Makefile: use COMPONENTS list to generate the linker objects

Radu Iliescu 2018-11-29 11:03:48 -05:00
parent bd6400c370
commit 8267745863
1 changed files with 2 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -6,27 +6,10 @@ export DEBUG
ROOT= $(shell pwd)
export INCLUDE = -I$(ROOT)/include -I$(ROOT)/c-protobuf -I$(ROOT)/c-multihash/include -I$(ROOT)/c-multiaddr/include
OBJS = \
conn/*.o \
crypto/*.o \
crypto/encoding/*.o \
db/*.o \
thirdparty/mbedtls/*.o \
hashmap/hashmap.o \
identify/*.o \
net/*.o \
os/*.o \
peer/*.o \
record/*.o \
routing/*.o \
secio/*.o \
utils/*.o \
swarm/*.o \
OBJS = $(shell (find $(COMPONENTS) -name *.o))
link: compile
ar rcs libp2p.a $(OBJS) $(LINKER_FLAGS)
$(AR) rcs libp2p.a $(OBJS) $(LINKER_FLAGS)
$(foreach dir,$(COMPONENTS), $(MAKE) -C $(dir) all ;)