/** * Methods for lightweight/specific HTTP for API communication. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #define __USE_GNU #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libp2p/net/p2pnet.h" #include "libp2p/utils/logger.h" #include "ipfs/core/api.h" #include "ipfs/importer/exporter.h" pthread_mutex_t conns_lock; int conns_count; pthread_t listen_thread = 0; struct s_list api_list; /** * Write two strings on one write. * @param fd file descriptor to write. * @param str1 first string to write. * @param str2 second string to write. */ size_t write_dual(int fd, char *str1, char *str2) { struct iovec iov[2]; iov[0].iov_base = str1; iov[0].iov_len = strlen(str1); iov[1].iov_base = str2; iov[1].iov_len = strlen(str2); return writev(fd, iov, 2); } int find_chunk(char *buf, const size_t buf_size, size_t *pos, size_t *size) { char *p = NULL; *size = strtol(buf, &p, 16); if (!p || p < buf || p > (buf + 10)) { return 0; } *pos = (int)(p - buf); if (p[0] == '\r' && p[1] == '\n') { *pos += 2; return 1; } return 0; } int read_chunked(int fd, struct s_request *req, char *already, size_t already_size) { char buf[MAX_READ], *p; size_t pos, nsize, buf_size = 0, r; if (already_size > 0) { if (already_size <= sizeof(buf)) { memcpy(buf, already, already_size); buf_size += already_size; already_size = 0; } else { memcpy(buf, already, sizeof(buf)); already += sizeof(buf); buf_size += sizeof(buf); already_size -= sizeof(buf); } } while(buf_size) { if (!find_chunk(buf, buf_size, &pos, &nsize)) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "fail find_chunk.\n"); libp2p_logger_error("api", "nsize = %d.\n", nsize); return 0; } if (nsize == 0) { break; } p = realloc(req->buf, req->size + nsize); if (!p) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "fail realloc.\n"); return 0; } req->buf = p; req->size += nsize; CPCHUNK: r = nsize; buf_size -= pos; if (r > buf_size) { r = buf_size; } memcpy(req->buf + req->body + req->body_size, buf + pos, r); req->body_size += r; nsize -= r; buf_size -= r; if (buf_size > 0) { memmove(buf, buf + pos + r, buf_size); } pos = 0; if (already_size > 0) { r = sizeof(buf) - buf_size; if (already_size <= r) { memcpy(buf, already, already_size); buf_size += already_size; already_size = 0; } else { memcpy(buf, already, r); already += r; buf_size += r; already_size -= r; } } if (socket_read_select4(fd, 5) > 0) { r = sizeof(buf) - buf_size; r = read(fd, buf+buf_size, r); buf_size += r; if (r == 0 && nsize == 0) { break; } if (r <= 0) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "read fail.\n"); return 0; } } if (nsize > 0) goto CPCHUNK; // still have data to transfer on current chunk. if (memcmp (buf, "\r\n", 2)!=0) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "fail CRLF.\n"); return 0; } } return 1; } int read_all(int fd, struct s_request *req, char *already, size_t alread_size) { char buf[MAX_READ], *p; size_t size = 0; if (alread_size > 0) { p = realloc(req->buf, req->size + alread_size); if (!p) { return 0; } req->buf = p; req->size += alread_size; memcpy(req->buf + req->body + req->body_size, already, alread_size); req->body_size += alread_size; } for(;;) { if (socket_read_select4(fd, 5) <= 0) { break; } size = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf); if (size <= 0) { break; } p = realloc(req->buf, req->size + size); if (!p) { return 0; } req->buf = p; req->size += size; memcpy(req->buf + req->body + req->body_size, buf, size); req->body_size += size; } return 1; } /** * Find a token in a string array. * @param string array and token string. * @returns the pointer after where the token was found or NULL if it fails. */ char *str_tok(char *str, char *tok) { char *p = strstr(str, tok); if (p) { p += strlen(tok); while(*p == ' ') p++; } return p; } /** * Find a token in a binary array. * @param array, size of array, token and size of token. * @returns the pointer after where the token was found or NULL if it fails. */ char *bin_tok(char *bin, size_t limit, char *tok, size_t tok_size) { char *p = memmem(bin, limit, tok, tok_size); if (p) { p += tok_size; } return p; } /** * Check if header contain a especific value. * @param request structure, header name and value to check. * @returns the pointer where the value was found or NULL if it fails. */ char *header_value_cmp(struct s_request *req, char *header, char *value) { char *p = str_tok(req->buf + req->header, header); if (p) { if (strstart(p, value)) { return p; } } return NULL; } /** * Lookup for boundary at buffer string. * @param body buffer string, boundary id, filename and content-type string. * @returns the pointer where the multipart start. */ char *boundary_find(char *str, char *boundary, char **filename, char **contenttype) { char *p = str_tok(str, "--"); while (p) { if (strstart(p, boundary)) { // skip to the beginning, ignoring the header for now, if there is. // TODO: return filename and content-type p = strstr(p, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p) { return p + 4; // ignore 4 bytes CRLF 2x } break; } p = str_tok(str, "--"); } return NULL; } /** * Return the size of boundary. * @param boundary buffer, boundary id. * @returns the size of boundary or 0 if fails. */ size_t boundary_size(char *str, char *boundary, size_t limit) { char *p = bin_tok(str, limit, "\r\n--", 4); while (p) { if (strstart(p, boundary)) { if (cstrstart(p + strlen(boundary), "--\r\n")) { p -= 4; return (size_t)(p - str); } } p = bin_tok(p, limit, "\r\n--", 4); } return 0; } /** * function to find and read the object. * @param path is the ipfs address, obj is a pointer to be allocated and will be the return of the data, size is a pointer to return the data length. * @returns 1 when success is 0 when failure. */ int get_object(struct IpfsNode* local_node, char *path, unsigned char **obj, size_t *size) { FILE* memstream_file = NULL; char* memstream_char = NULL; size_t memstream_size = 0; struct Cid* cid = NULL; // convert hash to cid if ( ipfs_cid_decode_hash_from_base58((unsigned char*)path, strlen(path), &cid) == 0) { return 0; } // find block struct HashtableNode* read_node = NULL; if (!ipfs_exporter_get_node(local_node, cid->hash, cid->hash_length, &read_node)) { ipfs_cid_free(cid); return 0; } // open a memory stream memstream_file = open_memstream(&memstream_char, &memstream_size); if (memstream_file == NULL) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "get_object: Unable to open a memory stream.\n"); ipfs_cid_free(cid); return 0; } // throw everything (including links) into the memory stream ifps_exporter_cat_node(read_node, local_node, memstream_file); fclose(memstream_file); // no longer need these ipfs_cid_free(cid); libp2p_hashtable_node_free(read_node); *size = memstream_size; *obj = memstream_char; return 1; } /** * send object data as an http response. * @param socket, object pointer and size. * @returns 1 when success is 0 when failure. */ int send_object(int socket, unsigned char *obj, size_t size) { // TODO: implement. return 0; // fail. } struct ApiConnectionParam { int index; struct IpfsNode* this_node; }; /** * Pthread to take care of each client connection. * @param ptr an ApiConnectionParam * @returns nothing */ void *api_connection_thread (void *ptr) { int timeout, s, r; struct ApiConnectionParam* params = (struct ApiConnectionParam*)ptr; char resp[MAX_READ+1], buf[MAX_READ+1], *p, *body; char client[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct s_request req; int (*read_func)(int, struct s_request*, char*, size_t) = read_all; req.buf = NULL; // sanity. buf[MAX_READ] = '\0'; s = api_list.conns[params->index]->socket; timeout = api_list.timeout; if (socket_read_select4(s, timeout) <= 0) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "Client connection timeout.\n"); goto quit; } r = read(s, buf, sizeof buf); if (r <= 0) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "Read from client fail.\n"); goto quit; } buf[r] = '\0'; p = strstr(buf, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p) { body = p + 4; req.size = p - buf + 1; req.buf = malloc(req.size); if (!req.buf) { // memory allocation fail. libp2p_logger_error("api", "malloc fail.\n"); write_cstr (s, HTTP_500); goto quit; } memcpy(req.buf, buf, req.size - 1); req.buf[req.size-1] = '\0'; req.method = 0; p = strchr(req.buf + req.method, ' '); if (!p) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "fail looking for space on method '%s'.\n", req.buf + req.method); write_cstr (s, HTTP_400); goto quit; } *p++ = '\0'; // End of method. req.path = p - req.buf; p = strchr(p, ' '); if (!p) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "fail looking for space on path '%s'.\n", req.buf + req.path); write_cstr (s, HTTP_400); goto quit; } *p++ = '\0'; // End of path. req.http_ver = p - req.buf; p = strchr(req.buf + req.http_ver, '\r'); if (!p) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "fail looking for CR on http_ver '%s'.\n", req.buf + req.http_ver); write_cstr (s, HTTP_400); goto quit; } *p++ = '\0'; // End of http version. while (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') p++; req.header = p - req.buf; req.body = req.size; req.body_size = 0; if (header_value_cmp(&req, "Transfer-Encoding:", "chunked")) { read_func = read_chunked; } if (!read_func(s, &req, body, r - (body - buf))) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "fail read_func.\n"); write_cstr (s, HTTP_500); goto quit; } if (strcmp(buf + req.method, "GET")==0) { char *path; unsigned char *obj; size_t size; if (strcmp (req.buf + req.path, "/")==0 || strcmp (req.buf + req.path, "/webui") || strcmp (req.buf + req.path, "/webui/")==0) { path = "/ipfs/QmPhnvn747LqwPYMJmQVorMaGbMSgA7mRRoyyZYz3DoZRQ/"; // WEBUI PAGE } else { path = req.buf + req.path; } if (get_object(params->this_node, path, &obj, &size)) { if (!send_object(s, obj, size)) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "fail send_object.\n"); } free(obj); } else { // object not found. write_dual (s, req.buf + req.http_ver, strchr (HTTP_404, ' ')); } } else if (strcmp(buf + req.method, "POST")==0) { // TODO: Handle gzip/json POST requests. p = header_value_cmp(&req, "Content-Type:", "multipart/form-data;"); if (p) { p = str_tok(p, "boundary="); if (p) { char *boundary, *l; int len; if (*p == '"') { p++; l = strchr(p, '"'); } else { l = p; while (*l != '\r' && *l != '\0') l++; } len = l - p; boundary = malloc (len+1); if (boundary) { memcpy(boundary, p, len); boundary[len] = '\0'; p = boundary_find(req.buf + req.body, boundary, NULL, NULL); if (p) { req.boundary_size = boundary_size(p, boundary, req.size - (p - buf)); if (req.boundary_size > 0) { req.boundary = p - req.buf; } } free (boundary); } } } // TODO: Parse the path var and decide what to do with the received data. if (req.boundary > 0) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "boundary index = %d, size = %d\n", req.boundary, req.boundary_size); } libp2p_logger_error("api", "method = '%s'\n" "path = '%s'\n" "http_ver = '%s'\n" "header {\n%s\n}\n" "body_size = %d\n", req.buf+req.method, req.buf+req.path, req.buf+req.http_ver, req.buf+req.header, req.body_size); snprintf(resp, sizeof(resp), "%s 200 OK\r\n" \ "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" "Server: c-ipfs/0.0.0-dev\r\n" "X-Chunked-Output: 1\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n", req.buf + req.http_ver); write_str (s, resp); libp2p_logger_error("api", "resp = {\n%s\n}\n", resp); } else { // Unexpected??? libp2p_logger_error("api", "fail unexpected '%s'.\n", req.buf + req.method); write_cstr (s, HTTP_500); } } else { libp2p_logger_error("api", "fail looking for body.\n"); write_cstr (s, HTTP_400); } quit: if (req.buf) free(req.buf); if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(api_list.conns[params->index]->ipv4), client, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) == NULL) strcpy(client, "UNKNOW"); libp2p_logger_error("api", "Closing client connection %s:%d (%d).\n", client, api_list.conns[params->index]->port, params->index+1); pthread_mutex_lock(&conns_lock); close(s); free (api_list.conns[params->index]); api_list.conns[params->index] = NULL; conns_count--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&conns_lock); free(params); return NULL; } /** * Close all connections stopping respectives pthreads and free allocated memory. */ void api_connections_cleanup (void) { int i; pthread_mutex_lock(&conns_lock); if (conns_count > 0 && api_list.conns) { for (i = 0 ; i < api_list.max_conns ; i++) { if (api_list.conns[i]->pthread) { pthread_cancel (api_list.conns[i]->pthread); close (api_list.conns[i]->socket); free (api_list.conns[i]); api_list.conns[i] = NULL; } } conns_count = 0; } if (api_list.conns) { free (api_list.conns); api_list.conns = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&conns_lock); } /** * Pthread to keep in background dealing with client connections. * @param ptr is not used. * @returns nothing */ void *api_listen_thread (void *ptr) { int s; INT_TYPE i; uint32_t ipv4; uint16_t port; char client[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct IpfsNode* local_node = (struct IpfsNode*)ptr; conns_count = 0; for (;;) { s = socket_accept4(api_list.socket, &ipv4, &port); if (s <= 0) { break; } if (conns_count >= api_list.max_conns) { // limit reached. libp2p_logger_error("api", "Limit of connections reached (%d).\n", api_list.max_conns); close (s); continue; } pthread_mutex_lock(&conns_lock); for (i = 0 ; i < api_list.max_conns && api_list.conns[i] ; i++); api_list.conns[i] = malloc (sizeof (struct s_conns)); if (!api_list.conns[i]) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "Fail to allocate memory to accept connection.\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&conns_lock); close (s); continue; } if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ipv4, client, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) == NULL) strcpy(client, "UNKNOW"); api_list.conns[i]->socket = s; api_list.conns[i]->ipv4 = ipv4; api_list.conns[i]->port = port; // create a struct, which the thread is responsible to destroy struct ApiConnectionParam* connection_param = (struct ApiConnectionParam*) malloc(sizeof(struct ApiConnectionParam)); if (connection_param == NULL) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "api_listen_thread: Unable to allocate memory.\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&conns_lock); close (s); continue; } connection_param->index = i; connection_param->this_node = local_node; if (pthread_create(&(api_list.conns[i]->pthread), NULL, api_connection_thread, (void*)connection_param)) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "Create pthread fail.\n"); free (api_list.conns[i]); api_list.conns[i] = NULL; conns_count--; close(s); } else { conns_count++; } libp2p_logger_error("api", "Accept connection %s:%d (%d/%d), pthread %d.\n", client, port, conns_count, api_list.max_conns, i+1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&conns_lock); } api_connections_cleanup (); return NULL; } /** * Start API interface daemon. * @param local_node the context * @param max_conns. * @param timeout time out of client connection. * @returns 0 when failure or 1 if success. */ int api_start (struct IpfsNode* local_node, int max_conns, int timeout) { int s; size_t alloc_size = sizeof(void*) * max_conns; struct MultiAddress* my_address = multiaddress_new_from_string(local_node->repo->config->addresses->api); char* ip = NULL; multiaddress_get_ip_address(my_address, &ip); int port = multiaddress_get_ip_port(my_address); api_list.ipv4 = hostname_to_ip(ip); // api is listening only on loopback. api_list.port = port; if (listen_thread != 0) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "API already running.\n"); return 0; } if ((s = socket_listen(socket_tcp4(), &(api_list.ipv4), &(api_list.port))) <= 0) { libp2p_logger_error("api", "Failed to init API. port: %d\n", port); return 0; } api_list.socket = s; api_list.max_conns = max_conns; api_list.timeout = timeout; api_list.conns = malloc (alloc_size); if (!api_list.conns) { close (s); libp2p_logger_error("api", "Error allocating memory.\n"); return 0; } memset(api_list.conns, 0, alloc_size); if (pthread_create(&listen_thread, NULL, api_listen_thread, (void*)local_node)) { close (s); free (api_list.conns); api_list.conns = NULL; listen_thread = 0; libp2p_logger_error("api", "Error creating thread for API.\n"); return 0; } return 1; } /** * Stop API. * @returns 0 when failure or 1 if success. */ int api_stop (void) { if (!listen_thread) return 0; pthread_cancel(listen_thread); api_connections_cleanup (); listen_thread = 0; return 1; }