#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "multiaddr/base58.h" #include "multiaddr/varhexutils.h" #include "multiaddr/protocols.h" #include "multiaddr/protoutils.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char ASCII2bits(char ch) { if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { return (ch - '0'); } else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { return (ch - 'a') + 10; } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { return (ch - 'A') + 10; } return 0; // fail } void hex2bin (char *dst, char *src, int len) { while (len--) { *dst = ASCII2bits(*src++) << 4; // higher bits *dst++ |= ASCII2bits(*src++); // lower bits } } char bits2ASCII(char b) { if (b >= 0 && b < 10) { return (b + '0'); } else if (b >= 10 && b <= 15) { return (b - 10 + 'a'); } return 0; // fail } void bin2hex (char *dst, char *src, int len) { while (len--) { *dst++ = bits2ASCII((*src >> 4) & 0xf); // higher bits *dst++ = bits2ASCII(*src++ & 0xf); // lower bits } *dst = '\0'; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //IPv4 VALIDATOR #define DELIM "." /* return 1 if string contain only digits, else return 0 */ int valid_digit(char *ip_str) { int err = 0; while (*ip_str) { if (*ip_str >= '0' && *ip_str <= '9') ++ip_str; else return 0; } return 1; } /* return 1 if IP string is valid, else return 0 */ int is_valid_ipv4(char *ip_str) { int i, num, dots = 0; char *ptr; int err=0; if (ip_str == NULL) err = 1; // See following link for strtok() // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/strtok_r.html ptr = strtok(ip_str, DELIM); if (ptr == NULL) err = 1; while (ptr) { /* after parsing string, it must contain only digits */ if (!valid_digit(ptr)) err = 1; num = atoi(ptr); /* check for valid IP */ if (num >= 0 && num <= 255) { /* parse remaining string */ ptr = strtok(NULL, DELIM); if (ptr != NULL) ++dots; } else err = 1; } /* valid IP string must contain 3 dots */ if (dots != 3) { err = 1; } if(err == 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } //////////////IPv6 Validator #define MAX_HEX_NUMBER_COUNT 8 int ishexdigit(char ch) { if((ch>='0'&&ch<='9')||(ch>='a'&&ch<='f')||(ch>='A'&&ch<='F')) return(1); return(0); } int is_valid_ipv6(char *str) { int hdcount=0; int hncount=0; int err=0; int packed=0; if(*str==':') { str++; if(*str!=':') return(0); else { packed=1; hncount=1; str++; if(*str==0) return(1); } } if(ishexdigit(*str)==0) { return(0); } hdcount=1; hncount=1; str++; while(err==0&&*str!=0) { if(*str==':') { str++; if(*str==':') { if(packed==1) err=1; else { str++; if(ishexdigit(*str)||*str==0&&hncount<MAX_HEX_NUMBER_COUNT) { packed=1; hncount++; if(ishexdigit(*str)) { if(hncount==MAX_HEX_NUMBER_COUNT) { err=1; } else { hdcount=1; hncount++; str++; } } } else { err=1; } } } else { if(!ishexdigit(*str)) { err=1; } else { if(hncount==MAX_HEX_NUMBER_COUNT) { err=1; } else { hdcount=1; hncount++; str++; } } } } else { if(ishexdigit(*str)) { if(hdcount==4) err=1; else { hdcount++; str++; } } else err=1; } } if(hncount<MAX_HEX_NUMBER_COUNT&&packed==0) err=1; return(err==0); } uint64_t ip2int(const char * ipconvertint) { uint64_t final_result =0; char * iproc; int ipat1=0; int ipat2=0; int ipat3=0; int ipat4=0; char ip[16]; strcpy(ip, ipconvertint); iproc = strtok (ip,"."); for(int i=0; i<4;i++) { switch(i) { case 0: { ipat1 = atoi(iproc); break; } case 1: { ipat2 = atoi(iproc); break; } case 2: { ipat3 = atoi(iproc); break; } case 3: { ipat4 = atoi(iproc); break; } default: { printf("Somebody misplaced an int\n"); break; } } iproc = strtok (NULL,"."); } final_result = ((ipat1*pow(2,24))+(ipat2*pow(2,16))+(ipat3*pow(2,8))+ipat4*1); return final_result; } char * int2ip(int inputintip) { uint32_t ipint = inputintip; static char xxx_int2ip_result[16] = "\0"; bzero(xxx_int2ip_result,16); uint32_t ipint0 = (ipint >> 8*3) % 256; uint32_t ipint1 = (ipint >> 8*2) % 256; uint32_t ipint2 = (ipint >> 8*1) % 256; uint32_t ipint3 = (ipint >> 8*0) % 256; sprintf(xxx_int2ip_result, "%d.%d.%d.%d", ipint0,ipint1,ipint2,ipint3); return xxx_int2ip_result; } //I didn't feel another address_bytes_to_string was necesarry sry guys int bytes_to_string(char** buffer, const uint8_t* catx, int xbsize) { *buffer = malloc(800); char* resultzx = *buffer; bzero(resultzx, 800); uint8_t * bytes = NULL; int size = 0; size = xbsize; struct ProtocolListItem* head = NULL; load_protocols(&head); char hex[xbsize*2]; bzero(hex,xbsize*2); strcat(hex,Var_To_Hex(size, catx)); //Positioning for memory jump: int lastpos = 0; char pid[3]; //Process Hex String NAX: //Stage 1 ID: if(lastpos!=0) { lastpos++; } pid[0] = hex[lastpos]; pid[1] = hex[lastpos+1]; pid[2] = '\0'; if(proto_with_deccode(head, Hex_To_Int(pid))) { //////////Stage 2: Address struct Protocol * PID; PID = NULL; PID = proto_with_deccode(head, Hex_To_Int(pid)); if(strcmp(PID->name,"ipfs")!=0) { lastpos = lastpos+2; char address[(PID->size/4)+1]; bzero(address,(PID->size/4)+1); address[(PID->size/4)]='\0'; int x=0; //printf("\nHEX TO DECODE: %s\n",hex); for(int i = lastpos;i<(PID->size/4)+lastpos;i++) { address[x] = hex[i]; //printf("HEX[%d]=%c\n",i,hex[i]); x++; } //////////Stage 3 Process it back to string //printf("Protocol: %s\n", PID->name); //printf("Address : %s\n", address); lastpos= lastpos+(PID->size/4); //printf("lastpos: %d",lastpos); //////////Address: //Keeping Valgrind happy char name[30]; bzero(name,30); strcpy(name, PID->name); // strcat(resultzx, "/"); strcat(resultzx, name); strcat(resultzx, "/"); if(strcmp(name, "ip4")==0) { strcat(resultzx,int2ip(Hex_To_Int(address))); } else if(strcmp(name, "tcp")==0) { char a[5]; sprintf(a,"%lu",Hex_To_Int(address)); strcat(resultzx,a); } else if(strcmp(name, "udp")==0) { char a[5]; sprintf(a,"%lu",Hex_To_Int(address)); strcat(resultzx,a); } //printf("Address(hex):%s\n",address); //printf("TESTING: %s\n",resultzx); /////////////Done processing this, move to next if there is more. if(lastpos<size*2) { goto NAX; } } else//IPFS CASE { lastpos = lastpos + 4; //FETCHING SIZE OF ADDRESS char prefixedvarint[3]; bzero(prefixedvarint,3); int pvi; pvi=0; for(int i=lastpos-2;i<lastpos;i++) { prefixedvarint[pvi] = hex[i]; pvi++; } int addrsize; addrsize = HexVar_To_Num_32(prefixedvarint); unsigned char IPFS_ADDR[addrsize+1]; bzero(IPFS_ADDR,addrsize+1); int IPFS_PARSE; IPFS_PARSE = 0; for(int i = lastpos;i<lastpos+addrsize;i++) { IPFS_ADDR[IPFS_PARSE] = hex[i]; //printf("\nIPFS_ADDR[%d] = %c\n\n",IPFS_PARSE,hex[i]); IPFS_PARSE++; } size_t num_bytes = 0; unsigned char* addrbuf = Hex_To_Var(IPFS_ADDR, &num_bytes); size_t rezbuflen = strlen(IPFS_ADDR); unsigned char rezultat[rezbuflen]; bzero(rezultat,rezbuflen); unsigned char * pointyaddr = NULL; pointyaddr = rezultat; int returnstatus = 0; returnstatus = multiaddr_encoding_base58_encode(addrbuf, sizeof(addrbuf), &pointyaddr, &rezbuflen); free(addrbuf); if(returnstatus == 0) { printf("\nERROR!!!!!\n"); unload_protocols(head); return 0; } strcat(resultzx, "/"); strcat(resultzx, PID->name); strcat(resultzx, "/"); strcat(resultzx, rezultat); } } strcat(resultzx, "/"); unload_protocols(head); return 1; } // char * address_string_to_bytes(struct Protocol * xx, const char * abc,size_t getsznow) { static char astb__stringy[800] = "\0"; bzero(astb__stringy,800); int code = 0; code = xx->deccode; switch(code) { case 4://IPv4 { char testip[16] = "\0"; bzero(testip,16); strcpy(testip,abc); if(is_valid_ipv4(testip)==1) { uint64_t iip = ip2int(abc); strcpy(astb__stringy,Int_To_Hex(iip)); xx = NULL; return astb__stringy; } else { return "ERR"; } break; } case 41://IPv6 Must be done { return "ERR"; break; } case 6: //Tcp { if(atoi(abc)<65536&&atoi(abc)>0) { static char himm_woot[5] = "\0"; bzero(himm_woot, 5); strcpy(himm_woot, Int_To_Hex(atoi(abc))); if(himm_woot[2] == '\0') {//manual switch char swap0='0'; char swap1='0'; char swap2=himm_woot[0]; char swap3=himm_woot[1]; himm_woot[0] = swap0; himm_woot[1] = swap1; himm_woot[2] = swap2; himm_woot[3] = swap3; } else if(himm_woot[3] == '\0') { char swap0='0'; char swap1=himm_woot[0]; char swap2=himm_woot[1]; char swap3=himm_woot[2]; himm_woot[0] = swap0; himm_woot[1] = swap1; himm_woot[2] = swap2; himm_woot[3] = swap3; } himm_woot[4]='\0'; return himm_woot; } else { return "ERR"; } break; } case 17: //Udp { if(atoi(abc)<65536&&atoi(abc)>0) { static char himm_woot2[5] = "\0"; bzero(himm_woot2, 5); strcpy(himm_woot2, Int_To_Hex(atoi(abc))); if(himm_woot2[2] == '\0') {//Manual Switch2be char swap0='0'; char swap1='0'; char swap2=himm_woot2[0]; char swap3=himm_woot2[1]; himm_woot2[0] = swap0; himm_woot2[1] = swap1; himm_woot2[2] = swap2; himm_woot2[3] = swap3; } else if(himm_woot2[3] == '\0') {//Manual switch char swap0='0'; char swap1=himm_woot2[0]; char swap2=himm_woot2[1]; char swap3=himm_woot2[2]; himm_woot2[0] = swap0; himm_woot2[1] = swap1; himm_woot2[2] = swap2; himm_woot2[3] = swap3; } himm_woot2[4]='\0'; return himm_woot2; } else { return "ERR"; } break; } case 33://dccp { return "ERR"; break; } case 132://sctp { return "ERR"; break; } case 301://udt { return "ERR"; break; } case 302://utp { return "ERR"; break; } case 42://IPFS - !!! { char * x_data = NULL; x_data = (char*)abc; size_t x_data_length = strlen(x_data); size_t result_buffer_length = multiaddr_encoding_base58_decode_size((unsigned char*)x_data); unsigned char result_buffer[result_buffer_length]; unsigned char* ptr_to_result = result_buffer; memset(result_buffer, 0, result_buffer_length); // now get the decoded address int return_value = multiaddr_encoding_base58_decode(x_data, x_data_length, &ptr_to_result, &result_buffer_length); if (return_value == 0) { return "ERR"; } // throw everything in a hex string so we can debug the results static char returning_result[300]; bzero(returning_result,300); char ADDR_ENCODED[300]; bzero(ADDR_ENCODED,300); int ilen = 0; bzero(returning_result,300); for(int i = 0; i < result_buffer_length; i++) { // get the char so we can see it in the debugger unsigned char c = ptr_to_result[i]; char miu[3]; bzero(miu, 3); miu[3] = '\0'; sprintf(miu,"%02x", c); strcat(ADDR_ENCODED, miu); } ilen = strlen(ADDR_ENCODED); char prefixed[3]; strcpy(prefixed,Num_To_HexVar_32(ilen)); prefixed[3] = '\0'; strcat(returning_result, prefixed); strcat(returning_result, ADDR_ENCODED); //printf("ADDRESS: %s\nSIZEADDR: %d\n",ADDR_ENCODED,ilen); //printf("NOW DECODED VARINT: %d", HexVar_To_Num_32(prefixed)); return returning_result; break; } case 480://http { return "ERR"; break; } case 443://https { return "ERR"; break; } case 477://ws { return "ERR"; break; } case 444://onion { return "ERR"; break; } case 275://libp2p-webrtc-star { return "ERR"; break; } default: { printf("NO SUCH PROTOCOL!\n"); return "ERR"; break; } } } /** * convert a string address into bytes * @param finalbytes the destination * @param realbbsize the ultimate size of the destination * @param strx the incoming string * @param strsize the string length */ int string_to_bytes(uint8_t** finalbytes, size_t* realbbsize, const char* strx, size_t strsize) { if(strx[0] != '/') { printf("Error, must start with '/'\n"); return 0; } //Initializing variables to store our processed HEX in: int malf=0; //In case something goes wrong this will be 1. char processed[800];//HEX CONTAINER bzero(processed,800); //Now Setting up variables for calculating which is the first //and second word: int firstorsecond = 1; //1=Protocol && 2 = Address // copy input so as to not harm it char pstring[strsize + 1]; strcpy(pstring,strx); // load up the list of protocols struct ProtocolListItem* head = NULL; load_protocols(&head); //Starting to extract words and process them: char * wp; char * end; wp=strtok_r(pstring,"/",&end); struct Protocol * protx; while(wp) { if(firstorsecond==1)//This is the Protocol { if(proto_with_name(head, wp)) { protx=proto_with_name(head, wp); //printf("PROTOCOL: %s\n",protx->name); strcat(processed, Int_To_Hex(protx->deccode)); firstorsecond=2;//Since the next word will be an address } else { printf("\nNo such protocol!\n\n"); malf=1; break; } } else//This is the address { //printf("ADDRESS: %s\n",wp); if(address_string_to_bytes(protx, wp,strlen(wp)) == "ERR") { malf = 1; //printf("\n\nTRIGGERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\n"); } else { strcat(processed,address_string_to_bytes(protx, wp,strlen(wp))); //printf("Addressinbytes: %s\n",address_string_to_bytes(protx, wp,strlen(wp))); } protx=NULL;//Since right now it doesn't need that assignment anymore. firstorsecond=1;//Since the next word will be an protocol } wp=strtok_r(NULL,"/",&end); } protx=NULL; unload_protocols(head); if(malf==1) { return 0; } else { *finalbytes = Hex_To_Var(processed, realbbsize); return 1; } }