#include #include #include "libp2p/crypto/key.h" void read_file(char* path, char** contents) { FILE* fd = fopen(path, "r"); fseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_END); size_t num_bytes = ftell(fd); rewind(fd); *contents = malloc(num_bytes); fread(*contents, 1, num_bytes, fd); fclose(fd); return; } struct PrivateKey* base64ToPrivateKey(char* base64) { int retVal = 0; size_t decode_base64_size = 0; unsigned char* decode_base64 = NULL; struct PrivateKey* out = NULL; // 1) take the private key and turn it back into bytes (decode base 64) decode_base64_size = libp2p_crypto_encoding_base64_decode_size(strlen(base64)); decode_base64 = (unsigned char*)malloc(decode_base64_size); if (decode_base64 == NULL) goto exit; memset(decode_base64, 0, decode_base64_size); if (!libp2p_crypto_encoding_base64_decode((unsigned char*)base64, strlen(base64), &decode_base64[0], decode_base64_size, &decode_base64_size)) goto exit; if (!libp2p_crypto_private_key_protobuf_decode(decode_base64, decode_base64_size, &out)) goto exit; retVal = 1; exit: if (retVal != 1) { libp2p_crypto_private_key_free(out); out = NULL; } if (decode_base64 != NULL) free(decode_base64); return out; } int test_helper_get_id_from_config(char* path, struct PrivateKey** private_ptr, char** peer_ptr) { int retVal = 0; char* contents = NULL; char* ptr = NULL; char* end = NULL; int length = 0; read_file(path, &contents); if (contents == NULL) goto exit; // peer id ptr = strstr(contents, "PeerID"); if (ptr == NULL) goto exit; ptr = strstr(ptr, "Qm"); if (ptr == NULL) goto exit; end = strstr(ptr, "\""); length = end - ptr; *peer_ptr = malloc(length + 1); if (*peer_ptr == NULL) goto exit; memcpy(*peer_ptr, ptr, length); (*peer_ptr)[length] = 0; // private key ptr = strstr(contents, "PrivKey\":"); if (ptr == NULL) goto exit; ptr += 9; ptr = strstr(ptr, "\""); ptr++; end = strstr(ptr, "\""); end[0] = 0; // turn the encoded private key into a struct *private_ptr = base64ToPrivateKey(ptr); retVal = 1; exit: if (contents != NULL) free(contents); return retVal; }