/*** * a thin wrapper over a datastore for getting and putting block objects */ #include "libp2p/crypto/encoding/base32.h" #include "ipfs/cid/cid.h" #include "ipfs/blocks/block.h" #include "ipfs/blocks/blockstore.h" #include "ipfs/datastore/ds_helper.h" #include "ipfs/repo/fsrepo/fs_repo.h" #include "libp2p/os/utils.h" /*** * Create a new Blockstore struct * @param fs_repo the FSRepo to use * @returns the new Blockstore struct, or NULL if there was a problem. */ struct Blockstore* ipfs_blockstore_new(const struct FSRepo* fs_repo) { struct Blockstore* blockstore = (struct Blockstore*) malloc(sizeof(struct Blockstore)); if(blockstore != NULL) { blockstore->blockstoreContext = (struct BlockstoreContext*) malloc(sizeof(struct BlockstoreContext)); if (blockstore->blockstoreContext == NULL) { free(blockstore); return NULL; } blockstore->blockstoreContext->fs_repo = fs_repo; blockstore->Delete = ipfs_blockstore_delete; blockstore->Get = ipfs_blockstore_get; blockstore->Has = ipfs_blockstore_has; blockstore->Put = ipfs_blockstore_put; } return blockstore; } /** * Release resources of a Blockstore struct * @param blockstore the struct to free * @returns true(1) */ int ipfs_blockstore_free(struct Blockstore* blockstore) { if (blockstore != NULL) { if (blockstore->blockstoreContext != NULL) free(blockstore->blockstoreContext); free(blockstore); } return 1; } /** * Delete a block based on its Cid * @param cid the Cid to look for * @param returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_blockstore_delete(const struct BlockstoreContext* context, struct Cid* cid) { return 0; } /*** * Determine if the Cid can be found * @param cid the Cid to look for * @returns true(1) if found */ int ipfs_blockstore_has(const struct BlockstoreContext* context, struct Cid* cid) { return 0; } unsigned char* ipfs_blockstore_cid_to_base32(const struct Cid* cid) { size_t key_length = libp2p_crypto_encoding_base32_encode_size(cid->hash_length); unsigned char* buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(key_length + 1); if (buffer == NULL) return NULL; int retVal = ipfs_datastore_helper_ds_key_from_binary(cid->hash, cid->hash_length, &buffer[0], key_length, &key_length); if (retVal == 0) { free(buffer); return NULL; } buffer[key_length] = 0; return buffer; } unsigned char* ipfs_blockstore_hash_to_base32(const unsigned char* hash, size_t hash_length) { size_t key_length = libp2p_crypto_encoding_base32_encode_size(hash_length); unsigned char* buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(key_length + 1); if (buffer == NULL) return NULL; int retVal = ipfs_datastore_helper_ds_key_from_binary(hash, hash_length, &buffer[0], key_length, &key_length); if (retVal == 0) { free(buffer); return NULL; } buffer[key_length] = 0; return buffer; } char* ipfs_blockstore_path_get(const struct FSRepo* fs_repo, const char* filename) { int filepath_size = strlen(fs_repo->path) + 12; char filepath[filepath_size]; int retVal = os_utils_filepath_join(fs_repo->path, "blockstore", filepath, filepath_size); if (retVal == 0) { free(filepath); return 0; } int complete_filename_size = strlen(filepath) + strlen(filename) + 2; char* complete_filename = (char*)malloc(complete_filename_size); retVal = os_utils_filepath_join(filepath, filename, complete_filename, complete_filename_size); return complete_filename; } /*** * Find a block based on its Cid * @param cid the Cid to look for * @param block where to put the data to be returned * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_blockstore_get(const struct BlockstoreContext* context, struct Cid* cid, struct Block** block) { // get datastore key, which is a base32 key of the multihash unsigned char* key = ipfs_blockstore_hash_to_base32(cid->hash, cid->hash_length); char* filename = ipfs_blockstore_path_get(context->fs_repo, (char*)key); size_t file_size = os_utils_file_size(filename); unsigned char buffer[file_size]; FILE* file = fopen(filename, "rb"); size_t bytes_read = fread(buffer, 1, file_size, file); fclose(file); int retVal = ipfs_blocks_block_protobuf_decode(buffer, bytes_read, block); (*block)->cid = ipfs_cid_copy(cid); free(key); free(filename); return retVal; } /*** * Put a block in the blockstore * @param block the block to store * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_blockstore_put(const struct BlockstoreContext* context, struct Block* block) { // from blockstore.go line 118 int retVal = 0; // Get Datastore key, which is a base32 key of the multihash, unsigned char* key = ipfs_blockstore_cid_to_base32(block->cid); if (key == NULL) { free(key); return 0; } //TODO: put this in subdirectories // turn the block into a binary array size_t protobuf_len = ipfs_blocks_block_protobuf_encode_size(block); unsigned char protobuf[protobuf_len]; retVal = ipfs_blocks_block_protobuf_encode(block, protobuf, protobuf_len, &protobuf_len); if (retVal == 0) { free(key); return 0; } // now write byte array to file char* filename = ipfs_blockstore_path_get(context->fs_repo, (char*)key); if (filename == NULL) { free(key); return 0; } FILE* file = fopen(filename, "wb"); int bytes_written = fwrite(protobuf, 1, protobuf_len, file); fclose(file); if (bytes_written != protobuf_len) { free(key); free(filename); return 0; } // send to Put with key (this is now done separately) //fs_repo->config->datastore->datastore_put(key, key_length, block->data, block->data_length, fs_repo->config->datastore); free(key); free(filename); return 1; } /*** * Put a struct UnixFS in the blockstore * @param unix_fs the structure * @param fs_repo the repo to place the strucure in * @param bytes_written the number of bytes written to the blockstore * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_blockstore_put_unixfs(const struct UnixFS* unix_fs, const struct FSRepo* fs_repo, size_t* bytes_written) { // from blockstore.go line 118 int retVal = 0; // Get Datastore key, which is a base32 key of the multihash, unsigned char* key = ipfs_blockstore_hash_to_base32(unix_fs->hash, unix_fs->hash_length); if (key == NULL) { free(key); return 0; } //TODO: put this in subdirectories // turn the block into a binary array size_t protobuf_len = ipfs_unixfs_protobuf_encode_size(unix_fs); unsigned char protobuf[protobuf_len]; retVal = ipfs_unixfs_protobuf_encode(unix_fs, protobuf, protobuf_len, &protobuf_len); if (retVal == 0) { free(key); return 0; } // now write byte array to file char* filename = ipfs_blockstore_path_get(fs_repo, (char*)key); if (filename == NULL) { free(key); return 0; } FILE* file = fopen(filename, "wb"); *bytes_written = fwrite(protobuf, 1, protobuf_len, file); fclose(file); if (*bytes_written != protobuf_len) { free(key); free(filename); return 0; } // send to Put with key (this is now done separately) //fs_repo->config->datastore->datastore_put(key, key_length, block->data, block->data_length, fs_repo->config->datastore); free(key); free(filename); return 1; } /*** * Find a UnixFS struct based on its hash * @param hash the hash to look for * @param hash_length the length of the hash * @param unix_fs the struct to fill * @param fs_repo where to look for the data * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_blockstore_get_unixfs(const unsigned char* hash, size_t hash_length, struct UnixFS** block, const struct FSRepo* fs_repo) { // get datastore key, which is a base32 key of the multihash unsigned char* key = ipfs_blockstore_hash_to_base32(hash, hash_length); char* filename = ipfs_blockstore_path_get(fs_repo, (char*)key); size_t file_size = os_utils_file_size(filename); unsigned char buffer[file_size]; FILE* file = fopen(filename, "rb"); size_t bytes_read = fread(buffer, 1, file_size, file); fclose(file); int retVal = ipfs_unixfs_protobuf_decode(buffer, bytes_read, block); free(key); free(filename); return retVal; } /*** * Put a struct Node in the blockstore * @param node the structure * @param fs_repo the repo to place the strucure in * @param bytes_written the number of bytes written to the blockstore * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_blockstore_put_node(const struct HashtableNode* node, const struct FSRepo* fs_repo, size_t* bytes_written) { // from blockstore.go line 118 int retVal = 0; // Get Datastore key, which is a base32 key of the multihash, unsigned char* key = ipfs_blockstore_hash_to_base32(node->hash, node->hash_size); if (key == NULL) { free(key); return 0; } //TODO: put this in subdirectories // turn the block into a binary array size_t protobuf_len = ipfs_hashtable_node_protobuf_encode_size(node); unsigned char protobuf[protobuf_len]; retVal = ipfs_hashtable_node_protobuf_encode(node, protobuf, protobuf_len, &protobuf_len); if (retVal == 0) { free(key); return 0; } // now write byte array to file char* filename = ipfs_blockstore_path_get(fs_repo, (char*)key); if (filename == NULL) { free(key); return 0; } FILE* file = fopen(filename, "wb"); *bytes_written = fwrite(protobuf, 1, protobuf_len, file); fclose(file); if (*bytes_written != protobuf_len) { free(key); free(filename); return 0; } free(key); free(filename); return 1; } /*** * Find a UnixFS struct based on its hash * @param hash the hash to look for * @param hash_length the length of the hash * @param unix_fs the struct to fill * @param fs_repo where to look for the data * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_blockstore_get_node(const unsigned char* hash, size_t hash_length, struct HashtableNode** node, const struct FSRepo* fs_repo) { // get datastore key, which is a base32 key of the multihash unsigned char* key = ipfs_blockstore_hash_to_base32(hash, hash_length); char* filename = ipfs_blockstore_path_get(fs_repo, (char*)key); size_t file_size = os_utils_file_size(filename); unsigned char buffer[file_size]; FILE* file = fopen(filename, "rb"); size_t bytes_read = fread(buffer, 1, file_size, file); fclose(file); int retVal = ipfs_hashtable_node_protobuf_decode(buffer, bytes_read, node); free(key); free(filename); return retVal; }