This commit changes the Stream interface, so as to allow the yamux protocol to have channels. It is necessary, but touches many areas. The codebase is better for it.
598 lines
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598 lines
21 KiB
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "libp2p/crypto/encoding/base58.h"
#include "libp2p/net/stream.h"
#include "libp2p/os/utils.h"
#include "libp2p/routing/dht_protocol.h"
#include "libp2p/record/message.h"
#include "libp2p/utils/linked_list.h"
#include "libp2p/utils/logger.h"
#include "libp2p/conn/session.h"
* This is where kademlia and dht talk to the outside world
int libp2p_routing_dht_can_handle(const struct StreamMessage* msg) {
if (msg->data_size < 8)
return 0;
char* result = strnstr((char*)msg->data, "/ipfs/kad", msg->data_size);
if (result != NULL && result == (char*)msg->data)
return 1;
return 0;
int libp2p_routing_dht_shutdown(void* context) {
return 1;
int libp2p_routing_dht_handle_msg(const struct StreamMessage* msg, struct Stream* stream, void* protocol_context) {
struct DhtContext* ctx = (struct DhtContext*)protocol_context;
if (!libp2p_routing_dht_handshake(stream))
return -1;
return (libp2p_routing_dht_handle_message(stream, ctx) == 0) ? -1 : 1;
struct Libp2pProtocolHandler* libp2p_routing_dht_build_protocol_handler(struct Peerstore* peer_store, struct ProviderStore* provider_store,
struct Datastore* datastore, struct Filestore* filestore) {
struct Libp2pProtocolHandler* handler = (struct Libp2pProtocolHandler*) malloc(sizeof(struct Libp2pProtocolHandler));
if (handler != NULL) {
struct DhtContext* ctx = (struct DhtContext*) malloc(sizeof(struct DhtContext));
ctx->peer_store = peer_store;
ctx->provider_store = provider_store;
ctx->datastore = datastore;
ctx->filestore = filestore;
handler->context = ctx;
handler->CanHandle = libp2p_routing_dht_can_handle;
handler->HandleMessage = libp2p_routing_dht_handle_msg;
handler->Shutdown = libp2p_routing_dht_shutdown;
return handler;
* Helper method to protobuf a message
* @param message the message
* @param buffer where to put the results
* @param buffer_size the size of the results
* @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise
int libp2p_routing_dht_protobuf_message(struct KademliaMessage* message, unsigned char** buffer, size_t *buffer_size) {
*buffer_size = libp2p_message_protobuf_encode_size(message);
*buffer = malloc(*buffer_size);
if (!libp2p_message_protobuf_encode(message, *buffer, *buffer_size, buffer_size)) {
*buffer_size = 0;
return 0;
return 1;
* Take existing stream and upgrade to the Kademlia / DHT protocol/codec
* @param context the context
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0)
int libp2p_routing_dht_upgrade_stream(struct SessionContext* context) {
int retVal = 0;
char* protocol = "/ipfs/kad/1.0.0\n";
struct StreamMessage outgoing;
| = (uint8_t*)protocol;
outgoing.data_size = strlen(protocol);
struct StreamMessage* results = NULL;
if (!context->default_stream->write(context, &outgoing)) {
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "Unable to write to stream during upgrade attempt.\n");
goto exit;
if (!context->default_stream->read(context, &results, 5)) {
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "Unable to read from stream during upgrade attempt.\n");
goto exit;
if (results == NULL || results->data_size != strlen(protocol)) {
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "Expected response size incorrect during upgrade attempt.\n");
goto exit;
if (strncmp((char*)results->data, protocol, results->data_size) != 0) {
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "Expected %s but received %s.\n", protocol, results);
goto exit;
retVal = 1;
results = NULL;
return retVal;
* Handle a client requesting an upgrade to the DHT protocol
* @param stream the stream to the remote
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0)
int libp2p_routing_dht_handshake(struct Stream* stream) {
char* protocol = "/ipfs/kad/1.0.0\n";
struct StreamMessage outgoing;
| = (uint8_t*) protocol;
outgoing.data_size = strlen(protocol);
return stream->write(stream->stream_context, &outgoing);
* A remote client has requested a ping
* @param message the message
* @param buffer where to put the results
* @param buffer_size the length of the results
* @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise
int libp2p_routing_dht_handle_ping(struct KademliaMessage* message, unsigned char** buffer, size_t *buffer_size) {
// just turn message back into a protobuf and send it back...
return libp2p_routing_dht_protobuf_message(message, buffer, buffer_size);
* See if we have information as to who can provide this item
* @param stream the incoming stream
* @param message the message from the caller, contains a key
* @param protocol_context the context
* @param results where to put the results
* @param results_size the size of the results
* @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise
int libp2p_routing_dht_handle_get_providers(struct Stream* stream, struct KademliaMessage* message, struct DhtContext* protocol_context,
unsigned char** results, size_t* results_size) {
unsigned char* peer_id = NULL;
int peer_id_size = 0;
// This shouldn't be needed, but just in case:
message->provider_peer_head = NULL;
// Can I provide it locally?
struct DatastoreRecord* datastore_record = NULL;
if (protocol_context->datastore->datastore_get((unsigned char*)message->key, message->key_size, &datastore_record, protocol_context->datastore)) {
// we can provide this hash from our datastore
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "I can provide myself as a provider for this key.\n");
message->provider_peer_head = libp2p_utils_linked_list_new();
message->provider_peer_head->item = libp2p_peer_copy(libp2p_peerstore_get_local_peer(protocol_context->peer_store));
} else if (libp2p_providerstore_get(protocol_context->provider_store, (unsigned char*)message->key, message->key_size, &peer_id, &peer_id_size)) {
// Can I provide it because someone announced it earlier?
// we have a peer id, convert it to a peer object
struct Libp2pPeer* peer = libp2p_peerstore_get_peer(protocol_context->peer_store, peer_id, peer_id_size);
if (peer != NULL) {
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "I can provide a provider for this key, because %s says he has it.\n", libp2p_peer_id_to_string(peer));
// add it to the message
if (message->provider_peer_head == NULL) {
message->provider_peer_head = libp2p_utils_linked_list_new();
message->provider_peer_head->item = libp2p_peer_copy(peer);
} else {
struct Libp2pLinkedList* current = message->provider_peer_head;
// find the last one in the list
while (current->next != NULL) {
current = current->next;
// add to the list
current->next = libp2p_utils_linked_list_new();
current->next->item = peer;
} else {
size_t b58_size = 100;
uint8_t *b58key = (uint8_t *) malloc(b58_size);
if (!libp2p_crypto_encoding_base58_encode((unsigned char*)message->key, message->key_size, (unsigned char**)&b58key, &b58_size)) {
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "I cannot provide a provider for this key.\n");
} else {
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "I cannot provide a provider for the key %s.\n", b58key);
if (peer_id != NULL)
// TODO: find closer peers
if (message->provider_peer_head == NULL) {
// Who else can provide it?
//while ()
if (message->provider_peer_head != NULL) {
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "GetProviders: We have a peer. Sending it back.");
// protobuf it and send it back
if (!libp2p_routing_dht_protobuf_message(message, results, results_size)) {
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "GetProviders: Error protobufing results\n");
return 0;
return 1;
* helper method to get ip multiaddress from peer's linked list
* @param head linked list of multiaddresses
* @returns the IP multiaddress in the list, or NULL if none found
struct MultiAddress* libp2p_routing_dht_find_peer_ip_multiaddress(struct Libp2pLinkedList* head) {
struct MultiAddress* out = NULL;
struct Libp2pLinkedList* current = head;
while (current != NULL) {
out = (struct MultiAddress*)current->item;
if (multiaddress_is_ip(out)) {
//libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "Found MultiAddress %s\n", out->string);
current = current->next;
if (current == NULL)
out = NULL;
return out;
* Remote peer has announced that he can provide a key
* @param stream the incoming stream
* @param message the message
* @param protocol_context the context
* @param result_buffer where to put the result
* @param result_buffer_size the size of the result buffer
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0)
int libp2p_routing_dht_handle_add_provider(struct Stream* stream, struct KademliaMessage* message,
struct DhtContext* protocol_context, unsigned char** result_buffer, size_t* result_buffer_size) {
int retVal = 0;
struct Libp2pPeer *peer = NULL;
//TODO: verify peer signature
if (libp2p_logger_watching_class("dht_protocol")) {
struct Libp2pPeer* first_peer = message->provider_peer_head->item;
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "Peer %s says he can provide a key.\n", libp2p_peer_id_to_string(first_peer));
struct Libp2pLinkedList* current = message->provider_peer_head;
if (current == NULL) {
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "Provider has no peer.\n");
goto exit;
// there should only be 1 when adding a provider
if (current != NULL) {
peer = current->item;
if (peer == NULL) {
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "Message add_provider has no peer\n");
goto exit;
struct MultiAddress *peer_ma = libp2p_routing_dht_find_peer_ip_multiaddress(peer->addr_head);
if (peer_ma == NULL) {
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "Peer has no IP MultiAddress.\n");
goto exit;
// add what we know to be the ip for this peer
char *ip;
char new_string[255];
multiaddress_get_ip_address(session->default_stream->address, &ip);
int port = multiaddress_get_ip_port(peer_ma);
char* peer_id = multiaddress_get_peer_id(peer_ma);
sprintf(new_string, "/ip4/%s/tcp/%d/ipfs/%s", ip, port, peer_id);
struct MultiAddress* new_ma = multiaddress_new_from_string(new_string);
if (new_ma == NULL)
goto exit;
// TODO: See if the sender is who he says he is
// set it as the first in the list
struct Libp2pLinkedList* new_head = libp2p_utils_linked_list_new();
new_head->item = new_ma;
new_head->next = peer->addr_head;
peer->addr_head = new_head;
// now add the peer to the peerstore
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "About to add peer %s to peerstore\n", peer_ma->string);
if (!libp2p_peerstore_add_peer(protocol_context->peer_store, peer))
goto exit;
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "About to add key to providerstore\n");
if (!libp2p_providerstore_add(protocol_context->provider_store, (unsigned char*)message->key, message->key_size, (unsigned char*)peer->id, peer->id_size))
goto exit;
if (!libp2p_routing_dht_protobuf_message(message, result_buffer, result_buffer_size)) {
goto exit;
retVal = 1;
if (retVal != 1) {
if (*result_buffer != NULL) {
*result_buffer_size = 0;
*result_buffer = NULL;
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "add_provider returning false\n");
if (peer != NULL)
return retVal;
* Retrieve something from the dht datastore
* @param session the session context
* @param message the message
* @param peerstore the peerstore
* @param providerstore the providerstore
* @param result_buffer the results, as a protobuf'd KademliaMessage
* @param result_buffer_size the size of the results
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0)
int libp2p_routing_dht_handle_get_value(struct Stream* stream, struct KademliaMessage* message, struct DhtContext* dht_context,
unsigned char** result_buffer, size_t *result_buffer_size) {
struct Datastore* datastore = dht_context->datastore;
struct Filestore* filestore = dht_context->filestore;
size_t data_size = 0;
unsigned char* data = NULL;
// We need to get the data from the disk
if(!filestore->node_get((unsigned char*)message->key, message->key_size, (void**)&data, &data_size, filestore)) {
size_t sz = 100;
unsigned char key[sz];
memset(key, 0, sz);
unsigned char* ptr = &key[0];
libp2p_crypto_encoding_base58_encode((unsigned char*)message->key, message->key_size, &ptr, &sz);
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "handle_get_value: Unable to get key %s from filestore.\n", key);
return 0;
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "handle_get_value: value retrieved from the datastore\n");
struct Libp2pRecord *record = libp2p_record_new();
record->key_size = message->key_size;
record->key = malloc(record->key_size);
memcpy(record->key, message->key, record->key_size);
record->value_size = data_size;
record->value = malloc(record->value_size);
memcpy(record->value, data, record->value_size);
message->record = record;
if (!libp2p_routing_dht_protobuf_message(message, result_buffer, result_buffer_size)) {
message->record = NULL;
return 0;
return 1;
* Put something in the dht datastore
* @param stream the incoming stream
* @param message the message
* @param peerstore the peerstore
* @param providerstore the providerstore
* @param datastore the datastore
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0)
int libp2p_routing_dht_handle_put_value(struct Stream* stream, struct KademliaMessage* message,
struct DhtContext* protocol_context) {
if (message->record == NULL)
return 0;
struct DatastoreRecord* record = libp2p_datastore_record_new();
if (record == NULL)
return 0;
// set the key from the message->record->key
record->key_size = message->record->key_size;
record->key = (uint8_t*) malloc(record->key_size);
if (record->key == NULL) {
return 0;
memcpy(record->key, message->record->key, record->key_size);
// set the value from the message->record->value
record->value_size = message->record->value_size;
record->value = (uint8_t*) malloc(record->value_size);
if (record->value == NULL) {
return 0;
memcpy(record->value, message->record->value, record->value_size);
int retVal = protocol_context->datastore->datastore_put(record, protocol_context->datastore);
return retVal;
* Find a node
* @param session the session context
* @param message the message
* @param peerstore the peerstore
* @param providerstore the providerstore
* @param result_buffer the results
* @param result_buffer_size the size of the results
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0)
int libp2p_routing_dht_handle_find_node(struct Stream* stream, struct KademliaMessage* message,
struct DhtContext* protocol_context, unsigned char** result_buffer, size_t *result_buffer_size) {
// look through peer store
struct Libp2pPeer* peer = libp2p_peerstore_get_peer(protocol_context->peer_store, (unsigned char*)message->key, message->key_size);
if (peer != NULL) {
message->provider_peer_head = libp2p_utils_linked_list_new();
message->provider_peer_head->item = libp2p_peer_copy(peer);
if (!libp2p_routing_dht_protobuf_message(message, result_buffer, result_buffer_size)) {
return 0;
return 1;
return 0;
* Handle the incoming message. Handshake should have already
* been done. We should expect that the next read contains
* a protobuf'd kademlia message.
* @param session the context
* @param peerstore a list of peers
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0)
int libp2p_routing_dht_handle_message(struct Stream* stream, struct DhtContext* protocol_context) {
unsigned char *result_buffer = NULL;
struct StreamMessage* buffer = NULL;
size_t result_buffer_size = 0;
int retVal = 0;
struct KademliaMessage* message = NULL;
// read from stream
if (!stream->read(stream->stream_context, &buffer, 5))
goto exit;
// unprotobuf
if (!libp2p_message_protobuf_decode(buffer->data, buffer->data_size, &message))
goto exit;
// handle message
switch(message->message_type) {
case(MESSAGE_TYPE_PUT_VALUE): // store a value in local storage
libp2p_routing_dht_handle_put_value(stream, message, protocol_context);
case(MESSAGE_TYPE_GET_VALUE): // get a value from local storage
libp2p_routing_dht_handle_get_value(stream, message, protocol_context, &result_buffer, &result_buffer_size);
case(MESSAGE_TYPE_ADD_PROVIDER): // client wants us to know he can provide something
libp2p_routing_dht_handle_add_provider(stream, message, protocol_context, &result_buffer, &result_buffer_size);
case(MESSAGE_TYPE_GET_PROVIDERS): // see if we can help, and send closer peers
libp2p_routing_dht_handle_get_providers(stream, message, protocol_context, &result_buffer, &result_buffer_size);
case(MESSAGE_TYPE_FIND_NODE): // find peers
libp2p_routing_dht_handle_find_node(stream, message, protocol_context, &result_buffer, &result_buffer_size);
libp2p_routing_dht_handle_ping(message, &result_buffer, &result_buffer_size);
// if we have something to send, send it.
if (result_buffer != NULL) {
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "Sending message back to caller. Message type: %d\n", message->message_type);
struct StreamMessage outgoing;
| = result_buffer;
outgoing.data_size = result_buffer_size;
if (!stream->write(stream->stream_context, &outgoing))
goto exit;
} else {
libp2p_logger_debug("dht_protocol", "DhtHandleMessage: Nothing to send back. Kademlia call has been handled. Message type: %d\n", message->message_type);
retVal = 1;
if (result_buffer != NULL)
if (message != NULL)
return retVal;
* Attempt to receive a kademlia message
* NOTE: This call assumes that a send_message was sent
* @param sessionContext the context
* @param result where to put the results
* @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise
int libp2p_routing_dht_receive_message(struct SessionContext* sessionContext, struct KademliaMessage** result) {
struct StreamMessage* results = NULL;
if (!sessionContext->default_stream->read(sessionContext, &results, 5)) {
libp2p_logger_error("online", "Attempted to read from Kademlia stream, but could not.\n");
goto exit;
// see if we can unprotobuf
if (!libp2p_message_protobuf_decode(results->data, results->data_size, result)) {
libp2p_logger_error("online", "Received kademlia response, but cannot decode it.\n");
goto exit;
return result != NULL;
* Send a kademlia message
* NOTE: this call upgrades the stream to /ipfs/kad/1.0.0
* @param context the context
* @param message the message
* @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise
int libp2p_routing_dht_send_message(struct SessionContext* sessionContext, struct KademliaMessage* message) {
size_t protobuf_size = 0, retVal = 0;
unsigned char* protobuf = NULL;
struct StreamMessage outgoing;
protobuf_size = libp2p_message_protobuf_encode_size(message);
protobuf = (unsigned char*)malloc(protobuf_size);
libp2p_message_protobuf_encode(message, &protobuf[0], protobuf_size, &protobuf_size);
// upgrade to kademlia protocol
if (!libp2p_routing_dht_upgrade_stream(sessionContext)) {
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "send_message: Unable to upgrade to kademlia stream.\n");
goto exit;
// send the message
| = protobuf;
outgoing.data_size = protobuf_size;
if (!sessionContext->default_stream->write(sessionContext, &outgoing)) {
libp2p_logger_error("dht_protocol", "send_message: Attempted to write to Kademlia stream, but could not.\n");
goto exit;
retVal = 1;
if (protobuf != NULL)
return retVal;
* Used to send a message to the nearest x peers
* @param private_key the private key of the local peer
* @param peerstore the collection of peers
* @param datastore a connection to the datastore
* @param msg the message to send
* @returns true(1) if we sent to at least 1, false(0) otherwise
int libp2p_routing_dht_send_message_nearest_x(const struct Dialer* dialer, struct Peerstore* peerstore,
struct Datastore* datastore, struct KademliaMessage* msg, int numToSend) {
// TODO: Calculate "Nearest"
// but for now, grab x peers, and send to them
int numSent = 0;
struct Libp2pLinkedList* llpeer_entry = peerstore->head_entry;
while (llpeer_entry != NULL) {
struct PeerEntry* entry = llpeer_entry->item;
if (entry == NULL)
struct Libp2pPeer* remote_peer = entry->peer;
if (!remote_peer->is_local) {
// connect (if not connected)
if (libp2p_peer_connect(dialer, remote_peer, peerstore, datastore, 5)) {
// send message
if (libp2p_routing_dht_send_message(remote_peer->sessionContext, msg))
if (numSent >= numToSend)
// grab next entry
llpeer_entry = llpeer_entry->next;
return numSent > 0;