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#include <string.h>
#include "varint.h"
#include "protobuf.h"
#include "libp2p/net/protocol.h"
#include "libp2p/net/protocol.h"
#include "libp2p/net/multistream.h"
#include "libp2p/utils/vector.h"
#include "libp2p/net/stream.h"
#include "libp2p/conn/session.h"
#include "libp2p/identify/identify.h"
#include "libp2p/utils/logger.h"
* Determines if this protocol can handle the incoming message
* @param incoming the incoming data
* @param incoming_size the size of the incoming data buffer
* @returns true(1) if it can handle this message, false(0) if not
int libp2p_identify_can_handle(const struct StreamMessage* msg) {
const char *protocol = "/ipfs/id/1.0.0\n";
int protocol_size = strlen(protocol);
// is there a varint in front?
size_t num_bytes = 0;
if (msg->data[0] != protocol[0] && msg->data[1] != protocol[1]) {
varint_decode(msg->data, msg->data_size, &num_bytes);
if (msg->data_size >= protocol_size - num_bytes) {
if (strncmp(protocol, (char*) &msg->data[num_bytes], protocol_size) == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
* Send the identify header out the default stream
* @param context the context
* @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise
int libp2p_identify_send_protocol(struct Stream *stream) {
char *protocol = "/ipfs/id/1.0.0\n";
struct StreamMessage msg;
msg.data = (uint8_t*) protocol;
msg.data_size = strlen(protocol);
if (!stream->write(stream->stream_context, &msg)) {
libp2p_logger_error("identify", "send_protocol: Unable to send identify protocol header.\n");
return 0;
return 1;
* Check to see if the reply is the identify header we expect
* NOTE: if we initiate the connection, we should expect the same back
* @param stream the incoming stream of the underlying protocol
* @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise
int libp2p_identify_receive_protocol(struct Stream* stream) {
const char *protocol = "/ipfs/id/1.0.0\n";
struct StreamMessage* results = NULL;
if (!stream->read(stream->stream_context, &results, 30)) {
libp2p_logger_error("identify", "receive_protocol: Unable to read results.\n");
return 0;
// the first byte may be the size, so skip it
int start = 0;
if (results->data[0] != '/')
start = 1;
char* ptr = strstr((char*)&results->data[start], protocol);
if (ptr == NULL || ptr - (char*)&results->data[start] > 1) {
return 0;
return 1;
* Create a Identify struct
* @returns the newly allocated record struct
Identify* libp2p_identify_new() {
Identify* out = (Identify*)malloc(sizeof(Identify));
if (out != NULL) {
out->PublicKey = NULL;
out->ListenAddrs = NULL;
out->Protocols = NULL;
out->ObservedAddr = NULL;
out->XXX_unrecognized = NULL;
return out;
* Free the resources from a identify struct
* @param in the struct to free
void libp2p_identify_free(Identify* in) {
int i;
if (in != NULL) {
if (in->PublicKey != NULL)
if (in->ListenAddrs != NULL) {
// free every item
for (i = 0 ; in->ListenAddrs[i] ; i++)
// free array
if (in->Protocols != NULL) {
for (i = 0 ; in->Protocols[i] ; i++)
if (in->ObservedAddr != NULL)
if (in->XXX_unrecognized != NULL)
/* helper to alloc and copy an item.
* @param item the item.
* @returns a pointer on success, otherwise NULL.
char *libp2p_identify_new_item(char *item, size_t size) {
char *dst = NULL;
if (item) {
dst = malloc(size);
if (dst) {
memcpy(dst, item, size);
return dst;
/* helper to add an item to an array.
* @param array the array.
* @param item the item.
* @returns count itens on success, otherwise zero.
int libp2p_identify_array_add_item(char ***array, char *item) {
int count = 0;
if (array && item) {
if (*array) {
// count itens already in.
while (*array[count++]);
// alloc the necessary array count or realloc more if alread allocated.
*array = realloc(*array, sizeof(char*) * (count + 2)); // 2, the new and the NULL
*array[count++] = item;
*array[count] = NULL;
return count;
* Convert a identify struct into protobuf format
* @param in the Identify struct to convert
* @param buffer where to store the protobuf
* @param max_buffer_size the size of the allocated buffer
* @param bytes_written the size written into buffer
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0)
int libp2p_identify_protobuf_encode(const Identify* in, unsigned char* buffer, size_t max_buffer_size, size_t* bytes_written) {
// data & data_size
size_t bytes_used = 0;
*bytes_written = 0;
int i, retVal = 0;
// field 1
retVal = protobuf_encode_string(1, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, in->PublicKey, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_size - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
if (retVal == 0)
return 0;
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
// field 2
for (i = 0 ; in->ListenAddrs[i] ; i++) {
retVal = protobuf_encode_string(2, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, in->ListenAddrs[i], &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_size - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
if (retVal == 0)
return 0;
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
// field 3
for (i = 0 ; in->Protocols[i] ; i++) {
retVal = protobuf_encode_string(3, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, in->Protocols[i], &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_size - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
if (retVal == 0)
return 0;
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
// field 4
retVal = protobuf_encode_string(4, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, in->ObservedAddr, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_size - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
if (retVal == 0)
return 0;
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
// field 5
retVal = protobuf_encode_string(5, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, in->ProtocolVersion, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_size - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
if (retVal == 0)
return 0;
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
// field 6
retVal = protobuf_encode_string(6, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, in->AgentVersion, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_size - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
if (retVal == 0)
return 0;
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
return 1;
* Convert a protobuf byte array into a Identify struct
* @param in the byte array
* @param in_size the size of the byte array
* @param out a pointer to the new Identify struct
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0)
int libp2p_identify_protobuf_decode(const unsigned char* in, size_t in_size, Identify** out) {
size_t pos = 0;
int count, retVal = 0;
char *item;
if ( (*out = libp2p_identify_new()) == NULL)
goto exit;
while(pos < in_size) {
size_t bytes_read = 0;
int field_no;
enum WireType field_type;
if (!protobuf_decode_field_and_type(&in[pos], in_size, &field_no, &field_type, &bytes_read)) {
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
switch(field_no) {
case (1): // PublicKey
if (!protobuf_decode_string(&in[pos], in_size - pos, (char**)&((*out)->PublicKey), &bytes_read))
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
case (2): // ListenAddrs
if (!protobuf_decode_string(&in[pos], in_size - pos, (char**)&(item), &bytes_read))
goto exit;
if (!libp2p_identify_array_add_item(&((*out)->ListenAddrs), item))
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
case (3): // Protocols
if (!protobuf_decode_string(&in[pos], in_size - pos, (char**)&(item), &bytes_read))
goto exit;
if (!libp2p_identify_array_add_item(&((*out)->Protocols), item))
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
case (4): // ObservedAddr
if (!protobuf_decode_string(&in[pos], in_size - pos, (char**)&((*out)->ObservedAddr), &bytes_read))
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
case (5): // ProtocolVersion
if (!protobuf_decode_string(&in[pos], in_size - pos, (char**)&((*out)->ProtocolVersion), &bytes_read))
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
case (6): // AgentVersion
if (!protobuf_decode_string(&in[pos], in_size - pos, (char**)&((*out)->AgentVersion), &bytes_read))
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
default: // XXX_unrecognized
// create a comma-separated string of each unrecognized item.
if (!protobuf_decode_string(&in[pos], in_size - pos, (char**)&(item), &bytes_read))
goto exit;
count = 0;
if ((*out)->XXX_unrecognized) {
count = strlen((*out)->XXX_unrecognized);
(*out)->XXX_unrecognized[count++] = ','; // null terminator is now a comma.
(*out)->XXX_unrecognized = realloc((*out)->XXX_unrecognized, count + bytes_read);
if (!(*out)->XXX_unrecognized)
goto exit;
// append after the comma.
memcpy((*out)->XXX_unrecognized+count, item, bytes_read);
pos += bytes_read;
retVal = 1;
if (retVal == 0) {
*out = NULL;
return retVal;
* A remote node is attempting to send us an Identify message
* @param msg the message sent
* @param context the SessionContext
* @param protocol_context the identify protocol context
* @returns <0 on error, 0 if loop should not continue, >0 on success
int libp2p_identify_handle_message(const struct StreamMessage* msg, struct Stream* stream, void* protocol_context) {
// attempt to create a new Identify connection with them.
// send the protocol id back, and set up the channel
struct Stream* new_stream = libp2p_identify_stream_new(stream);
if (new_stream == NULL)
return -1;
return stream->handle_upgrade(stream, new_stream);
* Shutting down. Clean up any memory allocations
* @param protocol_context the context
* @returns true(1)
int libp2p_identify_shutdown(void* protocol_context) {
if (protocol_context == NULL)
return 0;
return 1;
struct Libp2pProtocolHandler* libp2p_identify_build_protocol_handler(struct Libp2pVector* handlers) {
struct Libp2pProtocolHandler* handler = libp2p_protocol_handler_new();
if (handler != NULL) {
handler->context = handler;
handler->CanHandle = libp2p_identify_can_handle;
handler->HandleMessage = libp2p_identify_handle_message;
handler->Shutdown = libp2p_identify_shutdown;
return handler;
int libp2p_identify_close(struct Stream* stream) {
if (stream == NULL)
return 0;
if (stream->parent_stream != NULL)
if (stream->stream_context != NULL)
return 1;
* Create a new stream that negotiates the identify protocol
* NOTE: This will be sent by our side (us asking them).
* Incoming "Identify" requests should be handled by the
* external protocol handler, not this function.
* @param parent_stream the parent stream
* @returns a new Stream that can talk "identify"
struct Stream* libp2p_identify_stream_new(struct Stream* parent_stream) {
if (parent_stream == NULL)
return NULL;
struct Stream* out = libp2p_stream_new();
if (out != NULL) {
out->parent_stream = parent_stream;
struct IdentifyContext* ctx = (struct IdentifyContext*) malloc(sizeof(struct IdentifyContext));
if (ctx == NULL) {
return NULL;
ctx->parent_stream = parent_stream;
ctx->stream = out;
out->stream_context = ctx;
out->close = libp2p_identify_close;
out->negotiate = libp2p_identify_stream_new;
if (!libp2p_identify_send_protocol(parent_stream) || !libp2p_identify_receive_protocol(parent_stream)) {
return NULL;
return out;
* Create a new stream that negotiates the identify protocol
* on top of the multistream protocol
* NOTE: This will be sent by our side (us asking them).
* Incoming "Identify" requests should be handled by the
* external protocol handler, not this function.
* @param parent_stream the parent stream
* @returns a new Stream that is a multistream, but with "identify" already negotiated
struct Stream* libp2p_identify_stream_new_with_multistream(struct Stream* parent_stream) {
if (parent_stream == NULL)
return NULL;
struct Stream* multistream = libp2p_net_multistream_stream_new(parent_stream);
struct Stream* out = libp2p_stream_new();
if (out != NULL) {
out->stream_type = STREAM_TYPE_IDENTIFY;
out->parent_stream = multistream;
struct IdentifyContext* ctx = (struct IdentifyContext*) malloc(sizeof(struct IdentifyContext));
if (ctx == NULL) {
return NULL;
ctx->parent_stream = multistream;
ctx->stream = out;
out->stream_context = ctx;
out->close = libp2p_identify_close;
out->negotiate = libp2p_identify_stream_new_with_multistream;
if (!libp2p_identify_send_protocol(parent_stream) || !libp2p_identify_receive_protocol(parent_stream)) {
return NULL;
return out;