#include "libp2p/crypto/encoding/base32.h" #include "ipfs/datastore/ds_helper.h" #include "ipfs/blocks/block.h" #include "ipfs/repo/config/config.h" #include "ipfs/repo/fsrepo/fs_repo.h" #include #include int remove_directory(const char *path) { DIR *d = opendir(path); size_t path_len = strlen(path); int r = -1; if (d) { struct dirent *p; r = 0; while (!r && (p=readdir(d))) { int r2 = -1; char *buf; size_t len; /* Skip the names "." and ".." as we don't want to recurse on them. */ if (!strcmp(p->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(p->d_name, "..")) { continue; } len = path_len + strlen(p->d_name) + 2; buf = malloc(len); if (buf) { struct stat statbuf; snprintf(buf, len, "%s/%s", path, p->d_name); if (!stat(buf, &statbuf)) { if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { r2 = remove_directory(buf); } else { r2 = unlink(buf); } } free(buf); } r = r2; } closedir(d); } if (!r) { r = rmdir(path); } return r; } int make_ipfs_repository(struct FSRepo* fs_repo) { int retVal; struct RepoConfig* repo_config; unlink("/tmp/.ipfs/config"); remove_directory("/tmp/.ipfs/datastore"); remove_directory("/tmp/.ipfs/blockstore"); // build a default repo config retVal = ipfs_repo_config_new(&repo_config); if (retVal == 0) return 0; retVal = ipfs_repo_config_init(repo_config, 2048, "/tmp/.ipfs"); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // now the fs_repo retVal = ipfs_repo_fsrepo_new("/tmp/.ipfs", repo_config, &fs_repo); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // this builds a new repo retVal = ipfs_repo_fsrepo_init(fs_repo); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // clean up ipfs_repo_fsrepo_free(fs_repo); // this is cleaned up by fsrepo_free //ipfs_repo_config_free(repo_config); // make sure the repository exists retVal = os_utils_file_exists("/tmp/.ipfs/config"); return retVal; } /** * create a repository and put a record in the datastore and a block in the blockstore */ int test_ipfs_datastore_put() { struct Block* block; int retVal; const unsigned char* input = "Hello, world!"; // build the ipfs repository, then shut it down, so we can start fresh struct FSRepo* fs_repo; retVal = make_ipfs_repository(fs_repo); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // build the block retVal = ipfs_blocks_block_new(input, strlen((char*)input), &block); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // generate the key size_t key_length = libp2p_crypto_encoding_base32_encode_size(block->data_length); unsigned char key[key_length]; retVal = ipfs_datastore_helper_ds_key_from_binary(block->data, block->data_length, &key[0], key_length, &key_length); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // open the repository retVal = ipfs_repo_fsrepo_new("/tmp/.ipfs", NULL, &fs_repo); if (retVal == 0) return 0; retVal = ipfs_repo_fsrepo_open(fs_repo); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // send to Put with key retVal = fs_repo->config->datastore->datastore_put(key, key_length, block->data, block->data_length, fs_repo->config->datastore); if (retVal == 0) return 0; // save the block // check the results // clean up ipfs_repo_fsrepo_free(fs_repo); ipfs_blocks_block_free(block); return 1; }