#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libp2p/net/p2pnet.h" #include "libp2p/record/message.h" #include "libp2p/net/multistream.h" #include "ipfs/core/daemon.h" #include "ipfs/routing/routing.h" #include "ipfs/core/ipfs_node.h" #define BUF_SIZE 4096 /** * We've received a connection. Find out what they want */ void *ipfs_null_connection (void *ptr) { struct null_connection_params *connection_param = NULL; struct s_ipfs_routing* routing = NULL; struct Stream* stream = NULL; connection_param = (struct null_connection_params*) ptr; // TODO: multistream + secio + message. // TODO: when should we exit the for loop and disconnect? stream = libp2p_net_multistream_stream_new(connection_param->socket); fprintf(stderr, "Connection %d, count %d\n", connection_param->socket, *(connection_param->count)); if (libp2p_net_multistream_negotiate(stream)) { routing = ipfs_routing_new_online(connection_param->local_node->repo, &connection_param->local_node->identity->private_key, stream); for(;;) { struct Libp2pMessage* msg = libp2p_net_multistream_get_message(stream); if (msg != NULL) { switch(msg->message_type) { case (MESSAGE_TYPE_PING): routing->Ping(routing, msg); break; case (MESSAGE_TYPE_GET_VALUE): routing->GetValue(routing, msg->key, msg->key_size, NULL, NULL); break; default: break; } } else { break; } } } /* len = socket_read(connection_param->socket, b, sizeof(b)-1, 0); if (len > 0) { while (b[len-1] == '\r' || b[len-1] == '\n') len--; b[len] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "Recv: '%s'\n", b); if (strcmp (b, "ping") == 0) { socket_write(connection_param->socket, "pong", 4, 0); } } else if(len < 0) { break; } */ if (stream != NULL) { stream->close(stream); } (*(connection_param->count))--; // update counter. free (connection_param); return (void*) 1; } void *ipfs_null_listen (void *ptr) { int socketfd, s, count = 0; pthread_t pth_connection; struct IpfsNodeListenParams *listen_param; struct null_connection_params *connection_param; listen_param = (struct IpfsNodeListenParams*) ptr; if ((socketfd = socket_listen(socket_tcp4(), &(listen_param->ipv4), &(listen_param->port))) <= 0) { perror("fail to init null router."); exit (1); } fprintf(stderr, "Null listening on %d\n", listen_param->port); for (;;) { s = socket_accept4(socketfd, &(listen_param->ipv4), &(listen_param->port)); if (count >= CONNECTIONS) { // limit reached. close (s); continue; } count++; connection_param = malloc (sizeof (struct null_connection_params)); if (connection_param) { connection_param->socket = s; connection_param->count = &count; connection_param->local_node = listen_param->local_node; // Create pthread for ipfs_null_connection. if (pthread_create(&pth_connection, NULL, ipfs_null_connection, connection_param)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating thread for connection %d\n", count); close (s); } else { pthread_detach (pth_connection); } } } return (void*) 2; }