#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libp2p/os/utils.h" #include "libp2p/net/p2pnet.h" #include "libp2p/record/message.h" #include "libp2p/secio/secio.h" #include "varint.h" #include "libp2p/net/multistream.h" #include "libp2p/utils/logger.h" #include "multiaddr/multiaddr.h" // NOTE: this is normally set to 5 seconds, but you may want to increase this during debugging int multistream_default_timeout = 5; /*** * An implementation of the libp2p multistream */ int libp2p_net_multistream_can_handle(const struct StreamMessage* msg) { char *protocol = "/multistream/1.0.0\n"; int protocol_size = strlen(protocol); unsigned char* incoming = msg->data; size_t incoming_size = msg->data_size; // is there a varint in front? size_t num_bytes = 0; if (incoming[0] != '/' && incoming[1] != 'm') { varint_decode(incoming, incoming_size, &num_bytes); } if (incoming_size >= protocol_size - num_bytes) { if (strncmp(protocol, (char*) &incoming[num_bytes], protocol_size) == 0) return 1; } return 0; } /*** * Send the multistream header out the default stream * @param context the context * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int libp2p_net_multistream_send_protocol(struct SessionContext *context) { const char* protocol = "/multistream/1.0.0\n"; struct StreamMessage msg; msg.data = (uint8_t*) protocol; msg.data_size = strlen(protocol); if (!context->default_stream->write(context, &msg)) { libp2p_logger_error("multistream", "send_protocol: Unable to send multistream protocol header.\n"); return 0; } return 1; } /*** * Check to see if the reply is the multistream protocol header we expect * NOTE: if we initiate the connection, we should expect the same back * @param context the SessionContext * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int libp2p_net_multistream_receive_protocol(struct SessionContext* context) { char* protocol = "/multistream/1.0.0\n"; struct StreamMessage* results = NULL; if (!context->default_stream->read(context, &results, 30)) { libp2p_logger_error("multistream", "receive_protocol: Unable to read results.\n"); return 0; } // the first byte is the size, so skip it char* ptr = strstr((char*)&results[1], protocol); if (ptr == NULL || ptr - (char*)results > 1) { return 0; } return 1; } int libp2p_net_multistream_handle_message(const struct StreamMessage* msg, struct SessionContext* context, void* protocol_context) { // try sending the protocol back //if (!libp2p_net_multistream_send_protocol(context)) // return -1; struct MultistreamContext* multistream_context = (struct MultistreamContext*) protocol_context; // try to read from the network struct StreamMessage* results = NULL; int retVal = 0; int max_retries = 10; int numRetries = 0; // handle the call for(;;) { // try to read for 5 seconds if (context->default_stream->read(context, &results, 5)) { // we read something from the network. Process it. // NOTE: If it is a multistream protocol that we are receiving, ignore it. if (libp2p_net_multistream_can_handle(results)) continue; numRetries = 0; retVal = libp2p_protocol_marshal(results, context, multistream_context->handlers); if (results != NULL) free(results); // exit the loop on error (or if they ask us to no longer loop by returning 0) if (retVal <= 0) break; } else { // we were unable to read from the network. // if it timed out, we should try again (if we're not out of retries) if (numRetries >= max_retries) break; numRetries++; } } return retVal; } int libp2p_net_multistream_shutdown(void* protocol_context) { struct MultistreamContext* context = (struct MultistreamContext*) protocol_context; if (context != NULL) { free(context); } return 1; } /*** * The handler to handle calls to the protocol * @param stream_context the context * @returns the protocol handler */ struct Libp2pProtocolHandler* libp2p_net_multistream_build_protocol_handler(void* handler_vector) { // build the context struct MultistreamContext* context = (struct MultistreamContext*) malloc(sizeof(struct MultistreamContext)); if (context == NULL) return NULL; context->handlers = (struct Libp2pVector*) handler_vector; // build the handler struct Libp2pProtocolHandler *handler = libp2p_protocol_handler_new(); if (handler != NULL) { handler->context = context; handler->CanHandle = libp2p_net_multistream_can_handle; handler->HandleMessage = libp2p_net_multistream_handle_message; handler->Shutdown = libp2p_net_multistream_shutdown; } return handler; } /** * Close the connection and free memory * @param ctx the context * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0) */ int libp2p_net_multistream_context_free(struct MultistreamContext* ctx) { int retVal = ctx->stream->close(ctx); // regardless of retVal, free the context // TODO: Evaluate if this is the correct way to do it: free(ctx); return retVal; } /*** * Close the Multistream interface * NOTE: This also closes the socket * @param stream_context a SessionContext * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0) */ int libp2p_net_multistream_close(void* stream_context) { if (stream_context == NULL) { return 0; } struct MultistreamContext* multistream_context = (struct MultistreamContext*)stream_context; return libp2p_net_multistream_context_free(multistream_context); } /*** * Check the stream to see if there is something to read * @param stream_context a MultistreamContext * @returns number of bytes to be read, or -1 if there was an error */ int libp2p_net_multistream_peek(void* stream_context) { if (stream_context == NULL) return -1; struct MultistreamContext* multistream_context = (struct MultistreamContext*)stream_context; struct Stream* parent_stream = multistream_context->stream->parent_stream; if (parent_stream == NULL) return -1; return parent_stream->peek(parent_stream->stream_context); } /** * Write to an open multistream host * @param stream_context the session context * @param msg the data to send * @returns the number of bytes written */ int libp2p_net_multistream_write(void* stream_context, struct StreamMessage* incoming) { struct MultistreamContext* multistream_context = (struct MultistreamContext*) stream_context; struct Stream* parent_stream = multistream_context->stream->parent_stream; int num_bytes = 0; if (incoming->data_size > 0) { // only do this is if there is something to send // first get the size as a varint unsigned char varint[12]; size_t varint_size = 0; varint_encode(incoming->data_size, &varint[0], 12, &varint_size); // now put the size with the data struct StreamMessage outgoing; outgoing.data_size = varint_size + incoming->data_size; outgoing.data = (uint8_t*) malloc(outgoing.data_size); if (outgoing.data == NULL) { return 0; } memset(outgoing.data, 0, outgoing.data_size); memcpy(outgoing.data, varint, varint_size); memcpy(&outgoing.data[varint_size], incoming->data, incoming->data_size); // now ship it num_bytes = parent_stream->write(parent_stream->stream_context, &outgoing); // subtract the varint if all went well if (num_bytes == outgoing.data_size) num_bytes = incoming->data_size; free(outgoing.data); } return num_bytes; } /** * Read from a multistream socket * @param socket_fd the socket file descriptor * @param results where to put the results. NOTE: this memory is allocated * @param results_size the size of the results in bytes * @param timeout_secs the seconds before a timeout * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int libp2p_net_multistream_read(void* stream_context, struct StreamMessage** results, int timeout_secs) { struct MultistreamContext* multistream_context = (struct MultistreamContext*)stream_context; struct Stream* parent_stream = multistream_context->stream->parent_stream; // find out the length uint8_t varint[12]; memset(varint, 0, 12); size_t num_bytes_requested = 0; size_t varint_length = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (!parent_stream->read_raw(parent_stream->stream_context, &varint[i], 1, timeout_secs)) { return 0; } if (varint[i] >> 7 == 0) { num_bytes_requested = varint_decode(&varint[0], i+1, &varint_length); break; } } if (num_bytes_requested <= 0) return 0; // now get the data *results = libp2p_stream_message_new(); struct StreamMessage* rslts = *results; rslts->data_size = num_bytes_requested; rslts->data = (uint8_t*) malloc(num_bytes_requested); if (rslts->data == NULL) { libp2p_stream_message_free(rslts); rslts = NULL; } // now get the data from the parent stream if (!parent_stream->read_raw(parent_stream->stream_context, rslts->data, rslts->data_size, timeout_secs)) { // problem reading from the parent stream libp2p_stream_message_free(*results); *results = NULL; return 0; } return 1; } /** * Connect to a multistream host, and this includes the multistream handshaking. * @param hostname the host * @param port the port * @returns the socket file descriptor of the connection, or -1 on error */ struct Stream* libp2p_net_multistream_connect(const char* hostname, int port) { return libp2p_net_multistream_connect_with_timeout(hostname, port, multistream_default_timeout); } /** * Connect to a multistream host, and this includes the multistream handshaking. * @param hostname the host * @param port the port * @param timeout_secs number of secs before timeout * @returns the socket file descriptor of the connection, or -1 on error */ struct Stream* libp2p_net_multistream_connect_with_timeout(const char* hostname, int port, int timeout_secs) { int retVal = -1, return_result = -1, socket = -1; struct StreamMessage* results = NULL; struct Stream* stream = NULL; uint32_t ip = hostname_to_ip(hostname); socket = socket_open4(); // connect if (socket_connect4_with_timeout(socket, ip, port, timeout_secs) != 0) goto exit; // send the multistream handshake // TODO: wire this back in //stream = libp2p_net_multistream_stream_new(socket, hostname, port, NULL); if (stream == NULL) goto exit; struct SessionContext session; session.insecure_stream = stream; session.secure_stream = NULL; session.default_stream = stream; // try to receive the protocol id return_result = libp2p_net_multistream_read(&session, &results, timeout_secs); if (results == NULL || return_result == 0 || results->data_size < 1 || !libp2p_net_multistream_can_handle(results)) { libp2p_logger_error("multistream", "Attempted to receive the multistream protocol header, but received %s.\n", results); goto exit; } if (!libp2p_net_multistream_send_protocol(&session)) { libp2p_logger_error("multistream", "Attempted to send the multistream protocol header, but could not.\n"); goto exit; } // we are now in the loop, so we can switch to another protocol (i.e. /secio/1.0.0) retVal = socket; exit: if (results != NULL) free(results); if (retVal < 0 && stream != NULL) { libp2p_net_multistream_stream_free(stream); stream = NULL; } if (retVal < 0 && socket > 0) close(socket); return stream; } /** * Negotiate the multistream protocol by sending and receiving the protocol id. This is a server side function. * Servers should send the protocol ID, and then expect it back. * NOTE: the SessionContext should already contain the connected stream. If not, use * libp2p_net_multistream_connect instead of this method. * * @param ctx a MultistreamContext * @returns true(1) on success, or false(0) */ int libp2p_net_multistream_negotiate(struct MultistreamContext* ctx) { const char* protocolID = "/multistream/1.0.0\n"; struct StreamMessage outgoing; struct StreamMessage* results = NULL; int retVal = 0; // send the protocol id outgoing.data = (uint8_t*)protocolID; outgoing.data_size = strlen(protocolID); if (!libp2p_net_multistream_write(ctx, &outgoing)) goto exit; // expect the same back libp2p_net_multistream_read(ctx, &results, multistream_default_timeout); if (results == NULL || results->data_size == 0) goto exit; if (strncmp((char*)results->data, protocolID, strlen(protocolID)) != 0) goto exit; retVal = 1; exit: if (results != NULL) free(results); return retVal; } void libp2p_net_multistream_stream_free(struct Stream* stream) { if (stream != NULL) { stream->parent_stream->close(stream->parent_stream->stream_context); // TODO: free memory allocations } } /** * Create a new MultiStream structure * @param socket_fd the file descriptor * @param ip the IP address * @param port the port */ struct Stream* libp2p_net_multistream_stream_new(struct Stream* parent_stream) { struct Stream* out = (struct Stream*)malloc(sizeof(struct Stream)); if (out != NULL) { out->parent_stream = parent_stream; out->close = libp2p_net_multistream_close; out->read = libp2p_net_multistream_read; out->write = libp2p_net_multistream_write; out->peek = libp2p_net_multistream_peek; out->address = parent_stream->address; // build MultistreamContext struct MultistreamContext* ctx = (struct MultistreamContext*) malloc(sizeof(struct MultistreamContext)); if (ctx == NULL) { libp2p_net_multistream_stream_free(out); return NULL; } out->stream_context = ctx; ctx->stream = out; ctx->handlers = NULL; ctx->session_context = NULL; // attempt to negotiate multistream protocol if (!libp2p_net_multistream_negotiate(ctx)) { libp2p_net_multistream_stream_free(out); return NULL; } } return out; }