ProtocolListItem* head, const char* proto_w_name) //Search for Protocol with inputted name { const struct ProtocolListItem* current = head; while(current != NULL) { if (strcmp(proto_w_name, current->current->name) == 0) { return current->current; } current = current->next; } return NULL; } struct Protocol* proto_with_deccode(const struct ProtocolListItem* head, int proto_w_deccode) //Search for Protocol with inputted deccode { const struct ProtocolListItem* current = head; while(current != NULL) { if (current->current->deccode == proto_w_deccode) { return current->current; } current = current->next; } return NULL; } void protocols_with_string(const struct ProtocolListItem* head, char* meee, int sizi) // NOT FINISHED, DO NOT USE! { int finalsize = 0; if(!isalnum(meee[sizi-1]) && !isalnum(meee[sizi-1])) { //Everything is alright, it's nul terminated!; finalsize = sizi; } else { //Well houston we have a problem. finalsize = sizi+2; } char mestring[finalsize]; strcpy(mestring, meee); if(sizi!=finalsize) { strcpy(mestring,"\0"); } char * words[50] = { NULL }; int atword = 0; int mem = 0; for(int i=0; i