jmjatlanta 033dd767b4 More work on persisting data to disk.
Blockstore now storing the data, whereas datastore is storing the key
and filename. The key should be the multihash (currently the sha256, not
the multihash), and the value is the filename (base32).
2016-12-14 12:07:43 -05:00

73 lines
1.8 KiB

#include "libp2p/crypto/encoding/base32.h"
#include "ipfs/datastore/ds_helper.h"
#include "ipfs/blocks/block.h"
#include "ipfs/repo/config/config.h"
#include "ipfs/repo/fsrepo/fs_repo.h"
#include "../test_helper.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
* create a repository and put a record in the datastore and a block in the blockstore
int test_ipfs_datastore_put() {
struct Block* block;
int retVal = 0;
const unsigned char* input = (unsigned char*)"Hello, world!";
// build the ipfs repository, then shut it down, so we can start fresh
retVal = drop_and_build_repository("/tmp/.ipfs");
if (retVal == 0)
return 0;
// build the block
retVal = ipfs_blocks_block_new(&block);
if (retVal == 0)
return 0;
retVal = ipfs_blocks_block_add_data(input, strlen((char*)input), block);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
// generate the key
size_t key_length = libp2p_crypto_encoding_base32_encode_size(block->data_length);
unsigned char key[key_length];
retVal = ipfs_datastore_helper_ds_key_from_binary(block->data, block->data_length, &key[0], key_length, &key_length);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
// open the repository
struct FSRepo* fs_repo;
retVal = ipfs_repo_fsrepo_new("/tmp/.ipfs", NULL, &fs_repo);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
retVal = ipfs_repo_fsrepo_open(fs_repo);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
// send to Put with key
retVal = fs_repo->config->datastore->datastore_put((const unsigned char*)key, key_length, block->data, block->data_length, fs_repo->config->datastore);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
// save the block
// check the results
// clean up
return 1;