// // fs_repo.c // c-ipfs // // Created by John Jones on 10/27/16. // Copyright © 2016 JMJAtlanta. All rights reserved. // #include "fs_repo.h" #include "ipfs/os/utils.h" /** * private methods */ /** * writes the config file * @param full_filename the full filename of the config file in the OS * @param config the details to put into the file * @returns true(1) on success, else false(0) */ int repo_config_write_config_file(char* full_filename, struct RepoConfig* config) { FILE* out_file = fopen(full_filename, "w"); if (out_file == NULL) return 0; fprintf(out_file, "{\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"Identity\": {\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"PeerID\": \"%s\",\n", config->identity.peer_id); // TODO: print correct format of private key //fprintf(out_file, " \"PrivKey\": \"%s\"\n", config->identity.private_key.base64); fprintf(out_file, " },\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"Datastore\": {\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"Type\": \"%s\",\n", config->datastore.type); fprintf(out_file, " \"Path\": \"%s\",\n", config->datastore.path); fprintf(out_file, " \"StorageMax\": \"%s\",\n", config->datastore.storage_max); fprintf(out_file, " \"StorageGCWatermark\": %d,\n", config->datastore.storage_gc_watermark); fprintf(out_file, " \"GCPeriod\": \"%s\",\n", config->datastore.gc_period); fprintf(out_file, " \"Params\": null,\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"NoSync\": %s,\n", config->datastore.no_sync ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(out_file, " \"HashOnRead\": %s,\n", config->datastore.hash_on_read ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(out_file, " \"BloomFilterSize\": %d\n", config->datastore.bloom_filter_size); fprintf(out_file, " },\n \"Addresses\": {\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"Swarm\": [\n"); for(int i = 0; i < config->addresses.swarm.num_addresses; i++) { fprintf(out_file, " \"%s\"", config->addresses.swarm.addresses[i]); if (i != (config->addresses.swarm.num_addresses - 1)) fprintf(out_file, ",\n"); else fprintf(out_file, "\n"); } fprintf(out_file, " ],\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"API\": \"%s\",\n", config->addresses.api); fprintf(out_file, " \"Gateway\": \"%s\"\n", config->addresses.gateway); fprintf(out_file, " }\n \"Mounts\": {\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"IPFS\": \"%s\",\n", config->mounts.ipfs); fprintf(out_file, " \"IPNS\": \"%s\",\n", config->mounts.ipns); fprintf(out_file, " \"FuseAllowOther\": %s\n", "false"); fprintf(out_file, " },\n \"Discovery\": {\n \"MDNS\": {\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"Enabled\": %s,\n", config->discovery.mdns.enabled ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(out_file, " \"Interval\": %d\n }\n },\n", config->discovery.mdns.interval); fprintf(out_file, " \"Ipns\": {\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"RepublishedPeriod\": \"\",\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"RecordLifetime\": \"\",\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"ResolveCacheSize\": %d\n", config->ipns.resolve_cache_size); fprintf(out_file, " },\n \"Bootstrap\": [\n"); for(int i = 0; i < config->peer_addresses.num_peers; i++) { fprintf(out_file, " \"%s\"", config->peer_addresses.peers[i]->entire_string); if (i < config->peer_addresses.num_peers - 1) fprintf(out_file, ",\n"); else fprintf(out_file, "\n"); } fprintf(out_file, " ],\n \"Tour\": {\n \"Last\": \"\"\n },\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"Gateway\": {\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"HTTPHeaders\": {\n"); for (int i = 0; i < config->gateway.http_headers.num_elements; i++) { fprintf(out_file, " \"%s\": [\n \"%s\"\n ]", config->gateway.http_headers.headers[i]->header, config->gateway.http_headers.headers[i]->value); if (i < config->gateway.http_headers.num_elements - 1) fprintf(out_file, ",\n"); else fprintf(out_file, "\n"); } fprintf(out_file, " \"RootRedirect\": \"%s\"\n", config->gateway.root_redirect); fprintf(out_file, " \"Writable\": %s\n", config->gateway.writable ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(out_file, " \"PathPrefixes\": []\n"); fprintf(out_file, " },\n \"SupernodeRouting\": {\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"Servers\": null\n },"); fprintf(out_file, " \"API\": {\n \"HTTPHeaders\": null\n },\n"); fprintf(out_file, " \"Swarm\": {\n \"AddrFilters\": null\n }\n}"); fclose(out_file); return 1; } /** * constructs the FSRepo struct. Basically fills in the FSRepo.path * Remember: the path must be freed * @param repo_path the path to the repo * @param repo the struct to fill in * @returns false(0) if something bad happened, otherwise true(1) */ int repo_new_fs_repo(char* repo_path, struct FSRepo* repo) { // get the user's home directory char* home_dir = os_utils_get_homedir(); unsigned long newPathLen = strlen(home_dir) + strlen(repo_path) + 2; // 1 for slash and 1 for end char* newPath = malloc(sizeof(char) * newPathLen); os_utils_filepath_join(os_utils_get_homedir(), repo_path, newPath, newPathLen); repo->path = newPath; return 1; } /** * checks to see if the repo is initialized at the given path * @param full_path the path to the repo * @returns true(1) if the config file is there, false(0) otherwise */ int repo_config_is_initialized(char* full_path) { char* config_file_full_path; int retVal = repo_config_get_file_name(full_path, &config_file_full_path); if (!retVal) return 0; if (os_utils_file_exists(config_file_full_path)) retVal = 1; else retVal = 0; free(config_file_full_path); return retVal; } /*** * Check to see if the repo is initialized * @param full_path the path to the repo * @returns true(1) if it is initialized, false(0) otherwise. */ int fs_repo_is_initialized_unsynced(char* full_path) { return repo_config_is_initialized(full_path); } /** * checks to see if the repo is initialized * @param full_path the full path to the repo * @returns true(1) if it is initialized, otherwise false(0) */ int repo_check_initialized(char* full_path) { // note the old version of this reported an error if the repo was a .go-ipfs repo (by looking at the path) // this version skips that step return fs_repo_is_initialized_unsynced(full_path); } /*** * opens the datastore and puts it in the FSRepo struct * @param repo the FSRepo struct * @returns 0 on failure, otherwise 1 */ int fs_repo_open_config(struct FSRepo* repo) { //TODO: open config file //TODO: read into the FSRepo struct return 0; } /*** * opens the repo's datastore, and puts a reference to it in the FSRepo struct * @param repo the FSRepo struct * @returns 0 on failure, otherwise 1 */ int fs_repo_open_datastore(struct FSRepo* repo) { return 0; } /** * public methods */ /** * opens a fsrepo * @param repo_path the path to the repo * @param repo where to store the repo info * @return 0 if there was a problem, otherwise 1 */ int fs_repo_open(char* repo_path, struct FSRepo* repo) { //TODO: lock // get the path set in the repo struct int retVal = repo_new_fs_repo(repo_path, repo); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // check if initialized if (!repo_check_initialized(repo->path)) return 0; //TODO: lock the file (remember to unlock) //TODO: check the version, and make sure it is correct //TODO: make sure the directory is writable //TODO: open the config fs_repo_open_config(repo); //TODO: open the datastore. Note: the config file has the datastore type fs_repo_open_datastore(repo); return 0; } /*** * checks to see if the repo is initialized * @param repo_path the path to the repo * @returns true(1) if it is initialized, otherwise false(0) */ int fs_repo_is_initialized(char* repo_path) { //TODO: lock things up so that someone doesn't try an init or remove while this call is in progress // don't forget to unlock return fs_repo_is_initialized_unsynced(repo_path); } int fs_repo_init(char* path, struct RepoConfig* config) { // TODO: Do a lock so 2 don't do this at the same time // return error if this has already been done if (fs_repo_is_initialized_unsynced(path)) return 0; int retVal = fs_repo_write_config_file(path, config); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // TODO: Implement this method retVal = fs_repo_defaultds_init(path, config); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // write the version to a file for migrations (see repo/fsrepo/migrations/mfsr.go) //TODO: mfsr.RepoPath(repo_path).WriteVersion(RepoVersion) return 1; } /** * write the config file to disk * @param path the path to the file * @param config the config structure * @returns true(1) on success */ int fs_repo_write_config_file(char* path, struct RepoConfig* config) { if (fs_repo_is_initialized(path)) return 0; char* buff = NULL; if (!repo_config_get_file_name(path, &buff)) return 0; int retVal = repo_config_write_config_file(buff, config); free(buff); return retVal; }