#pragma once struct Libp2pRecord { // the key that references this record char* key; // the actual value this record is storing unsigned char* value; // hash of the author's public key char* author; // a PKI signature for the key + value + author unsigned char* signature; // time the record was received, set by receiver char* time_received; }; /** * Convert a Libp2pRecord into protobuf format * @param in the Libp2pRecord to convert * @param buffer where to store the protobuf * @param max_buffer_size the size of the allocated buffer * @param bytes_written the size written into buffer * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0) */ int libp2p_record_protobuf_encode(const struct Libp2pRecord* in, unsigned char* buffer, size_t max_buffer_size, size_t* bytes_written); /** * Generates an estimate of the buffer size needed to encode the struct * @param in the Libp2pRecord that you want to encode * @returns the approximate number of bytes required */ size_t libp2p_record_protobuf_encode_size(const struct Libp2pRecord* in); /** * Convert a protobuf byte array into a Libp2pRecord * @param in the byte array * @param in_size the size of the byte array * @param out a pointer to the new Libp2pRecord * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0) */ int libp2p_record_protobuf_decode(const unsigned char* in, size_t in_size, struct Libp2pRecord** out); /** * This method does all the hard stuff in one step. It fills a Libp2pRecord struct, and converts it into a protobuf * @param record a pointer to the protobuf results * @param rec_size the number of bytes used in the area pointed to by record * @param sk the private key used to sign * @param key the key in the Libp2pRecord * @param value the value in the Libp2pRecord * @param vlen the length of value * @param sign ?? */ int libp2p_record_make_put_record (char** record, size_t *rec_size, struct RsaPrivateKey* sk, char* key, char* value, size_t vlen, int sign);