#include #include "crypto/test_aes.h" #include "crypto/test_rsa.h" #include "crypto/test_base58.h" #include "crypto/test_base32.h" #include "crypto/test_key.h" #include "crypto/test_ephemeral.h" #include "crypto/test_mac.h" #include "test_secio.h" #include "test_mbedtls.h" #include "test_multistream.h" #include "test_conn.h" #include "test_record.h" #include "test_peer.h" #include "test_yamux.h" #include "test_net.h" #include "libp2p/utils/logger.h" struct test { int index; const char* name; int (*func)(void); int part_of_suite; struct test* next; }; struct test* first_test = NULL; struct test* last_test = NULL; int testit(const char* name, int (*func)(void)) { fprintf(stderr, "TESTING %s...\n", name); int retVal = func(); if (retVal) fprintf(stderr, "%s success!\n", name); else fprintf(stderr, "** Uh oh! %s failed.**\n", name); return retVal == 0; } int tear_down_test_collection() { struct test* current_test = first_test; while (current_test != NULL) { struct test* next_test = current_test->next; free(current_test); current_test = next_test; } return 1; } int add_test(const char* name, int (*func)(void), int part_of_suite) { // create a new test struct test* t = (struct test*) malloc(sizeof(struct test)); t->name = name; t->func = func; t->part_of_suite = part_of_suite; t->next = NULL; if (last_test == NULL) t->index = 0; else t->index = last_test->index + 1; // place it in the collection if (first_test == NULL) { first_test = t; } else { last_test->next = t; } last_test = t; if (last_test == NULL) return 0; return last_test->index; } int build_test_collection() { add_test("test_public_der_to_private_der", test_public_der_to_private_der, 1); add_test("test_mbedtls_varint_128_binary", test_mbedtls_varint_128_binary, 1); add_test("test_mbedtls_varint_128_string", test_mbedtls_varint_128_string,1); add_test("test_crypto_rsa_private_key_der", test_crypto_rsa_private_key_der, 1); add_test("test_crypto_rsa_signing", test_crypto_rsa_signing, 1); add_test("test_crypto_rsa_public_key_to_peer_id", test_crypto_rsa_public_key_to_peer_id,1); add_test("test_crypto_x509_der_to_private2", test_crypto_x509_der_to_private2, 1); add_test("test_crypto_x509_der_to_private", test_crypto_x509_der_to_private,1); add_test("test_crypto_hashing_sha256", test_crypto_hashing_sha256,1); //add_test("test_multihash_encode", func,1); //add_test("test_multihash_decode", func,1); //add_test("test_multihash_base58_encode_decode", func,1); //add_test("test_multihash_base58_decode", func,1); //add_test("test_multihash_size", func,1); add_test("test_base58_encode_decode", test_base58_encode_decode,1); add_test("test_base58_size", test_base58_size,1); add_test("test_base58_max_size", test_base58_max_size,1); add_test("test_base58_peer_address", test_base58_peer_address,1); //add_test("test_mbedtls_pk_write_key_der", func,1); //add_test("test_crypto_rsa_sign", func,1); add_test("test_crypto_encoding_base32_encode", test_crypto_encoding_base32_encode,1); add_test("test_protobuf_private_key", test_protobuf_private_key,1); add_test("test_secio_handshake", test_secio_handshake,1); add_test("test_secio_handshake_go", test_secio_handshake_go,1); add_test("test_secio_encrypt_decrypt", test_secio_encrypt_decrypt,1); add_test("test_secio_exchange_protobuf_encode", test_secio_exchange_protobuf_encode,1); add_test("test_secio_encrypt_like_go", test_secio_encrypt_like_go,1); add_test("test_multistream_connect", test_multistream_connect,1); add_test("test_multistream_get_list", test_multistream_get_list,1); add_test("test_ephemeral_key_generate", test_ephemeral_key_generate,1); add_test("test_ephemeral_key_sign", test_ephemeral_key_sign,1); add_test("test_dialer_new", test_dialer_new,1); add_test("test_dialer_dial", test_dialer_dial,1); add_test("test_dialer_join_swarm", test_dialer_join_swarm, 1); add_test("test_dialer_dial_multistream", test_dialer_dial_multistream,1); add_test("test_record_protobuf", test_record_protobuf,1); add_test("test_record_make_put_record", test_record_make_put_record,1); add_test("test_record_peer_protobuf", test_record_peer_protobuf,1); add_test("test_record_message_protobuf", test_record_message_protobuf,1); add_test("test_peer", test_peer,1); add_test("test_peer_protobuf", test_peer_protobuf,1); add_test("test_peerstore", test_peerstore,1); add_test("test_aes", test_aes, 1); add_test("test_yamux_stream_new", test_yamux_stream_new, 1); add_test("test_yamux_identify", test_yamux_identify, 1); add_test("test_yamux_incoming_protocol_request", test_yamux_incoming_protocol_request, 1); add_test("test_net_server_startup_shutdown", test_net_server_startup_shutdown, 1); add_test("test_yamux_client_server_connect", test_yamux_client_server_connect, 1); return 1; }; /** * Pull the next test name from the command line * @param the count of arguments on the command line * @param argv the command line arguments * @param arg_number the current argument we want * @returns a null terminated string of the next test or NULL */ char* get_test(int argc, char** argv, int arg_number) { char* retVal = NULL; char* ptr = NULL; if (argc > arg_number) { ptr = argv[arg_number]; if (ptr[0] == '\'') ptr++; retVal = ptr; ptr = strchr(retVal, '\''); if (ptr != NULL) ptr[0] = 0; } return retVal; } struct test* get_test_by_index(int index) { struct test* current = first_test; while (current != NULL && current->index != index) { current = current->next; } return current; } struct test* get_test_by_name(const char* name) { struct test* current = first_test; while (current != NULL && strcmp(current->name, name) != 0) { current = current->next; } return current; } /** * run certain tests or run all */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { int counter = 0; int tests_ran = 0; char* test_name_wanted = NULL; int certain_tests = 0; int current_test_arg = 1; if(argc > 1) { certain_tests = 1; } build_test_collection(); if (certain_tests) { // certain tests were passed on the command line test_name_wanted = get_test(argc, argv, current_test_arg); while (test_name_wanted != NULL) { struct test* t = get_test_by_name(test_name_wanted); if (t != NULL) { tests_ran++; counter += testit(t->name, t->func); } test_name_wanted = get_test(argc, argv, ++current_test_arg); } } else { // run all tests that are part of this test suite struct test* current = first_test; while (current != NULL) { if (current->part_of_suite) { tests_ran++; counter += testit(current->name, current->func); } current = current->next; } } if (tests_ran == 0) fprintf(stderr, "***** No tests found *****\n"); else { if (counter > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "***** There were %d failed (out of %d) test(s) *****\n", counter, tests_ran); } else { fprintf(stderr, "All %d tests passed\n", tests_ran); } } tear_down_test_collection(); libp2p_logger_free(); fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); fclose(stderr); return 1; }