#include #include "../test_helper.h" #include "ipfs/routing/routing.h" #include "ipfs/repo/fsrepo/fs_repo.h" void stop_kademlia(void); int test_routing_supernode_start() { int retVal = 0; struct FSRepo* fs_repo = NULL; struct IpfsNode* ipfs_node = NULL; struct Stream* stream = NULL; if (!drop_build_and_open_repo("/tmp/.ipfs", &fs_repo)) goto exit; ipfs_node = (struct IpfsNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct IpfsNode)); ipfs_node->mode = MODE_ONLINE; ipfs_node->identity = fs_repo->config->identity; ipfs_node->repo = fs_repo; ipfs_node->routing = ipfs_routing_new_kademlia(ipfs_node, &fs_repo->config->identity->private_key, stream); if (ipfs_node->routing == NULL) goto exit; //TODO ping kademlia retVal = 1; exit: if (ipfs_node->routing != NULL) stop_kademlia(); return retVal; } int test_routing_supernode_get_value() { int retVal = 0; struct FSRepo* fs_repo = NULL; struct IpfsNode* ipfs_node = NULL; struct Stream* stream = NULL; int file_size = 1000; unsigned char bytes[file_size]; char* fileName = "temp_file.bin"; char* fullFileName = "/tmp/temp_file.bin"; struct Node* write_node = NULL; size_t bytes_written = 0; unsigned char base58Hash[100]; size_t results_size = 2048; char results_buffer[results_size]; if (!drop_build_and_open_repo("/tmp/.ipfs", &fs_repo)) goto exit; ipfs_node = (struct IpfsNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct IpfsNode)); ipfs_node->mode = MODE_ONLINE; ipfs_node->identity = fs_repo->config->identity; ipfs_node->repo = fs_repo; ipfs_node->routing = ipfs_routing_new_kademlia(ipfs_node, &fs_repo->config->identity->private_key, stream); if (ipfs_node->routing == NULL) goto exit; // create a file create_bytes(&bytes[0], file_size); create_file(fullFileName, bytes, file_size); // write to ipfs if (ipfs_import_file("/tmp", fileName, &write_node, fs_repo, &bytes_written, 1) == 0) { goto exit; } if (!ipfs_node->routing->Provide(ipfs_node->routing, (char*)write_node->data, write_node->data_size)) goto exit; // write_node->hash has the base32 key of the file. Convert this to a base58. if (!ipfs_cid_hash_to_base58(write_node->hash, write_node->hash_size, base58Hash, 100)) goto exit; // ask the network who can provide this if (!ipfs_node->routing->FindProviders(ipfs_node->routing, (char*)base58Hash, 100, &results_buffer[0], &results_size)) goto exit; // Q: What should FindProviders have in the results buffer? A: A struct of: // 20 byte id // 4 byte (or 16 byte for ip6) ip address // 2 byte port number // that means we have to attempt a connection and ask for peer ID // TODO: Q: How do we determine ip4 vs ip6? struct Libp2pLinkedList* multiaddress_head; // get an IP4 ip and port if (!ipfs_routing_supernode_parse_provider(&results_buffer, &multiaddress_head)) goto exit; struct Libp2pLinkedList* current_address = multiaddress_head; struct MultiAddress* addr = NULL; while (current_address != NULL) { addr = (struct Multiaddress*)current_address->item; if (multiaddress_is_ip4(addr)) break; addr = NULL; current_address = current_address->next; } if (addr == NULL) goto exit; // Connect to server char* ip; multiaddress_get_ip_address(addr, &ip); struct Stream* file_stream = libp2p_net_multistream_connect(ip, multiaddress_get_ip_port(addr)); // Switch from multistream to NodeIO if (!libp2p_net_multistream_upgrade(file_stream, "/NodeIO/1.0.0")) goto exit; // Ask for file struct Node* node = libp2p_nodeio_get(file_stream, base58Hash, 100); if (node == NULL) goto exit; retVal = 1; exit: if (ipfs_node->routing != NULL) stop_kademlia(); if (fs_repo != NULL) ipfs_repo_fsrepo_free(fs_repo); return retVal; }