#include #include "libp2p/net/multistream.h" #include "libp2p/utils/vector.h" #include "libp2p/secio/secio.h" #include "libp2p/routing/dht_protocol.h" #include "ipfs/core/api.h" #include "ipfs/core/client_api.h" #include "ipfs/core/ipfs_node.h" #include "ipfs/exchange/bitswap/bitswap.h" #include "ipfs/journal/journal.h" struct Libp2pVector* ipfs_node_online_build_protocol_handlers(struct IpfsNode* node) { struct Libp2pVector* retVal = libp2p_utils_vector_new(1); if (retVal != NULL) { // secio libp2p_utils_vector_add(retVal, libp2p_secio_build_protocol_handler(&node->identity->private_key, node->peerstore)); // journal libp2p_utils_vector_add(retVal, ipfs_journal_build_protocol_handler(node)); // kademlia libp2p_utils_vector_add(retVal, libp2p_routing_dht_build_protocol_handler(node->peerstore, node->providerstore)); // bitswap libp2p_utils_vector_add(retVal, ipfs_bitswap_build_protocol_handler(node)); // multistream libp2p_utils_vector_add(retVal, libp2p_net_multistream_build_protocol_handler(retVal)); } return retVal; } int ipfs_node_online_protocol_handlers_free(struct Libp2pVector* handlers) { for(int i = 0; i < handlers->total; i++) { struct Libp2pProtocolHandler* current = (struct Libp2pProtocolHandler*) libp2p_utils_vector_get(handlers, i); current->Shutdown(current->context); free(current); } libp2p_utils_vector_free(handlers); return 1; } /*** * build an online IpfsNode * @param repo_path where the IPFS repository directory is * @param node the completed IpfsNode struct * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_node_online_new(const char* repo_path, struct IpfsNode** node) { struct FSRepo* fs_repo = NULL; *node = (struct IpfsNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct IpfsNode)); if(*node == NULL) return 0; struct IpfsNode* local_node = *node; local_node->identity = NULL; local_node->peerstore = NULL; local_node->providerstore = NULL; local_node->repo = NULL; local_node->routing = NULL; local_node->exchange = NULL; // build the struct if (!ipfs_repo_fsrepo_new(repo_path, NULL, &fs_repo)) { ipfs_node_free(local_node); *node = NULL; return 0; } // open the repo if (!ipfs_repo_fsrepo_open(fs_repo)) { ipfs_node_free(local_node); *node = NULL; return 0; } // fill in the node local_node->repo = fs_repo; local_node->identity = fs_repo->config->identity; local_node->peerstore = libp2p_peerstore_new(local_node->identity->peer); local_node->providerstore = libp2p_providerstore_new(fs_repo->config->datastore, local_node->identity->peer); local_node->blockstore = ipfs_blockstore_new(fs_repo); local_node->protocol_handlers = ipfs_node_online_build_protocol_handlers(local_node); local_node->mode = MODE_OFFLINE; local_node->routing = ipfs_routing_new_online(local_node, &fs_repo->config->identity->private_key); local_node->exchange = ipfs_bitswap_new(local_node); // fire up the API api_start(local_node, 10, 5); return 1; } /*** * build an offline IpfsNode * @param repo_path where the IPFS repository directory is * @param node the completed IpfsNode struct * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_node_offline_new(const char* repo_path, struct IpfsNode** node) { struct FSRepo* fs_repo = NULL; *node = (struct IpfsNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct IpfsNode)); if(*node == NULL) return 0; struct IpfsNode* local_node = *node; local_node->identity = NULL; local_node->peerstore = NULL; local_node->providerstore = NULL; local_node->repo = NULL; local_node->routing = NULL; local_node->exchange = NULL; // build the struct if (!ipfs_repo_fsrepo_new(repo_path, NULL, &fs_repo)) { ipfs_node_free(local_node); *node = NULL; return 0; } // open the repo if (!ipfs_repo_fsrepo_open(fs_repo)) { ipfs_node_free(local_node); *node = NULL; return 0; } // fill in the node local_node->repo = fs_repo; local_node->identity = fs_repo->config->identity; local_node->peerstore = libp2p_peerstore_new(local_node->identity->peer); local_node->providerstore = libp2p_providerstore_new(fs_repo->config->datastore, local_node->identity->peer); local_node->blockstore = ipfs_blockstore_new(fs_repo); local_node->protocol_handlers = ipfs_node_online_build_protocol_handlers(local_node); local_node->mode = MODE_OFFLINE; local_node->routing = ipfs_routing_new_offline(local_node, &fs_repo->config->identity->private_key); local_node->exchange = ipfs_bitswap_new(local_node); if (api_running(local_node)) local_node->mode = MODE_API_AVAILABLE; return 1; } /*** * Free resources from the creation of an IpfsNode * @param node the node to free * @returns true(1) */ int ipfs_node_free(struct IpfsNode* node) { if (node != NULL) { api_stop(); if (node->exchange != NULL) { node->exchange->Close(node->exchange); } if (node->providerstore != NULL) libp2p_providerstore_free(node->providerstore); if (node->peerstore != NULL) libp2p_peerstore_free(node->peerstore); if (node->repo != NULL) ipfs_repo_fsrepo_free(node->repo); if (node->protocol_handlers != NULL) ipfs_node_online_protocol_handlers_free(node->protocol_handlers); if (node->mode == MODE_ONLINE) { ipfs_routing_online_free(node->routing); } if (node->mode == MODE_OFFLINE || node->mode == MODE_API_AVAILABLE) { ipfs_routing_offline_free(node->routing); } if (node->blockstore != NULL) { ipfs_blockstore_free(node->blockstore); } free(node); } return 1; }