#include #include #include "libp2p/peer/providerstore.h" #include "libp2p/utils/vector.h" #include "libp2p/utils/logger.h" /*** * Stores hashes, and peers where you can possibly get them */ /** * Create a new ProviderStore * @param datastore the datastore (required in order to look for the file locally) * @param local_peer the local peer * @returns a ProviderStore struct */ struct ProviderStore* libp2p_providerstore_new(const struct Datastore* datastore, const struct Libp2pPeer* local_peer) { struct ProviderStore* out = (struct ProviderStore*)malloc(sizeof(struct ProviderStore)); if (out != NULL) { out->datastore = datastore; out->local_peer = local_peer; out->provider_entries = libp2p_utils_vector_new(4); } return out; } void libp2p_providerstore_entry_free(struct ProviderEntry* in) { if (in != NULL) { if (in->hash != NULL) { free(in->hash); in->hash_size = 0; } if (in->peer_id != NULL) { free(in->peer_id); in->peer_id_size = 0; } free(in); } } /*** * Clean resources used by a ProviderStore * @param in the ProviderStore to clean up */ void libp2p_providerstore_free(struct ProviderStore* in) { if (in != NULL) { for(int i = 0; i < in->provider_entries->total; i++) { struct ProviderEntry* entry = (struct ProviderEntry*) libp2p_utils_vector_get(in->provider_entries, i); libp2p_providerstore_entry_free(entry); } libp2p_utils_vector_free(in->provider_entries); free(in); in = NULL; } } int libp2p_providerstore_add(struct ProviderStore* store, const unsigned char* hash, int hash_size, const unsigned char* peer_id, int peer_id_size) { char hash_str[hash_size + 1]; memcpy(hash_str, hash, hash_size); hash_str[hash_size] = 0; char peer_str[peer_id_size + 1]; memcpy(peer_str, peer_id, peer_id_size); peer_str[peer_id_size] = 0; libp2p_logger_debug("providerstore", "Adding hash %s to providerstore. It can be retrieved from %s\n", hash_str, peer_str); struct ProviderEntry* entry = (struct ProviderEntry*)malloc(sizeof(struct ProviderEntry)); entry->hash = malloc(hash_size); memcpy(entry->hash, hash, hash_size); entry->hash_size = hash_size; entry->peer_id = malloc(peer_id_size); memcpy(entry->peer_id, peer_id, peer_id_size); entry->peer_id_size = peer_id_size; libp2p_utils_vector_add(store->provider_entries, entry); return 1; } /** * See if someone has announced a key. If so, pass the peer_id * NOTE: This will check to see if I can provide it from my datastore * * @param store the list of providers * @param hash what we're looking for * @param hash_size the length of the hash * @param peer_id the peer_id of who can provide it * @param peer_id_size the allocated size of peer_id * @returns true(1) if we found something, false(0) if not. */ int libp2p_providerstore_get(struct ProviderStore* store, const unsigned char* hash, int hash_size, unsigned char** peer_id, int *peer_id_size) { struct ProviderEntry* current = NULL; // can I provide it locally? struct DatastoreRecord* datastore_record = NULL; if (store->datastore->datastore_get(hash, hash_size, &datastore_record, store->datastore)) { // we found it locally. Let them know *peer_id = malloc(store->local_peer->id_size); if (*peer_id == NULL) return 0; *peer_id_size = store->local_peer->id_size; memcpy(*peer_id, store->local_peer->id, *peer_id_size); libp2p_datastore_record_free(datastore_record); return 1; } // skip index 0, as we checked above... for (int i = 0; i < store->provider_entries->total; i++) { current = (struct ProviderEntry*)libp2p_utils_vector_get(store->provider_entries, i); if (current->hash_size == hash_size && memcmp(current->hash, hash, hash_size) == 0) { *peer_id = malloc(current->peer_id_size); memcpy(*peer_id, current->peer_id, current->peer_id_size); *peer_id_size = current->peer_id_size; return 1; } } return 0; }