#include "mbedtls/aes.h" /** * Encrypt a block of text * @param key the aes key * @param iv the random part of encryption * @param input the text to encrypt * @param input_size the length of the array * @param output where the output will be placed * @param output_size the length of the memory allocated for output * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0) */ int libp2p_crypto_aes_encrypt(char* key, char* iv, char* input, size_t input_size, unsigned char* output, size_t* output_size) { mbedtls_aes_context ctx; mbedtls_aes_init(&ctx); mbedtls_aes_setkey_enc(&ctx, key, 256); mbedtls_aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx, MBEDTLS_AES_ENCRYPT, 24, iv, input, output); //TODO Implement this method return 0; }