#ifndef test_repo_config_h #define test_repo_config_h #include #include "ipfs/repo/config/config.h" #include "ipfs/repo/fsrepo/fs_repo.h" #include "libp2p/os/utils.h" int test_repo_config_new() { struct RepoConfig* repoConfig; int retVal = ipfs_repo_config_new(&repoConfig); if (retVal == 0) return 0; retVal = ipfs_repo_config_free(repoConfig); if (retVal == 0) return 0; return 1; } int test_repo_config_init() { int retVal = 0; struct RepoConfig* repoConfig = NULL; char* config_dir = "/tmp/.ipfs"; char* peer_id = NULL; if (!drop_repository(config_dir)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to delete repository\n"); goto exit; } if (!ipfs_repo_config_new(&repoConfig)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize repo structure\n"); goto exit; } if (!ipfs_repo_config_init(repoConfig, 2048, config_dir, 4001, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to initialize new repo\n"); goto exit; } // now tear it apart to check for anything broken // addresses if (repoConfig->addresses == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Addresses is null\n"); goto exit; } /* API not implemented yet if (repoConfig->addresses->api == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Addresses->API is null\n"); goto exit; } if (strncmp(repoConfig->addresses->api, "/ip4/", 23) != 0) goto exit; */ /* Gateway not implemented yete if (repoConfig->addresses->gateway == NULL) goto exit; if (strncmp(repoConfig->addresses->gateway, "/ip4/", 23) != 0) goto exit; */ /* No swarms added yet if (repoConfig->addresses->swarm_head == NULL || repoConfig->addresses->swarm_head->next == NULL || repoConfig->addresses->swarm_head->next->next != NULL) { goto exit; } if (strcmp((char*)repoConfig->addresses->swarm_head->item, "/ip4/") != 0) goto exit; if (strcmp((char*)repoConfig->addresses->swarm_head->next->item, "/ip6/::/tcp/4001") != 0) goto exit; */ // datastore if (strncmp(repoConfig->datastore->path, "/tmp/.ipfs/datastore", 32) != 0) goto exit; retVal = 1; exit: if (repoConfig != NULL) ipfs_repo_config_free(repoConfig); if (peer_id != NULL) free(peer_id); return retVal; } /*** * test the writing of the config file */ int test_repo_config_write() { // make sure the directory is there if (!os_utils_file_exists("/tmp/.ipfs")) { mkdir("/tmp/.ipfs", S_IRWXU); } // first delete the existing one unlink("/tmp/.ipfs/config"); // now build a new one struct RepoConfig* repoConfig; ipfs_repo_config_new(&repoConfig); if (!ipfs_repo_config_init(repoConfig, 2048, "/tmp/.ipfs", 4001, NULL)) { ipfs_repo_config_free(repoConfig); return 0; } if (!fs_repo_write_config_file("/tmp/.ipfs", repoConfig)) { ipfs_repo_config_free(repoConfig); return 0; } ipfs_repo_config_free(repoConfig); // check to see if the file exists return os_utils_file_exists("/tmp/.ipfs/config"); } #endif /* test_repo_config_h */