#include #include #include "libp2p/crypto/key.h" #include "libp2p/crypto/sha256.h" #include "libp2p/crypto/peerutils.h" #include "protobuf.h" /** * Utilities for public and private keys */ struct PublicKey* libp2p_crypto_public_key_new() { struct PublicKey* retVal = malloc(sizeof(struct PublicKey)); if (retVal == NULL) return NULL; retVal->type = KEYTYPE_INVALID; retVal->data = NULL; retVal->data_size = 0; return retVal; } void libp2p_crypto_public_key_free(struct PublicKey* in) { if (in != NULL) { if (in->data != NULL) free(in->data); free(in); in = NULL; } } /*** * Calculates an approximate required size of a buffer for protobuf encoding a public key * @param in the public key to examine * @returns the size in bytes */ size_t libp2p_crypto_public_key_protobuf_encode_size(const struct PublicKey* in) { return 11 + 11 + in->data_size; } /*** * Encode a PublicKey into a protobuf * @param in the struct PublicKey * @param buffer where to put the results * @param max_buffer_length the size of the buffer * @param bytes_written how many bytes were used in the buffer * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0) */ int libp2p_crypto_public_key_protobuf_encode(const struct PublicKey* in, unsigned char* buffer, size_t max_buffer_length, size_t* bytes_written) { // data & data_size size_t bytes_used = 0; *bytes_written = 0; int retVal = 0; // key type (RSA vs ...) retVal = protobuf_encode_varint(1, WIRETYPE_VARINT, in->type, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_length - *bytes_written, &bytes_used); *bytes_written += bytes_used; // public key retVal = protobuf_encode_length_delimited(2, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, in->data, in->data_size, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_length - *bytes_written, &bytes_used); if (retVal == 0) return 0; *bytes_written += bytes_used; return 1; } /** * Unmarshal a public key from a protobuf * @param buffer the protobuf * @param buffer_length the length of the protobuf * @param out the pointer to the struct PublicKey that will be allocated * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0) */ int libp2p_crypto_public_key_protobuf_decode(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_length, struct PublicKey** out) { // first field is type (RSA vs ED25519) // second field is the public key size_t pos = 0; int retVal = 0; if ( (*out = libp2p_crypto_public_key_new()) == NULL) goto exit; while(pos < buffer_length) { size_t bytes_read = 0; int field_no; enum WireType field_type; if (protobuf_decode_field_and_type(&buffer[pos], buffer_length, &field_no, &field_type, &bytes_read) == 0) { goto exit; } pos += bytes_read; switch(field_no) { case (1): // type if (protobuf_decode_varint(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, (long long unsigned int*)&((*out)->type), &bytes_read) == 0) goto exit; pos += bytes_read; break; case (2): // key if (protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, (char**)&((*out)->data), &((*out)->data_size), &bytes_read) == 0) goto exit; pos += bytes_read; break; } } retVal = 1; exit: if (retVal == 0) { libp2p_crypto_public_key_free(*out); } return retVal; } struct PrivateKey* libp2p_crypto_private_key_new() { struct PrivateKey* retVal = malloc(sizeof(struct PrivateKey)); if (retVal == NULL) return NULL; retVal->type = KEYTYPE_INVALID; retVal->data = NULL; retVal->data_size = 0; return retVal; } void libp2p_crypto_private_key_free(struct PrivateKey* in) { if (in != NULL) { if (in->data != NULL) free(in->data); free(in); in = NULL; } } int libp2p_crypto_private_key_copy(const struct PrivateKey* source, struct PrivateKey* destination) { if (source != NULL && destination != NULL) { destination->type = source->type; destination->data = (unsigned char*)malloc(source->data_size); if (destination->data != NULL) { memcpy(destination->data, source->data, source->data_size); destination->data_size = source->data_size; return 1; } libp2p_crypto_private_key_free(destination); } return 0; } size_t libp2p_crypto_private_key_protobuf_encode_size(const struct PrivateKey* in) { return 22 + in->data_size; } int libp2p_crypto_private_key_protobuf_encode(const struct PrivateKey* in, unsigned char* buffer, size_t max_buffer_length, size_t* bytes_written) { *bytes_written = 0; size_t bytes_used; // type (RSA vs ED25519) if (!protobuf_encode_varint(1, WIRETYPE_VARINT, in->type, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_length - *bytes_written, &bytes_used)) return 0; *bytes_written += bytes_used; // private key if (!protobuf_encode_length_delimited(2, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, in->data, in->data_size, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_length - *bytes_written, &bytes_used)) return 0; *bytes_written += bytes_used; return 1; } /** * Unmarshal a private key from a protobuf * @param buffer the protobuf * @param buffer_length the length of the protobuf * @param out the pointer to the struct PrivateKey that will be allocated * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0) */ int libp2p_crypto_private_key_protobuf_decode(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_length, struct PrivateKey** out) { // first field is type (RSA vs ED25519) // second field is the public key size_t pos = 0; int retVal = 0; if ( (*out = libp2p_crypto_private_key_new()) == NULL) goto exit; while(pos < buffer_length) { size_t bytes_read = 0; int field_no; enum WireType field_type; if (protobuf_decode_field_and_type(&buffer[pos], buffer_length, &field_no, &field_type, &bytes_read) == 0) { goto exit; } pos += bytes_read; switch(field_no) { case (1): // type if (protobuf_decode_varint(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, (long long unsigned int*)&((*out)->type), &bytes_read) == 0) goto exit; pos += bytes_read; break; case (2): // key if (protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, (char**)&((*out)->data), &((*out)->data_size), &bytes_read) == 0) goto exit; pos += bytes_read; break; } } retVal = 1; exit: if (retVal == 0) { libp2p_crypto_private_key_free(*out); } return retVal; } /** * convert a public key into a peer id * @param public_key the public key struct * @param peer_id the results, in a null-terminated string * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0) */ int libp2p_crypto_public_key_to_peer_id(struct PublicKey* public_key, char** peer_id) { /** * Converting to a peer id involves protobufing the struct PublicKey, SHA256 it, turn it into a MultiHash and base58 it */ size_t protobuf_len = libp2p_crypto_public_key_protobuf_encode_size(public_key); unsigned char protobuf[protobuf_len]; libp2p_crypto_public_key_protobuf_encode(public_key, protobuf, protobuf_len, &protobuf_len); unsigned char hashed[32]; //libp2p_crypto_hashing_sha256(public_key->data, public_key->data_size, hashed); libp2p_crypto_hashing_sha256(protobuf, protobuf_len, hashed); size_t final_id_size = 100; unsigned char final_id[final_id_size]; memset(final_id, 0, final_id_size); // turn it into a multihash and base58 it if (!PrettyID(final_id, &final_id_size, hashed, 32)) return 0; *peer_id = (char*)malloc(final_id_size + 1); if (*peer_id == NULL) return 0; memset(*peer_id, 0, final_id_size + 1); memcpy(*peer_id, final_id, final_id_size); return 1; }