#include #include #include #include #include "ipfs/namesys/routing.h" #include "ipfs/util/time.h" #include "mh/multihash.h" #include "ipfs/namesys/pb.h" #include "ipfs/namesys/namesys.h" #include "ipfs/cid/cid.h" char* ipfs_routing_cache_get (char *key, struct ipns_entry *ientry) { int i; struct routingResolver *cache; struct timespec now; if (key && ientry) { cache = ientry->cache; if (cache) { timespec_get (&now); for (i = 0 ; i < cache->next ; i++) { if (((now.tv_sec < cache->data[i]->eol.tv_sec || (now.tv_sec == cache->data[i]->eol.tv_sec && now.tv_nsec < cache->data[i]->eol.tv_nsec))) && strcmp(cache->data[i]->key, key) == 0) { return cache->data[i]->value; } } } } return NULL; } void ipfs_routing_cache_set (char *key, char *value, struct ipns_entry *ientry) { struct cacheEntry *n; struct routingResolver *cache; if (key && value && ientry) { cache = ientry->cache; if (cache && cache->next < cache->cachesize) { n = malloc(sizeof (struct cacheEntry)); if (n) { n->key = key; n->value = value; timespec_get (&n->eol); // now n->eol.tv_sec += DefaultResolverCacheTTL; // sum TTL seconds to time seconds. cache->data[cache->next++] = n; } } } } // NewRoutingResolver constructs a name resolver using the IPFS Routing system // to implement SFS-like naming on top. // cachesize is the limit of the number of entries in the lru cache. Setting it // to '0' will disable caching. struct routingResolver* ipfs_namesys_new_routing_resolver (struct libp2p_routing_value_store *route, int cachesize) { struct routingResolver *ret; if (!route) { fprintf(stderr, "attempt to create resolver with NULL routing system\n"); exit (1); } ret = calloc (1, sizeof (struct routingResolver)); if (!ret) { return NULL; } ret->data = calloc(cachesize, sizeof(void*)); if (!ret) { free (ret); return NULL; } ret->cachesize = cachesize; return ret; } // ipfs_namesys_routing_resolve implements Resolver. int ipfs_namesys_routing_resolve (char **path, char *name, struct namesys_pb *pb) { return ipfs_namesys_routing_resolve_n(path, name, DefaultDepthLimit, pb); } // ipfs_namesys_routing_resolve_n implements Resolver. int ipfs_namesys_routing_resolve_n (char **path, char *name, int depth, struct namesys_pb *pb) { return ipfs_namesys_routing_resolve_once (path, name, depth, "/ipns/", pb); } // ipfs_namesys_routing_resolve_once implements resolver. Uses the IPFS // routing system to resolve SFS-like names. int ipfs_namesys_routing_resolve_once (char **path, char *name, int depth, char *prefix, struct namesys_pb *pb) { int err, l, s, ok; struct MultiHash hash; char *h, *string, *val; struct libp2p_crypto_pubkey pubkey; if (!path || !name | !prefix) { return ErrInvalidParam; } // log.Debugf("RoutingResolve: '%s'", name) *path = ipfs_routing_cache_get (name, pb->IpnsEntry); if (*path) { return 0; // cached } if (memcmp(name, prefix, strlen(prefix)) == 0) { name += strlen (prefix); // trim prefix. } err = libp2p_b58_to_multihash (name, strlen(name), &hash); if (err) { // name should be a multihash. if it isn't, error out here. //log.Warningf("RoutingResolve: bad input hash: [%s]\n", name) return err; } // use the routing system to get the name. // /ipns/ l = strlen(prefix); s = (hash.size * 2) + 1; h = malloc(l + s); // alloc to fit prefix + hexhash + null terminator if (!h) { return ErrAllocFailed; } memcpy(h, prefix, l); // copy prefix if (!libp2p_multihash_hex_string(&hash, h+l, s)) { // hexstring just after prefix. return ErrUnknow; } err = ipfs_namesys_routing_get_value (val, h); if (err) { //log.Warning("RoutingResolve get failed.") return err; } //err = protobuf decode (val, pb.IpnsEntry); if (err) { return err; } // name should be a public key retrievable from ipfs err = ipfs_namesys_routing_getpublic_key (pubkey, &hash); if (err) { return err; } // check sig with pk err = libp2p_crypto_verify (ipns_entry_data_for_sig(pb->IpnsEntry), pb->IpnsEntry->signature, &ok); if (err || !ok) { char buf[500]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), Err[ErrInvalidSignatureFmt], pubkey); l = strlen(buf) + 1; Err[ErrInvalidSignature] = malloc(l); if (!Err[ErrInvalidSignature]) { return ErrAllocFailed; } memcpy(Err[ErrInvalidSignature], buf, l); return ErrInvalidSignature; } // ok sig checks out. this is a valid name. // check for old style record: err = ipfs_namesys_pb_get_value (&string, pb->IpnsEntry); if (err) { return err; } err = libp2p_multihash_from_hex_string(string, strlen(string), &hash); if (err) { // Not a multihash, probably a new record err = ipfs_path_parse(path, string); if (err) { return err; } } else { // Its an old style multihash record //log.Warning("Detected old style multihash record") struct Cid *cid; err = ipfs_cid_new(0, hash.data, hash.size, CID_PROTOBUF, &cid); if (err) { return err; } err = ipfs_path_parse_from_cid (path, cid); if (err) { return err; } } ipfs_routing_cache_set (name, *path, pb->IpnsEntry); return 0; } int ipfs_namesys_routing_check_EOL (struct timespec *ts, struct namesys_pb *pb) { int err; if (*(pb->IpnsEntry->validityType) == IpnsEntry_EOL) { err = ipfs_util_time_parse_RFC3339 (ts, pb->IpnsEntry->validity); if (!err) { return 1; } } return 0; }