#include #include #include "multiaddr/multiaddr.h" #include "protobuf.h" #include "libp2p/net/multistream.h" #include "libp2p/peer/peer.h" #include "libp2p/secio/secio.h" #include "libp2p/utils/linked_list.h" #include "libp2p/utils/logger.h" #include "libp2p/yamux/yamux.h" #include "libp2p/conn/dialer.h" /** * create a new Peer struct * @returns a struct or NULL if there was a problem */ struct Libp2pPeer* libp2p_peer_new() { struct Libp2pPeer* out = (struct Libp2pPeer*)malloc(sizeof(struct Libp2pPeer)); if (out != NULL) { out->id = NULL; out->id_size = 0; out->addr_head = NULL; out->connection_type = CONNECTION_TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED; out->sessionContext = NULL; out->is_local = 0; } return out; } /** * Create a new Peer based on a multiaddress * @param in the multiaddress * @returns a Peer initialized with the values from "in" */ struct Libp2pPeer* libp2p_peer_new_from_multiaddress(const struct MultiAddress* in) { struct Libp2pPeer* out = libp2p_peer_new(); char* id = multiaddress_get_peer_id(in); if (id != NULL) { out->id_size = strlen(id); out->id = malloc(out->id_size); memcpy(out->id, id, out->id_size); free(id); } out->addr_head = libp2p_utils_linked_list_new(); out->addr_head->item = multiaddress_copy(in); return out; } /*** * Free resources of a Libp2pPeer * @param in the struct to free */ void libp2p_peer_free(struct Libp2pPeer* in) { if (in != NULL) { if (in->addr_head != NULL && in->addr_head->item != NULL) { //libp2p_logger_debug("peer", "Freeing peer %s\n", ((struct MultiAddress*)in->addr_head->item)->string); } else { //libp2p_logger_debug("peer", "Freeing peer with no multiaddress.\n"); } if (in->id != NULL) free(in->id); if (in->sessionContext != NULL) { libp2p_session_context_free(in->sessionContext); //libp2p_net_multistream_stream_free(in->connection); in->sessionContext = NULL; } // free the memory in the linked list struct Libp2pLinkedList* current = in->addr_head; while (current != NULL) { struct Libp2pLinkedList* temp = current->next; multiaddress_free((struct MultiAddress*)current->item); free(current); current = temp; } free(in); } } /*** * Clean up a bad connection * @param peer the peer to clean up * @returns true(1) */ int libp2p_peer_handle_connection_error(struct Libp2pPeer* peer) { peer->connection_type = CONNECTION_TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED; libp2p_session_context_free(peer->sessionContext); peer->sessionContext = NULL; return 1; } /** * Attempt to connect to the peer, setting connection_type correctly * NOTE: If successful, this will set peer->connection to the stream * * @param privateKey the local private key to use * @param peer the peer to connect to * @param peerstore if connection is successfull, will add peer to peerstore * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) if we could not connect */ int libp2p_peer_connect(const struct Dialer* dialer, struct Libp2pPeer* peer, struct Peerstore* peerstore, struct Datastore *datastore, int timeout) { // fix the connection type if in an invalid state if (peer->connection_type == CONNECTION_TYPE_CONNECTED && peer->sessionContext == NULL) peer->connection_type = CONNECTION_TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED; libp2p_logger_debug("peer", "Attemping to connect to %s.\n", libp2p_peer_id_to_string(peer)); return libp2p_conn_dialer_join_swarm(dialer, peer, timeout); } /** * Make a copy of a peer * * NOTE: SessionContext is not copied. * * @param in what is to be copied * @returns a new struct, that does not rely on the old */ struct Libp2pPeer* libp2p_peer_copy(const struct Libp2pPeer* in) { struct Libp2pPeer* out = libp2p_peer_new(); if (out != NULL) { out->is_local = in->is_local; out->id_size = in->id_size; out->id = malloc(in->id_size); if (out->id == NULL) { libp2p_peer_free(out); return NULL; } memcpy(out->id, in->id, in->id_size); out->connection_type = in->connection_type; // loop through the addresses struct Libp2pLinkedList* current_in = in->addr_head; struct Libp2pLinkedList* current_out = NULL; while (current_in != NULL) { struct MultiAddress* addr = (struct MultiAddress*)current_in->item; if (addr == NULL) { libp2p_logger_error("peer", "Attempted to copy MultiAddress, but current item is NULL.\n"); } else { struct Libp2pLinkedList* copy_item = libp2p_utils_linked_list_new(); copy_item->item = multiaddress_copy(addr); if (out->addr_head == NULL) { // first one out->addr_head = copy_item; } else { // not the first, tack it on the end current_out->next = copy_item; } current_out = copy_item; } current_in = current_in->next; } out->sessionContext = in->sessionContext; } return out; } /*** * Determine if the passed in peer and id match * @param in the peer to check * @param peer_id peer id, zero terminated string * @returns true if peer matches */ int libp2p_peer_matches_id(struct Libp2pPeer* in, const unsigned char* peer_id, int peer_size) { if (peer_size == in->id_size) { if (strncmp(in->id, (char*)peer_id, in->id_size) == 0) return 1; } return 0; } static char string_retval[100]; /*** * Convert peer id to null terminated string * @param in the peer object * @returns the peer id as a null terminated string */ char* libp2p_peer_id_to_string(const struct Libp2pPeer* in) { memcpy(string_retval, in->id, in->id_size); string_retval[in->id_size] = 0; return string_retval; } /*** * Determine if we are currently connected to this peer * @param in the peer to check * @returns true(1) if connected */ int libp2p_peer_is_connected(struct Libp2pPeer* in) { if (in->connection_type == CONNECTION_TYPE_CONNECTED) { if (in->sessionContext == NULL || in->sessionContext->default_stream == NULL) { in->connection_type = CONNECTION_TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED; } } return in->connection_type == CONNECTION_TYPE_CONNECTED; } size_t libp2p_peer_protobuf_encode_size(struct Libp2pPeer* in) { int sz = 0; if (in != NULL) { // id + connection_type sz = 11 + in->id_size + 11; // loop through the multiaddresses struct Libp2pLinkedList* current = in->addr_head; while (current != NULL) { // find the length of the MultiAddress converted into bytes struct MultiAddress* data = (struct MultiAddress*)current->item; if (data == NULL) { libp2p_logger_error("peer", "encode_size: Attempted to get MultiAddress, but item was NULL.\n"); } else { sz += 11 + data->bsize; } current = current->next; } } return sz; } int libp2p_peer_protobuf_encode(struct Libp2pPeer* in, unsigned char* buffer, size_t max_buffer_size, size_t* bytes_written) { // data & data_size size_t bytes_used = 0; *bytes_written = 0; int retVal = 0; // field 1 (id) retVal = protobuf_encode_length_delimited(1, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, in->id, in->id_size, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_size - *bytes_written, &bytes_used); if (retVal == 0) return 0; *bytes_written += bytes_used; // field 2 (repeated) struct Libp2pLinkedList* current = in->addr_head; while (current != NULL) { struct MultiAddress* data = (struct MultiAddress*)current->item; if (data == NULL) { libp2p_logger_error("peer", "encode: Attempted to get multiaddress, but item was NULL.\n"); } else { retVal = protobuf_encode_length_delimited(2, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, (char*)data->bytes, data->bsize, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_size - *bytes_written, &bytes_used); if (retVal == 0) return 0; *bytes_written += bytes_used; } current = current->next; } // field 3 (varint) retVal = protobuf_encode_varint(3, WIRETYPE_VARINT, in->connection_type, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_size - *bytes_written, &bytes_used); if (retVal == 0) return 0; *bytes_written += bytes_used; return 1; } int libp2p_peer_protobuf_encode_with_alloc(struct Libp2pPeer* in, unsigned char** buffer, size_t *buffer_size) { *buffer_size = libp2p_peer_protobuf_encode_size(in); *buffer = malloc(*buffer_size); return libp2p_peer_protobuf_encode(in, *buffer, *buffer_size, buffer_size); } int libp2p_peer_protobuf_decode(unsigned char* in, size_t in_size, struct Libp2pPeer** out) { size_t pos = 0; int retVal = 0; char* buffer = NULL; size_t buffer_size = 0; struct Libp2pLinkedList* current = NULL; struct Libp2pLinkedList* last = NULL; struct MultiAddress* ma = NULL; *out = libp2p_peer_new(); if ( *out == NULL) goto exit; struct Libp2pPeer* ptr = *out; ptr->addr_head = NULL; while(pos < in_size) { size_t bytes_read = 0; int field_no; enum WireType field_type; if (protobuf_decode_field_and_type(&in[pos], in_size, &field_no, &field_type, &bytes_read) == 0) { goto exit; } pos += bytes_read; switch(field_no) { case (1): // id if (!protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&in[pos], in_size - pos, (char**)&(ptr->id),&(ptr->id_size), &bytes_read)) goto exit; pos += bytes_read; break; case (2): { // multiaddress bytes if (!protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&in[pos], in_size - pos, &buffer, &buffer_size, &bytes_read)) goto exit; pos += bytes_read; // now turn it into multiaddress struct Libp2pLinkedList* current = libp2p_utils_linked_list_new(); if (current == NULL) goto exit; struct MultiAddress* address = multiaddress_new_from_bytes((unsigned char*)buffer, buffer_size); current->item = (void*)address; free(buffer); buffer = NULL; // assign the values if (ptr->addr_head == NULL) { ptr->addr_head = current; } else { last->next = current; } last = current; current = NULL; break; } case (3): // enum as varint if (!protobuf_decode_varint(&in[pos], in_size - pos, (long long unsigned int*)&ptr->connection_type, &bytes_read)) goto exit; pos += bytes_read; break; } } retVal = 1; exit: if (retVal == 0) { free(*out); *out = NULL; } if (buffer != NULL) free(buffer); return retVal; } /** * Compare 2 Libp2pPeers * @param a side A * @param b side B * @returns <0 if A wins, 0 if equal, or >0 if B wins */ int libp2p_peer_compare(const struct Libp2pPeer* a, const struct Libp2pPeer* b) { if (a == NULL && b == NULL) return 0; if (a == NULL && b != NULL) return -1; if (a != NULL && b == NULL) return 1; if (a->id_size != b->id_size) return b->id_size - a->id_size; for(int i = 0; i < a->id_size; i++) { if (a->id[i] != b->id[i]) return b->id[i] - a->id[i]; } return 0; } struct Stream* libp2p_peer_get_connection_stream(struct Stream* incoming_stream) { struct Stream* current_stream = incoming_stream; while (current_stream->parent_stream != NULL) { current_stream = current_stream->parent_stream; } if (current_stream != NULL && current_stream->stream_type == STREAM_TYPE_RAW) return current_stream; return NULL; } /*** * Get the last time we communicated with this peer as an epoch * @param peer the peer to examine * @returns the last time we communicated with this peer (0 indicates never in this session, or disconnected) */ unsigned long long libp2p_peer_last_comm(const struct Libp2pPeer* peer) { unsigned long long retVal = 0; if (peer != NULL) { if (peer->sessionContext != NULL) { struct Stream* connectionStream = libp2p_peer_get_connection_stream(peer->sessionContext->default_stream); if (connectionStream != NULL) { struct ConnectionContext* ctx = (struct ConnectionContext*)connectionStream->stream_context; retVal = ctx->last_comm_epoch; } } } return retVal; }