// these two for strdup #define _GNU_SOURCE #define __USE_GNU #include #include #include #include #include "ipfs/importer/importer.h" #include "ipfs/merkledag/merkledag.h" #include "libp2p/os/utils.h" #include "ipfs/cmd/cli.h" #include "ipfs/core/ipfs_node.h" #include "ipfs/core/http_request.h" #include "ipfs/repo/fsrepo/fs_repo.h" #include "ipfs/repo/init.h" #include "ipfs/unixfs/unixfs.h" #define MAX_DATA_SIZE 262144 // 1024 * 256; /*** * Imports OS files into the datastore */ /*** * adds a blocksize to the UnixFS structure stored in the data * element of a Node * @param node the node to work with * @param blocksize the blocksize to add * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_importer_add_filesize_to_data_section(struct HashtableNode* node, size_t bytes_read) { // now add to the data section struct UnixFS* data_section = NULL; if (node->data == NULL) { // nothing in data section yet, create new UnixFS ipfs_unixfs_new(&data_section); data_section->data_type = UNIXFS_FILE; } else { ipfs_unixfs_protobuf_decode(node->data, node->data_size, &data_section); } struct UnixFSBlockSizeNode bs; bs.block_size = bytes_read; ipfs_unixfs_add_blocksize(&bs, data_section); data_section->file_size += bytes_read; // put the new data back in the data section size_t protobuf_size = ipfs_unixfs_protobuf_encode_size(data_section); //delay bytes_size entry unsigned char protobuf[protobuf_size]; ipfs_unixfs_protobuf_encode(data_section, protobuf, protobuf_size, &protobuf_size); ipfs_unixfs_free(data_section); ipfs_hashtable_node_set_data(node, protobuf, protobuf_size); return 1; } /** * read the next chunk of bytes, create a node, and add a link to the node in the passed-in node * @param file the file handle * @param node the node to add to * @returns number of bytes read */ size_t ipfs_import_chunk(FILE* file, struct HashtableNode* parent_node, struct FSRepo* fs_repo, size_t* total_size, size_t* bytes_written) { unsigned char buffer[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; size_t bytes_read = fread(buffer, 1, MAX_DATA_SIZE, file); // structs used by this method struct UnixFS* new_unixfs = NULL; struct HashtableNode* new_node = NULL; struct NodeLink* new_link = NULL; // put the file bits into a new UnixFS file if (ipfs_unixfs_new(&new_unixfs) == 0) return 0; new_unixfs->data_type = UNIXFS_FILE; new_unixfs->file_size = bytes_read; if (ipfs_unixfs_add_data(&buffer[0], bytes_read, new_unixfs) == 0) { ipfs_unixfs_free(new_unixfs); return 0; } // protobuf the UnixFS size_t protobuf_size = ipfs_unixfs_protobuf_encode_size(new_unixfs); if (protobuf_size == 0) { ipfs_unixfs_free(new_unixfs); return 0; } unsigned char protobuf[protobuf_size]; *bytes_written = 0; if (ipfs_unixfs_protobuf_encode(new_unixfs, protobuf, protobuf_size, bytes_written) == 0) { ipfs_unixfs_free(new_unixfs); return 0; } // we're done with the UnixFS object ipfs_unixfs_free(new_unixfs); size_t size_of_node = 0; // if there is more to read, create a new node. if (bytes_read == MAX_DATA_SIZE) { // create a new node if (ipfs_hashtable_node_new_from_data(protobuf, *bytes_written, &new_node) == 0) { return 0; } // persist size_t size_of_node = 0; if (ipfs_merkledag_add(new_node, fs_repo, &size_of_node) == 0) { ipfs_hashtable_node_free(new_node); return 0; } // put link in parent node if (ipfs_node_link_create(NULL, new_node->hash, new_node->hash_size, &new_link) == 0) { ipfs_hashtable_node_free(new_node); return 0; } new_link->t_size = size_of_node; *total_size += new_link->t_size; // NOTE: disposal of this link object happens when the parent is disposed if (ipfs_hashtable_node_add_link(parent_node, new_link) == 0) { ipfs_hashtable_node_free(new_node); return 0; } ipfs_importer_add_filesize_to_data_section(parent_node, bytes_read); ipfs_hashtable_node_free(new_node); *bytes_written = size_of_node; size_of_node = 0; } else { // if there are no existing links, put what we pulled from the file into parent_node // otherwise, add it as a link if (parent_node->head_link == NULL) { ipfs_hashtable_node_set_data(parent_node, protobuf, *bytes_written); } else { // there are existing links. put the data in a new node, save it, then put the link in parent_node // create a new node if (ipfs_hashtable_node_new_from_data(protobuf, *bytes_written, &new_node) == 0) { return 0; } // persist if (ipfs_merkledag_add(new_node, fs_repo, &size_of_node) == 0) { ipfs_hashtable_node_free(new_node); return 0; } // put link in parent node if (ipfs_node_link_create(NULL, new_node->hash, new_node->hash_size, &new_link) == 0) { ipfs_hashtable_node_free(new_node); return 0; } new_link->t_size = size_of_node; *total_size += new_link->t_size; // NOTE: disposal of this link object happens when the parent is disposed if (ipfs_hashtable_node_add_link(parent_node, new_link) == 0) { ipfs_hashtable_node_free(new_node); return 0; } ipfs_importer_add_filesize_to_data_section(parent_node, bytes_read); ipfs_hashtable_node_free(new_node); } // persist the main node ipfs_merkledag_add(parent_node, fs_repo, bytes_written); *bytes_written += size_of_node; } // add to parent vs add as link return bytes_read; } /** * Prints to the console the results of a node import * @param node the node imported * @param file_name the name of the file * @returns true(1) if successful, false(0) if couldn't generate the MultiHash to be displayed */ int ipfs_import_print_node_results(const struct HashtableNode* node, const char* file_name) { // give some results to the user //TODO: if directory_entry is itself a directory, traverse and report files int buffer_len = 100; unsigned char buffer[buffer_len]; if (ipfs_cid_hash_to_base58(node->hash, node->hash_size, buffer, buffer_len) == 0) { printf("Unable to generate hash for file %s.\n", file_name); return 0; } printf("added %s %s\n", buffer, file_name); return 1; } /** * Creates a node based on an incoming file or directory * NOTE: this can be called recursively for directories * NOTE: When this function completes, parent_node will be either: * 1) the complete file, in the case of a small file (<256k-ish) * 2) a node with links to the various pieces of a large file * 3) a node with links to files and directories if 'fileName' is a directory * @param root_dir the directory for where to look for the file * @param file_name the file (or directory) to import * @param parent_node the root node (has links to others in case this is a large file and is split) * @param fs_repo the ipfs repository * @param bytes_written number of bytes written to disk * @param recursive true if we should navigate directories * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_import_file(const char* root_dir, const char* fileName, struct HashtableNode** parent_node, struct IpfsNode* local_node, size_t* bytes_written, int recursive) { /** * NOTE: When this function completes, parent_node will be either: * 1) the complete file, in the case of a small file (<256k-ish) * 2) a node with links to the various pieces of a large file * 3) a node with links to files and directories if 'fileName' is a directory */ int retVal = 1; int bytes_read = MAX_DATA_SIZE; size_t total_size = 0; if (os_utils_is_directory(fileName)) { // calculate the new root_dir char* new_root_dir = (char*)root_dir; char* path = NULL; char* file = NULL; os_utils_split_filename(fileName, &path, &file); if (root_dir == NULL) { new_root_dir = file; } else { free(path); path = malloc(strlen(root_dir) + strlen(file) + 2); os_utils_filepath_join(root_dir, file, path, strlen(root_dir) + strlen(file) + 2); new_root_dir = path; } // initialize parent_node as a directory if (ipfs_hashtable_node_create_directory(parent_node) == 0) { if (path != NULL) free(path); if (file != NULL) free(file); return 0; } // get list of files struct FileList* first = os_utils_list_directory(fileName); struct FileList* next = first; if (recursive) { while (next != NULL) { // process each file. NOTE: could be an embedded directory *bytes_written = 0; struct HashtableNode* file_node; // put the filename together from fileName, which is the directory, and next->file_name // which is a file (or a directory) within the directory we just found. size_t filename_len = strlen(fileName) + strlen(next->file_name) + 2; char full_file_name[filename_len]; os_utils_filepath_join(fileName, next->file_name, full_file_name, filename_len); // adjust root directory if (ipfs_import_file(new_root_dir, full_file_name, &file_node, local_node, bytes_written, recursive) == 0) { ipfs_hashtable_node_free(*parent_node); os_utils_free_file_list(first); if (file != NULL) free(file); if (path != NULL) free (path); return 0; } // TODO: probably need to display what was imported int len = strlen(next->file_name) + strlen(new_root_dir) + 2; char full_path[len]; os_utils_filepath_join(new_root_dir, next->file_name, full_path, len); ipfs_import_print_node_results(file_node, full_path); // TODO: Determine what needs to be done if this file_node is a file, a split file, or a directory // Create link from file_node struct NodeLink* file_node_link; ipfs_node_link_create(next->file_name, file_node->hash, file_node->hash_size, &file_node_link); file_node_link->t_size = *bytes_written; // add file_node as link to parent_node ipfs_hashtable_node_add_link(*parent_node, file_node_link); // clean up file_node ipfs_hashtable_node_free(file_node); // move to next file in list next = next->next; } // while going through files } // save the parent_node (the directory) size_t bytes_written; ipfs_merkledag_add(*parent_node, local_node->repo, &bytes_written); if (file != NULL) free(file); if (path != NULL) free (path); os_utils_free_file_list(first); } else { // process this file FILE* file = fopen(fileName, "rb"); if (file == 0) return 0; retVal = ipfs_hashtable_node_new(parent_node); if (retVal == 0) { return 0; } // add all nodes (will be called multiple times for large files) while ( bytes_read == MAX_DATA_SIZE) { size_t written = 0; bytes_read = ipfs_import_chunk(file, *parent_node, local_node->repo, &total_size, &written); *bytes_written += written; } fclose(file); } // notify the network struct HashtableNode *htn = *parent_node; local_node->routing->Provide(local_node->routing, htn->hash, htn->hash_size); // notify the network of the subnodes too struct NodeLink *nl = htn->head_link; while (nl != NULL) { local_node->routing->Provide(local_node->routing, nl->hash, nl->hash_size); nl = nl->next; } return 1; } /** * Pulls list of files from command line parameters * @param argc number of command line parameters * @param argv command line parameters * @returns a FileList linked list of filenames */ struct FileList* ipfs_import_get_filelist(struct CliArguments* args) { struct FileList* first = NULL; struct FileList* last = NULL; for (int i = args->verb_index + 1; i < args->argc; i++) { if (strcmp(args->argv[i], "add") == 0) { continue; } struct FileList* current = (struct FileList*)malloc(sizeof(struct FileList)); current->next = NULL; current->file_name = args->argv[i]; // now wire it in if (first == NULL) { first = current; } if (last != NULL) { last->next = current; } // now set last to current last = current; } return first; } /** * See if the recursive flag was passed on the command line * @param argc number of command line parameters * @param argv command line parameters * @returns true(1) if -r was passed, false(0) otherwise */ int ipfs_import_is_recursive(int argc, char** argv) { for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0) return 1; } return 0; } /** * called from the command line to import multiple files or directories * @param argc the number of arguments * @param argv the arguments */ int ipfs_import_files(struct CliArguments* args) { /* * Param 0: ipfs * param 1: add * param 2: -r (optional) * param 3: directoryname */ struct IpfsNode* local_node = NULL; char* repo_path = NULL; int retVal = 0; struct FileList* first = NULL; struct FileList* current = NULL; char* path = NULL; char* filename = NULL; struct HashtableNode* directory_entry = NULL; int recursive = ipfs_import_is_recursive(args->argc, args->argv); // parse the command line first = ipfs_import_get_filelist(args); // open the repo if (!ipfs_repo_get_directory(args->argc, args->argv, &repo_path)) { fprintf(stderr, "Repo does not exist: %s\n", repo_path); goto exit; } ipfs_node_offline_new(repo_path, &local_node); /** disabling for the time being if (local_node->mode == MODE_API_AVAILABLE) { // do this through the API struct HttpRequest* request = ipfs_core_http_request_new(); request->command = "add"; struct HttpParam* recursive_param = ipfs_core_http_param_new(); recursive_param->name = strdup("recursive"); recursive_param->value = strdup((recursive ? "true" : "false")); libp2p_utils_vector_add(request->params, recursive_param); current = first; while (current != NULL) { libp2p_utils_vector_add(request->arguments, current->file_name); current = current->next; } uint8_t* result = NULL; size_t result_size = 0; if (!ipfs_core_http_request_post(local_node, request, &result, &result_size, data, data_size)) { } } else { */ // No daemon is running. Do this without using the API // import the file(s) current = first; while (current != NULL) { if (current->file_name[0] != '-') { // not a switch os_utils_split_filename(current->file_name, &path, &filename); size_t bytes_written = 0; if (!ipfs_import_file(NULL, current->file_name, &directory_entry, local_node, &bytes_written, recursive)) goto exit; ipfs_import_print_node_results(directory_entry, filename); // cleanup if (path != NULL) { free(path); path = NULL; } if (filename != NULL) { free(filename); filename = NULL; } if (directory_entry != NULL) { ipfs_hashtable_node_free(directory_entry); directory_entry = NULL; } } current = current->next; } // } uncomment this line when the api is up and running with file transfer retVal = 1; exit: if (local_node != NULL) ipfs_node_free(local_node); // free file list current = first; while (current != NULL) { first = current->next; free(current); current = first; } if (path != NULL) free(path); if (filename != NULL) free(filename); if (directory_entry != NULL) ipfs_hashtable_node_free(directory_entry); //if (repo_path != NULL) // free(repo_path); return retVal; }